The Inspector Sketch

Heh heh... "chews on his shoe thoughtfully."

[ Cut to police office. Police Commissioner and a policeman are sitting down, shuffling through papers and looking concerned. ]

Hmm, this is quite a case. I'm not sure I can handle this alone.

Sir, why not send for Inspector Headcase?

Good idea! I'll fetch him.

[ Commissioner walks out the door, while the cop looks around nervously. dramatic music plays in the background. After a bit of this, the camera pans to the cops face, now drenched in sweat. the music swells. Suddenly, a loud crash is heard. ]

Headcase (falling through window): Uh! Who put that there?

[ Headcase starts looking at the window, obviously frightened. ]

Commish (coming through door): Headcase, we have something for you to investigate.

[ Headcase is hiding under the commish's desk. ]

Aha! I've found the perp!

[ He starts chewing on his shoe thoughtfully, looking at the commish. ]

Er, shouldn't you review the case first, Inspector?



[ We see headcase banging his head against a wall, while Mrs. Widow explains the murder of her husband. The outline of her husbands body is on the floor, in a disco position. ]

Widow (crying):
And then the man *sniff* pulled a *sniff* gun, and-

(pointing at the outline) Aha! A clue!

[ Headcase examines the outline for about 10 seconds, then jumps up, frightened ]

Gasp (spoken, not gasped)! There's been a murder! I'm outta here!

[ He runs into the wall, and falls over, unconscious. The woman shrugs, and leaves room. Headcase wakes up, and takes a candy out of his pocket. Zoom in on candy. Wrapper says "ANAL CANDY". ]

[ cut to "Anal Candy" skit, which probably won't be posted, as it wasn't written by me ]

Posted by TANK on July 29, 2003 with category tags of

started of really good, but I'm not sure about the ending
   comment by anonymous on July 30, 2003, Rated it 3

I thought it was masterful from start to finish. Even though it's not a terribly unknown idea, it's pretty well done and it doesn't go on for too long.

I desperately want to know the intimate details of Anal Candy, which forms the true ending.
   comment by dustin (#1) on July 31, 2003, Rated it 5

Wow, thanks. I told the author of the Anal Candy skit about this site, but I doubt he'll want to post... he's lazy XP

Anyway, it's not all that good... It's basically just a guy ranting for a few paragraphs about this candy that goes in your butt... Ew, that's even sicker to type than to read.
   comment by TANK (#89) on August 1, 2003

I'm thinking MAYBE a brilliant physical comedian could pull this off.

I like "a clue" and your transition to the other sketch, but overall, things like the coconut and chewing on the shoe are copouts. You put something random where something clever might have gone.
   comment by Bryan (#22) on August 5, 2003, Rated it 3

The sketch is a series of non-sequitors. The premise has promise but the execution has no flow. It jumps from one random idea to the next. Even the lady at the end shrugs it off. There should be some weight to the matter because if the characters don't care, why should the audience?

Headcase is a great name for a detective, though.
   comment by vinny9 (#33) on August 6, 2003, Rated it 2

No, no, no. No. People, please! And Headcase is not a funny name for a detective.

vinny9, " The sketch is a series of non-sequitors. The premise has promise but the execution has no flow. It jumps from one random idea to the next", is something someone else has said to you. Some anonymous twit. Don't fall prey to these literary llamas. You have style. You have prose. But best of all, you have potential.

This skit skunked. Period.
   comment by funnyguy (#95) on September 15, 2003, Rated it 1


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