
So, in Neurolinguistics today we talked about people with Right Hemisphere Damage, and how they had difficulty understanding humour (sarcasm, etc.). My professor then said it would be good if we had a cohesive explanation of humour, to better describe what happens in understanding it, and what breaks down when you don't.

Any thoughts, silly people? I'm fairly sure you're a good group to ask.

I once blogged (lj-ed really) on this topic. The lovely and talented Alice responded, among others.

Posted by Mariana on September 30, 2003 with category tags of

Well, Mel Brooks once said, "Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall down an open manhole and die."
   comment by TANK (#89) on September 30, 2003

One grabs his trunk and says "Ah, it's a snake! I feel it wriggling around and it is long and thin. I had one as a pet, once."
Another feels a leg and says, "No, it is a tree! Thick and rough and wide around. Trust me for I worked in a park."
The third feels the tail "It is a donkey. Before I lost my sight I had one and this is its tail."

The moral of the story is: You bring your history with you to any event and that informs what you take away from it. What one person finds funny, another may not such that trying to distill funny to a few rules (or even a lot of rules) that are universal is a losing proposition.
   comment by vinny9 (#33) on October 1, 2003


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