America sucks

From the Globe and Mail:
The move affects citizens in 27 countries — including Britain, Japan and Australia — who had been allowed to travel within the United States without a visa for up to 90 days.

Under changes that will take effect by Sept. 30, they will be fingerprinted and photographed when they enter through any of 115 international airports and 14 seaports.
That's right everyone. You're either with him or against him.

Posted by dustin on April 3, 2004 with category tags of

Sarutobi Sensei thought me that AMERICA is a St00pid country with lotsa St00pid people in it.

   comment by macman on November 11, 2004

fuck yo. america own i will bomb u bitch
   comment by us 0wns on July 19, 2005

These american motherfuckers should start respecting all the other countries,they think thay are cool,but i swear i havent seen suck fuckin bastards and stupid people in my life
   comment by Sahil Vaid on July 28, 2005

   comment by jack dawson on July 29, 2005

I want to leave america for good.
   comment by anon on August 2, 2005

You know, you all say this now, but wait till world war three. Who do you think is going to save your sorry asses? For the candians and mexicans; why do you think they have such shitty military? Because they know that if they ever get attacked, america will be there to back them up and save their sorry asses. But its not for them, its because we dont want them being took over and having the terrioust that much close to us. As for the UK and all of them, you people wouldnt handle this world on your own, you need our help. And, why are you against the country? Shouldnt you just be against the government? Since its the government that runs things, just like your government...To make a long story short; The world sucks and is going to end 06.06.06...Cheers.
   comment by boomstick on August 2, 2005

to macman: I am not stupid, I know I am not. I enjoy learning and so do many of my friends who are aspiring lawyers and docters and I can honestly say that they are very intelligent. My best friend personally challenged other countries in a knowledge competition.

To Sahil Vaid: I respect other countries. I always have. I do not however respect you. I have always dreamed of traveling the world and learning about other countries but now I am worried that I might run across someone like you.

TO Jack Dawson: I am an American woman and I have never to my knowledge been fucked by a dog or an elephant. I dont believe I know anyone who has, but if I find one then I will stand corrected. I have also never fucked you who i think of as a dog or an elephant. I hope you learn to respect women a little more because what you said is truly horrible.
   comment by Melissa from the USA on August 5, 2005

Well Amerikkka and UK/euro bleat on about terrorism, they scream injustice, you poor bastards, getting what you have done to others.
TO THE WORLD, dont get sucked in..usa & the uk have set up these acts of terror themselves and since the world hasnt jumped to the usa's "help us against terrorists", they (usa/uk)will plant bombs and blame the muslim folk, well actually anyone.

If you think this is crap, well the beautiful country of Ireland had civil rights farkkked up by the UK for a long time,their freedom was violated by corrupt british miltary...if you disagree watch the film "Bloody Sunday" and cry.
More proof, when the slimy french BOMBED the Rainbow Warrior in Auckland city New Zealand, all the worlds international secret police and agencies far ken knew...but NZ had to submit to frances threats of blackmail and stopping access to the european market...did any of you people crying injustice over terrorism over the last 5 years ever give a ratsass then??...funny how when New Zealand told uncle (farker) sam to stick their nukes,
suddenly their economy shit itself and the mddle class became lower class...SUSPECT!!.
Mind you the white south africans know about genecide...the UK had there own gulags in south africa with white south afrikaan people in them...yeah they they're been there.
Any more, well the usa speaks with a fork tongue, imagine how the middle east sees the usa, you put the shah of iran in, then you help the ayatollas kick him out, them in front of them you take the shah home to the usa.
Amerikkkas foreign policy goes like this, one set of rules for me and a different set of rules you.

yeah I believe in Heavenly Father and Jesus...not the false religion churches...I have friends of the Muslim faith and never felt scared or frightened of then yet usa/worlds media wants me to hate them.
yet by writing this I'll be considered as a sympathiser to terrorism.

Oh yes one last note, the demonic usa/uk coalition will make it illegal in the near future to speak against them or if you dont accept their bastardised form of christianity no matter what part of this planet you reside on...they will get you........more to come heh heh
   comment by dude on August 6, 2005

Get a grip. Stupid ignorant over-zealous and freaky religious pricks are the terrorists. OR DO YOU NOT USE ANY OF YOUR BRAINCELLS? America is the most free nation in the fucking world. Do you not get it? A melting pot of every person. Sure, it's messy, but could any other country by so integrated as the USA? Japan is trying, but if you haven't noticed, they're a homogenious society. How about mixing muslims and other religions? Jews and Afghanis? DOESN'T WORK.

They're all ignorant, that's why. Prejudice that's built up over the years.

Don't diss the UK. Many people have died from their bombings, and in NO WAY would the UK make it illegal to speak against them.

You're insane.
Sincerely, I think you didn't get any form of actual education, honestly.

   comment by Educated on August 11, 2005

well dude,whoever ya are (who posted a comment to Sahil Vaid),if ya respect other countries and other people,its fine with me and if ya dont respect me,ya can kiss my ass,ya might respect other people,but ya very well know what ya americans are okay,ya know why that 9/11 happened,ya have no idea how much the world hates your country and ya people,i am not here to disrespect any american,mind it,i am here to suggest ya to be polite and respect other people and if ya dont,there will be a day when ya american wont have any place in anyones heart,ya will just find urself alone with ur america,the rest is up to ya.have a great day,b bye
   comment by Sahil Vaid on August 14, 2005

America Rules! Everyone who is antiAmerican is just jealous because we are the most powerful country in the world and we will always be.
   comment by Clint on August 21, 2005

America aint jack and can barely rule itself...they heavily rely on europe to back them up...if it werent for the EU, America would have been toast by now (they cant even make it 50 years as a superpower)...oh well Rome burns.
What about all the lazy, unemployed bums in america? what about all the self-serving fat asses? no wonder america gets its ass kicked by half brained rag heads....americans are too wimpy, lazy, fat, dumb/stupid, whiney and weak to protect themselves...even their military is on the news nightly crying and yelling and running away from insurgents in embarassing...fucking wonder we rule america
   comment by UrDaddy on August 22, 2005

"America Rules! Everyone who is antiAmerican is just jealous because we are the most powerful country in the world and we will always be."

thats utter crap, nothing lasts forever and the way america is going i dont think is got that long left.

anyone that talks about america saving anybodys ass in world war 2 is talking crap, america only joined the war cos japan bombed them. also britain and the other countries had been at war for 5 years before america joined, and it was the russians that took berlin.

to the chap that said that the uk couldnt manage the world without america-
britain managed the largest empire the world has ever seen and probably will ever see in a time without computers. the only reason the british empire doesnt exist anymore is becasue it took the brunt of 2 world wars. it usually only takes 1 war to bring an empire down.

anybody that thinks america is more free than the uk is awol from their minds, do you have to go through loads of security crap to enter the uk? no. who abolished slavery first? uk.

the only problem with england is that the cities are chockablock with rickers and townies and that it shares a border with wales ;p
   comment by will on August 25, 2005

I feel strongly that this issue should be solved by a rap battle.
   comment by Bryan (#22) on August 25, 2005

America the Great...IS A LOAD OF SHIT!

This is a free country you say well fuck that shit! there using the people to fight in iraq to get some Damn oil...JUST OIL for you Bush loving fans and america loving jack offs that thought that bush did this for revenge of the 9-11 your all fucking retards he's using america as a communist country!Its for the OIL thats all it is. and the sytem? FUCK IT! what the system did is let some bastard white chick that used to be black free from all charges and roam around america taking little children to his molesters Neverland! you have to BUY your freedom! and even if you are a citizen the judge like your from Iraq! "FORGET THE LIFE SENTENCE SHOOT HIS ASS RIGHT NOW BAILIF!" this country really is a stinking pot hole of shit!
   comment by Mark on August 31, 2005

I wanna leave this shit hole of a country too, it sucks, and mosty people are fucking retards here. USA sucks.
   comment by usasucksass on September 3, 2005

I have to say that just about anywere you go your gonna get sick of something. Something isn't gonna seem right or fair, and things could be alot better, right? Yes, you can call me an American. Am I proud to be an American? Well... Lets just say I don't like to have a name of a country to help label me. I don't like labels of any kind put on people. I really think if you want to put any kind of label on anybody there is nothing more honorable than the label of individual. Think to your self and I mean everybody, shit you don't have to if you don't want to, but try it. Say to your self "I am an individual"--That can not and will not be labeled as American, Irish, African, Chinese, poor, rich, Muslim, Christian, Jewish and what ever you think people can label you as. I may not be a really well educated person, but I do know that if everybody helped people around them<---with in reasonable means-This whole world would be a smoother running planet. Yea many of you in different countries may really
hate America. Shit, maybe a bunch of people living here in America hate it here. All I can tell you is there are alot worse places on this planet, and alot meener people than you are posting with or run into everyday. If you dont like how things
are griping is most likely not going to do much. It takes a person that isn't lazy to help make the world go round. Just thought I would thrown in my two cents.
   comment by Emerson on September 6, 2005

   comment by CAPT. AMERICA on September 9, 2005

Hello, I have lived in America all my life, I am just a teen but I have an opinion. Anywhere in the world there is good and bad. I am not to fond of America. Frankly I think alot of the people here are stupid and are ruled by the media. The goverment is kind of screwed up as well. When I am older Im moving to another country, but thats not the point. America is my home and I have to say despite all its bad points it has some good things. But like I said, there is good and bad in every country. I think a great deal of the people in america are very arrogent and conceited though. Thats just my opinion
   comment by anjelica on September 10, 2005

Well if america is a mixing pot for all these different races who are supose to live in harmony. THEN WHY THE HELL IS THERE SO MUCH FUCKING RACISM IN YOUR FUCKING COUNTRY.

America WAS a world superpower. But bush has made sure that its never going to be again. Simply because of economic issues if not anything else. The ammount of money the american government has spent on the war on iraq is incredible. Its simply sad and i hope that the American economic situation changes because if America goes down its gonna take most of the world with them. Already the oil prices have gone through the roof and will continue to do so because of the tension in the midlle east. As one of most recent being the iran conflict.

So to conslude if Americans dont wise up and remove the republican party from power were all fucked.
   comment by Nikolas on September 12, 2005

i fuckin hate america ..its the land of the slaves ..not the land of the free ...its all a bunch of bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   comment by anonymous on September 12, 2005

America is the stupidist country in the world and everyone there is ignorant. I am going to an american school in japan and every american there is stupid and ignorant and doesn't even know where canada is.
   comment by matt on September 13, 2005

Dear Melissa
I got into this place by typing :"America sicks" into google to see what people have to say. I got to tell you however. I have been to lots of countries, I speak lots of languages, but from all countries I have been to, the American females somewhat left me with a headache. Here's why. First of all I do not want to generalize them, but I have nowhere else in the world had the hard time, I had in the US with girls, and don't dare telling me that is because American girls are unique. I am sorry, most of them are not.

I arrived to the USA as a 19 year old to go to College in one of the top 20 US Colleges, USC. Meeting American women I found out quickly, they like the quick European fuck, so they can tell their other girlfriends they did it. Well, I was so Pro-American back then, I gave up lots of my culture (of being friends with a girl for like months before even a kiss happens) to play it the American way. But, every single time I did do it, I told them that I still want to keep in touch and maybe have a good time together next day going surf, or flying (I got my FAA commercial pilot license as well). Well, they were probably too drunk to remember but none of that ever happened. One girl called her PARENTS and they called the school, threatening me, that I raped one. The other one called her ex-boyfriend telling I treated her badly and made use of her because she was drunk. Hello ??? She didn't act drunk and only had two shots and a beer, but that is my mistake.
American girls get DRUNK fast, although drinking is part of the American Culture (due to lots of Irish, Scottish, English immigrants) I respect that. But that they cannot act accordingly, and the noise and screaming and lack of respect in the dorms, lead me to think bad of them real quick.
Finally, I met one that seemed definitely different from all others, and she was, but she was Italian that got the US passport when she was 14 or something. Anyway, sure I considered her somewhat American, but she was definitely not Italian anymore....
Anyway, she left unfortunately to some exchange program, so bye bye.
Then, I kept meeting girls outside of Uni. When my brother arrived to visit, he rented a Ferrari down in Newport Beach, (man was that paperwork), and the fact that I am not one of the poorest, I met girls quickly. But it lead back to the issue of my wealth and wallet, something a girl in Europe is known as a Whore. They exist but they are the lowest part of society, and I am not talking about Paris Hookers here, I am talking about real whores.

A Prostitute/Hooker does business for money and she is obvious about it. No lies, you pay, you get laid and that's it. (Although that is retarded if a guy needs a whore, he should rather go and socialize more). Anyway, she does it because maybe she had no money for school or needs extra cash or whatever I don't care.

A WHORE is a girl, that acts that she loves you, and then takes or tries to take away from you all you got, so they can share if with their lawyer that by the way they fucked too, so while you gave the goodnight kiss, remember that.

And that is exactly what I hate about American girls. It is not that they get drunk and fuck every guy in the dorms, that is culture of college girls. It is the fact that outside of College, or as soon as they get outside, it is all about the money. All are looking for the American dream, the rich guy, the house, the boat, the plane, but many try get that by getting a Kid, basically, using the life of a innocent child, to get their share. I am sorry, American girls do that A LOT ! More than any other I've ever been to.
From now on, I stay away from American girls, unfortunately I damn myself that I miss out on the rare beautiful intelligent american girl, but they are too damn rare to find, that you just go into depression, so that's when I stopped.

Now to answer Mathew. About the World War 3 issue. You my friend are dead out WRONG. Russian and Chinese combined forces can thesedays take over the United States by military action. Soon the Chinese can do it all alone, but guess what, they won't have to. Because all your goodies are made in China (since no American or Mexican works for 2 cents an hour, but poor Chinese 12 year old labor do), they can decline further serving to US corporations. The sole reason why they are not doing it now because China has no Oil. They need to be imported, and the US and Europe still control the Oil Market, but not for much longer, especially now. Once the Chinese have control over the oil market, oh you Americans can prepare for someting you better already accept now. China will be part of controlling Oil, with America and with Europe, that means, America, you will have to accept China as a power equal as yours, and same goes for India. India is growing economically like there is no tomorrow, not to mention Brazil with their multi-billion $ Agricultural assets, that got roots deep into out world's agricultural industries.

I hate Americans that say "Who will save your sorry ass in WW3". You did not alone safe the world in WW2. What about the volunteer pilots in WW2 that fought for Britain before the US even got involved. What about the Chinese ? They did all they could to stop the Japanese, what about the French resistance, without all of those people working together, we would all live a little differently these days. America, can not alone do anything anymore. Look at Iraq, look at that MESS. They can't even control that. The funny Iraqi press guy (forgot his name but the one that s always on TV during initial stages in the war claiming ridiculous anti propaganda like "no no no americans are not here" but you see tanks in the background). Well, he was right, he told that they're letting the Americans come in, to surround them, and then to butcher them all. Which they are doing now, so he was correct !! And you Americans, instead of arresting that guy, you allowed him EXILE.
At last, you will fail to attack the Muslim world because those are born warriors. They don't care to die. For them, death is honor. They been fighting since thousands of years, you can't just go there and establish a democracy. That's like going up to a bunch of monkeys in the jungle and teach them about our solar system.

You people got to THINK before you write. Same goes to the people saying "america sucks" without any statement.
   comment by John on September 15, 2005

By my last post I did not mean to refer Monkeys to Muslims, I am sorry if it looked that way.
   comment by John on September 15, 2005

americans must have a look at them selfs, they think that they rule the world, but do you know that more than 50% of the americans want europe to be a super state, so they can do the work of the dirty workl but, the Americans forget one thing europe isn't stupid and don't want to control other countries.
   comment by Biorno on September 16, 2005

I think the main problems with America is that it's full of contradictions.

They say that they stand for liberty and justice but forget that the U.S. Govt almost completely wiped out the Native American race to build the Trans Continental railroad.

They claim to have freedom of speech but if you say something against the government you are instantly perceived as an enemy of America.

The founding idea of America was that anybody could achieve anything if they worked hard but Corporations still exploit their workforce. From the 1900-1960's police where used to break up Union strikes and the Republican government activity opposed them.

The United States is a country of immigrants yet immigrants from "Undesirable" countries are seen as parasites or Terrorists. Also don't forget that racial minorities who lived in the land of the "Free" did not have the vote till the 1960's and are still disenfranchised just now.

Big Business can dictate to Government and are given major tax breaks.

My view basically is that American is not what it is supposed to be and I doubt it will ever be. I live in the U.K. and have no desire to immigrant to the U.S. because I don't like the political or social climate. The phrase that sums up the U.S.A is "doublethink" - the act of believing one thing but doing the complete opposite.
   comment by Scott Reid on September 17, 2005

Also about the U.S. "Saving the world in WW3" have you ever considered that it might be up to the rest of the world to save the U.S. in WW3? Also, I am just wondering what country is going to be the "enemy" in WW3, have you ever considered that it might be the United States.
   comment by Scott Reid on September 17, 2005

As a member of the British armed forces i believe that america is a country full of thick twats. You cannot fight terrorism with fire power alone as you will end up killing allies as they do. American forces are thick as fuck as well and they think they are fucking well good but they get treated well good. Britain does not need america to fight its wars as they kill more of us than the enemy do. I dont hate america i just think their laws are bullshit. cant drink untill 21 and no smoking in public but you can get a gun easier than an 18 year old tryin to get a beer. Wheres the fucking logic?
   comment by Jim on September 19, 2005

To all the people saying America sucks, but don't live here SHUT THE FUCK UP. You have no clue what the fuck your talking about. You see shit on tv, read, or hear shit from people and judge America and its people by that, thats ingorance. Its not our people that are ignorant its our money hungry government figures. I'll tell it like this, everybody in the world is out for money and power, and will do alot of shit to get it. That said, its no reason the world hates the US, our gov't is the embodiment of money and power. They'll do anything to get it and don't give a shit about the consequences.Thats just how capitalism is.
   comment by miles on September 23, 2005

America does not suck, but it does have severe problems. The "American century" is drawing to a close, if not already over, and within a few decades China will be the major power in the world.
Yes, the US military remains the mightiest in the world - but far from the most competent. As to being the world's policeman, it is difficult to see how the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq have added to international peace and security any more than most of America's other interventions over the past 50 years.( Ask the people of Chile about 9/11 and I'm sure many will think of the day in 1973 when the US organised the overthrow of their democratic government - resulting the the deaths of many thousands.)
At the beginning of this year we witnessed the unfolding tragedy of the south Asian tsunami.Hundreds of thousands killed and large areas devastated. Can anyone remember reports of looting, of rescuers being shot at, of people cowering in the remains of their homes hoping to not be attcked by their neighbours? Does anyone recall truck loads of troops entering with machine guns rather than food and medicine? The calm stoicism and sense of community of those affected was an example for us all.
Compare that to New Orleans after a disaster of much lesser magnitude.
America does not suck, but it is sick. Let's hope for a speedy recovery.
   comment by david on September 23, 2005

I aint slaggin off the country im slaggin the population of THICK FAT FUCKERS that live there and have no fucking common sense.
   comment by Jim on September 24, 2005

usa cant live without wars
   comment by joey on September 24, 2005

Jim. Americans are the fattest and, probably, the most stupid in the western world. However, when was the last time your army won a battle? Agincourt?
   comment by david on September 25, 2005

the british army is, probably the best in the world and our special forces are unsurpassed and we win plenty of battles. Battles nowadays are far from the battlefields of ww2, as we are now fighting ragheads in dresses not another military force. The battles we win are not publicised so the general public do not know what the british forces are really doing. We do not make out ourselves as 'superheroes' in combat as we tend to just get on with the job. When was the last time america won a battle? Vietnam?
   comment by Jim on September 25, 2005

America does suck. I have spent the last 6 years talking to those a-holes, and they are the dumbest fuukers out there. I base this opinion on having traveled to 3 different continents talking to a lot of people, (200,000) or so of those being yanks. Not that I think it is their fault necissarily, I mean their government does not educate them. They sit in their schools being fed horseshit for all of their crappy educations. As for the comments about the UK not winning many battles recently, I would like to know if you can NAME A WAR THE STATES HAS WON?? Lets do some history......American forces entered the first world war in numbers by October of 1918, when the Hindenberg Line had been broken, and the German Army was in full retrueat since the Amiens offensive, (Canadians and Australians thanx) that started in August. The "Big" American victory in ww1 was beliue wood- a BATTALION size battle. At this point the Canadians alone had 4 DIVISIONS. If you guys had to come save us where were you YELLOW BASTARDS for the first 4 years of the war? Lets go on now to WW2, the British Empire had been fighting the Germans SINGLE HANDEDLY for 2 years before you politically entered the war, and even then it took you 3 years to enter into any battles, while once again, we fought by ourselves. As for Japan, who gives a fuck? That country was as much a threat to the rest of the world as they are now, sure they were taking over south eastern Asia, but uncle joe from Moscow would have got them eventually, you paranoid fuckers were just there to stop him. Lets move on to Vietnam, well you got your heads kicked in their, your big powerful country could not even take them. Lets move on to the Middle east. You kicked Sadam out in 91 with the help of almost the entire UN, not really your war.

Lets move on to currn
   comment by Harley on September 25, 2005

oops wrong button, as I was saying, currently you have gotten yourselves involved in a war against a highly motivated enemy, in an area that you should not be in, without any provocation. Saddam had as much to do with 9/11 as mickey mouse, It was like watching Hitler march on Poland in 1939, that facist asshole that you have for a president has commited one of the greatest military blunders of all time. I hope that it does cause the downfall of the US, your leaders have now become as stupid as the people there, it is called Darwanism (you may not know what that is if you are from Kansas) survival of the fitest, you will collapse because you are becoming the most intellectually lazy people on the face of the earth, so sit back, eat some twinkies, watch survivor, and wait for it to happen.....
   comment by Harley on September 25, 2005

It is such a hoot seeing someone criticise others' education whilst displaying his own ineptitude in language skills.
   comment by david on September 25, 2005

fucking hell david.....nice comeback. what harley said was spot on. America came to world war 2 at the last minute and claimed they won it for us. What a load of bollocks. The yanks have no idea how to fight terrorism, we, however have been active in northern ireland since the 60's against the IRA of which were, until a few years ago being funded by america and supplied with weapons by america. Closest fucking allies? Thickest fucking allies maybe.
   comment by Jim on September 26, 2005

This site is fucking lame. Your all fucking lame. I am going to hack it!
   comment by Sean on September 26, 2005

   comment by Sean on September 26, 2005

It seems expletives are supposed to make up for lack of rational argument. Jim, my comment was directed to one aspect of Harley's post. He criticised others for being uneducated and yet he cannot spell, punctuate or manage to display even the rudiments of grammar.He was fairly accurate about WW1 but not really near the mark on WW2. If Japan was such a pushover, how did Britain lose Hong Kong, Malaya, Singapore, Borneo and Burma? Hayley says it was 3 years before America entered into any battles! Leaving aside naval battles - I assume the battles in the Philippines, Guadalcanal, North Africa, Italy and even D-day are figments of my imagination. Oh, and thanks for sending the Prince of Wales and Repulse to secure the region - I bet they make great diving sites.
   comment by david on September 27, 2005

About the punctuation and grammer-had to dumb it down to be sure that the Texans and Alabamans would be able to understand. Lets look at some of the points that you raised.

Lets go back to the War of 1812. We captured all of what was America at that point, all the way to Louisiana, burned and sacked Washington (Twice) and then went home. You invaded, we kicked your ass, and you went home never to return.

Lets start with the North African Desert. Der Deutches Afrika Korps and the British 8th Army had been slugging it out with eachother since 1940. The Battle of El Alemein began with the British smashing the German Lines, and the Germans finally beginning their final retreat on Nov. 4, 1942. The British had 195,000 men in the field, the Germans 110,000 (of whom half were killed in the battle). The Americans landed in operation Torch on the 8th four days after the battle had started hundreds of kilometers away, with 33,000 men and 180 tanks. I guess that is a significant force.....

In Italy there was an invasion by the Yanks the Brits and the Canadians, you got 1 out of 3, another significant contribution....I guess.

As for D-Day please note that the Americans had 2 Beaches, The Brits and Canadians had 3. Also note that the Canadians were the only troops to actually achieve there objectives on D-Day and actually had to retreat so as not to get flanked. As for the argument that our beaches were "easier" we had the same casualty rate per capita as the yanks at Omaha. After destryoying the 12SS Hitler Youth Division, and taking Caen, we smashed an entire German Army Group at Falise, you took 6 weeks to clear the beach area. While you went through France to Germany, we rolled up the heavily fortified Northern areas, including the entire Western Wall, Hitlers "Fortress" that was to make Europe Inpregnible. We single handedly liberated Holland and Belgium, and were cut off moving beyond the Rhine, because of the lack of aggressiveness of the Yanks to back up our spear head. Frankly the Battle of the Bulge would have been a cake walk compared to the liberation of the lowlands that were flooded by the retreating Germans before their retreat.

And then the Russians took Berlin,you must still be pissed about that.

As for the Pacific, well, the Japanese did take some Islands, but it is pretty hard for a force such as the Brits to SINGLE HANDEDLY (until June 41 when the Russians were attacked)fight the largest naval war ever conducted (Battle of the Atlantic), fight a major campaign in Africa, fight an airwar over Europe and defend an empire that spanned the entire globe. So please tell me how America won the war that would be amusing.

The war in Korea continues (political state of war goes on) and you managed to fight to a stand still in the place that you basically started on. Even with the help of the UN all you accomplished was killing a bunch of innocent people, but considering the stats that have come out of every place that you have ever "liberated" that is no surprise.

Still have not heard of a war that America won.

God Bless America, the land of the free, as long as you are not a poor black person. The land where rich, white, dogmatic, born-again (80% of the current congress) despots rule the nation. Where 2 of the top oil execuatives (Condeleeza Rice and Dick Cheney) get to run a puppet president [Bush] and the white house, convieniently rolling over any oil rich poor muslim country that they choose on whim.

I am so happy to be living in the "American Century"
   comment by Harley on September 27, 2005

So Harley, poorly written English is easier to understand? What a novel concept!

Britain captured all of America in the War of 1812? A rather ineffective capture when Jackson was able to with the final battle of that war.

I made no comment about the effectiveness of the Americans in WW2. I merely pointed out that after they did enter the war, it was not 3 years before they engaged in any battles. You were wrong.

The Japanese took a quarter of China, Indochina, Thailand, Burma, Malaya, Singapore ( the British bastion!), the Philippines, Borneo, the Dutch East Indies, the Solomons and half of New Guinea. You call that "some islands"? It is true that Britain was busy with the Germans, but the British force outnumbered the Japanese in Malaya and yet capitulated within two months.

Apart fom some limited successes in Burma, Britain did not win back its Asian possessions. America forced Japan's surrender an thereby enabled the temporary return of those imperial possessions.

I appears in your view that when the Allies fight WW2 it is a British victory. Yet when those same allies, and others, fight the Korean War it is an American loss.

By the way, contrary to your assumption, I am not American.

PS. Jim is right about the American army being poor at fighting insurgencies. They should get out of their tanks and fortified bases some times and do foot patrols as the British do. Sadly, Americans seldom believe they can learn anything from others.
   comment by david on September 27, 2005

I dunno, the history we leaned in Canadian School is that we won the war of 1812. Like I said in my original post, Japan was as much a threat to the rest of the world as they are today. Joe would have gotten them eventually. The yanks should look at the inability of the Brits to defend their empire and perhaps take a lesson.

The Americans are famously paranoid, (ever seen Bowling for Columbine?) isn't antagoizing Japan into war so that you can take them over and have a big base at Communist Russia's back door convenient?

And I don't believe the capatalists were going there to "spread democracy". These are the same people who were building trucks in France for the Werhmacht until 1944 (Ford), sending gas to Africa to support the German Army (Chevron) and holding the proceeds of the gold that was ripped from the teeth of victims of the holocaust (Chase Bank of New Jersey). Gotta love America.....for more info, read "Trading with the Enemy-The American-Nazi Money Plot" by Charles Higham, and contemplate the last paragraph of my last post, and tell me how wonderful America is.

I am sure with their current adventure liberating the muslim world from tyranny Condeleeza (Chevron) and Cheney (Haliburton) were only looking out for the interests of those poor oppressed people.
   comment by Harley on September 27, 2005

   comment by Die prick on October 1, 2005

I think america could learn from the littlest hobo.
   comment by Hobo on October 2, 2005

   comment by rehgerherghergregtregre on October 5, 2005

ive got big balls
   comment by rehgerherghergregtregre on October 5, 2005

Maybe you could solve this with a Rap Battle? It always works for me.
   comment by alice (#60) on October 5, 2005

Hey, that's what I said back on Aug. 25th!
   comment by Bryan (#22) on October 6, 2005

Hello American here. America does suck. It sucks a lot. There are several reasons why. First of all the people are stupid. They are not stupid from an educational standpoint, but from an activist/government level. They have no clue as to how the government has a polt to rule the world. The american people are consumed by eating fast food and getting fat, and how they are going to make their next buck. They care nothing for there fellow man. they care about self. This is especially true if they are not white. That last sentence leads me to racisim. America is very racist. The statue of liberty statement says: "Give us your".....but american people don NOT live by it. The government is probably composed of the most inept people in any other goverment in the world. The focus of the goverment, and the purpose of the goverment is to rule for power. That is why poor countries never get any aid unless it's in the national spot light. I like the comment that "america should just masterbate next to an oil rig" it's very fitting. The news here in america when we had those hurricanes was kinda focused on what the potential damage could be to the oil refineries. I find that to even mention a piece of steel as a means of concern during an event like that is very lame. Black people (already suffering in New Orlenes) were treated like non-americans, but whats's the american way. I think that it is sad that there are still people out there who want to come to this country to "make a better life for themselves". All I can say is be prepared to be alienated. THE ONLY THING THAT CAN SAVE AMERICA IS AN AMERICAN REVOLUTION. The evil americans need to be killed. The ones whos values are not conducive to humanity. The ones whos concerns are for self. The ones who steal from the poor for themselves. The ones who corrupt the image of america. There are still a lot of good people like that in america, but they are asleep. I'm not sure what it's going to take to awaken these good americans to make them take america back from the wicked. Peace to all.
   comment by Jeff Ohio on October 6, 2005

plus everyone is teh fat oh noes!!1
   comment by sean on October 7, 2005

I don't hate Germany for WWII or the Soviet Union for all crappy things they did back in their days. Hell, France did crappy things, so did Britain and China and Japan. We must face the facts: Humanity is bullshit. We're egotistical, havoc-loving, violent, disgusting motherfuckers. Yet, America stands out. Here's why. America, besides being a violent, havoc-loving, imperialistic, single-minded nation, like everybody is, Its arrogant. At least Hitler said it out loud and clear; "lets kill some sons'a bitches". America does it differently. America has gone to stupid, imperialistic wars with Canada, Mexico, Vietnam, Corea, Somalia... I can go on and on. America put Pinochet, an evil dictator, in Chile, killing DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED president Allende. America has instituted puppet, evil regimes all over, killed a bunch of people for nothing, dropped two nuclear bombs, destroyed all things civilised with their pop bullshit and rap and crappy McDonald's and has oppressed the middle east since god knows when. America has led a bunch of sanctions to middle eastern countries and gotten nothing in return besides killing a WHOLE LOT of inocent arabs. So then 9/11 happens. Americans say: "Well, why do they hate us", and in some sort of intelelctual ilumination, an orgy of brilliance, they say "Well, it must be because we're FREE!!". NO!! NO!!!!!! THEY HATE YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE IMPERIALISTIC FUCKFACES!!!! Hell, Frenchmen hate you, they INVENTED FREEDOM! Greece hates you and they INVENTED DEMOCRACY. I come from a free, democratic nation, and I HATE YOU. If Bush said in front of a camara, just once, ONCE: "Well... yeah. We're imperialistic fucks" I would totally support it. As a matter of fact, I would join the marine corps. But no. I don't hate you because your imperialistic or evil. I hate you because you're arrogant.
   comment by Soviet dude on October 9, 2005

I live in America and I completely disagree with the statement by 'Educated' that:

America is the most free nation in the fucking world. Do you not get it? A melting pot of every person. Sure, it's messy, but could any other country by so integrated as the USA? Japan is trying, but if you haven't noticed, they're a homogenious society. How about mixing muslims and other religions? Jews and Afghanis? DOESN'T WORK.

They're all ignorant, that's why. Prejudice that's built up over the years.

I find it incredibly ironic that you presume yourself to be educated yet you are completely oblivious to countries such as New Zealand and Australia. They may not have been around for as long as us but they most certainly are more multiculturally integrated than we are. Yes they have Muslims, Jews, Afghanis, Aboriginals and almost every other possible race and religion.

I feel deeply embarrassed that such ignorant red necks still live in our great country. If only you could just open your eyes and see the rest of the world. Sure we have more multiculturality than many nations but certainly not the most. Mixing people does work, we just don't seem to know how.

I hope this helps people put things in a bit of perspective.
   comment by Richard on October 10, 2005

I had noticed the post by Educated, but decided not to comment. ( I had thought at the time that the handle chosen by that person was perhaps the most ironic thing about the post.)

As to freedom. I believe we were the first to introduce unviversal male suffrage, quickly followed by the secret ballot ( which is still referred to in some countries as the Australian ballot). Our neighbours in New Zealand beat us by a few months to be the first country in the world to allow women to vote. How strange does that now sound, "allow women to vote"?

I understand we are the only country apart from Israel to have had jews as head of the armed forces, the judiciary and head of state ( and yes, the Queen is head of state, but we have had at least two jewish Governors -General). Our current state Governor is the daughter of Arabic parents ( as is her husband - a former Lord Mayor of Sydney). The current state Premier is the son of Italian immigrants.

As to Afghanis, there were whole towns up in arms when the Federal Government adjudged it was safe for the refugess from there to return home. The Afghani refugee's are considered part of the community now. One of our best train journeys is on "The Ghan", through the Red Centre. It is named after the Afghani camel drivers who moved here in the 1800's.

I am not intending to suggest there are not problems here, now and in the past. However, I am bemused when some go on about America being the best in every respect.

PS. Richard is right that Australia and New Zealand are relatively young nations, but we are amoung the oldest continuous democracies in the world. Last week I took an overseas guest to see our State Parliament, where we were allowed to wander freely. The building has been used uninteruptedly as Parliament for longer than any parliament building (or congress) in the world.

PPS. Educated. In your free country, would you get to chat with the President at a baseball game? Our PM chatted with me once at a cricket match. I hate most of his policies, but even the PM is entitled to a nice day at the cricket without hearing my political views!

   comment by david on October 10, 2005

george bush is not a real american. dont hate america because of bush. he was elected only because of the fundamentally flawed and antiquated elctoral college. you think the majority of american want to be the most despised nation in the world? you think we want war? america's fundamental flaw rests in the fact that we lack strong executive leaders, and when we get one, we piss away the oppurtunity. fuck bush, not america.
   comment by bob on October 11, 2005

Don't worry Bob I think that most people do not hate the American people for the perceptions of America as a country, just the figureheads.

I also agree the political system of America is severely flawed.
   comment by dingo on October 12, 2005

all you americans say is that all the other countries have shitty military because they know you will come and save them......WRONG! you americans are like a psycho suicide bomber, if you get a hint of threat or danger to your oh so righteous ego then you blow the whole lot of us up and i would like to thank Richard for his comment as i live in Australia and while we may be more multicultural a lot of Australians e.g. my family and friends realize that we still a fair bit to go until we really are an egalitarian society but the point is that we are trying so thanks for noticing. Also David you are so right, thats one thing i love about this country is that we are respectful and tolerant of each other. Another story that lol is a favorite of my history teachers, i hear it alot but it kinda sticks. a few years ago when we had a different pm (cant remember which one) he appeared on the news and there was footage of him in a car. a young boy noticed that the pm wasn’t wearing a seat belt now he asked his mom "mommy why isn’t the prime Minster wearing a seat belt? you always told me i had to wear one cos it was against the law not too" now the mother had no answer and suggested the boy write to the pm himself, the boy did although admittedly the writing was a little illegible. the pm, after receiving the letter wrote back to the boy with an personal apology thank you for spotting his crime he then issued a public apology and phoned up the qld police asking how much a fine was for not wearing a seatbelt they responded saying he didn’t have pay it because he was the pm, he then insisted and replied "no i did the wrong thing and i shouldnt have special treatment just because i am the pm" now the question is... would an american president do the same thing?
p.s to all you americans that automatically assume i am jealous just because i say i dont like america. guess what? im not jealous, i thank god everyday im american btw, i actually (shock and horror!) dont like america! amazing isnt it?
   comment by pissed off aussie on October 12, 2005

I love how people say Americans are all arrogant, just running around yelling we're the best. What kills me is when they start saying how much better their gov't, military, education systems, and social structures are. Kind of hypicritical don't you think.

To Soviet Dude: America is a REBUBLIC not a Democracy.
   comment by miles on October 12, 2005

Miles, What distinction do you consider there is between a republic and a democracy?
   comment by david on October 12, 2005

In a republic the only power the people have is the right to vote for officals that will represent them. In a democracy power lies with the people directly or they can have elected officals. America is a republic because all we do is vote for officals, we don't vote for the laws in which we are governed by.
   comment by miles on October 12, 2005

Miles, As you said "In a democracy power lies with the people directly or they can have elected officals." So, given that the US has elected officials, why is it not a democracy?
   comment by david on October 14, 2005
   comment by anonymous on October 14, 2005

Dear mighty america:
I was taken to your ER one Afternoon, due to dizzyness (spinning feeling in my head and loud

noise in left ear and vomitting) and unable to walk by myself. When I was discharged from

the hospital, I didn't realize my left ear hearing was gone and didn't realize my ability to

maintain physical balance was gone. I spent months trying to walk and move normally,

struggling to work to support my family of six.
Since my family has no insurance. I beg the ER to give me couple of pills and water.

Instead, after an hour of waiting, I was treated with an expensive routines: MRI to my head,

X-Ray to my lung, Heart machine to check my heart beat. The Doctor didn't come and ask me

anything and finally show up to tell me I have vertigo (dizzyness). She check my legs if I

can walk or not and check my eyes if I can roll my eye balls, but she never did check my

ears. But told me to see a family doctor. She is not a specialist in ear, throat and nose. I

complained all the symptoms to the nurse who check my pulse, put sugar solution, etc.
The bills I received cost $5,000. They also threaten me if not pay in full, my

credit/employment and home will be at risk (taken away). Where is God? Where is heart?

Where is dignity? Where is compassion? Where is civilization? Where is peace? Where is

justice? Where is humanity? Where is rule? Where is common-sense? All I see is "greed" and

"cruelty" and "murderous practices" and "seize opportunity to ripe off"
My family and I are raped and terrorized by the hospital financally and emotionly. I was not

given the chance to hear and to object the expensive services. The hospital simply take

advantage of the sick and helpless person who just couldn't help himself and simply begging

for a couple of anti dizzyness pills. I was forced by a "heavy smoker, appear to be a male

doctor" holding my hand, order me to "just" sign on his other hand holding the documents

which I never had the chance to read or to hear what was it about. A little bag of sugar

solution costs $160+ dollars? A couple of MRI cost nearly $2000? One Chest X-ray cost

several hundreds? Just an ER visit cost $1000? A couple of medication and/or pills cost a

few hundreds?..........etc....... plus other "hospital contractors" insane billings.
I don't believe the charges and some services are justified or necessary. Over charges and

illegal billings are common acts, 9 out of 10 by hospitals. Only people like terrorists

and/or criminals and/or greedy merchants can do these things to helpless people.
This is my anguish feeling of this unforgiven event. I will stay away from US hospitals

which are totally different from other countries. And I will continue to express my feeling

through the web, starting from your churches. May be your brothers and sisters learn the

truth of your hospitals under the name of God, profit from such an insane and immoral way.

Just like prests raped and destroyed youngsters inside Churches throuth out the world for so

many years, crimes are commited in the name of God.
May God help us.
   comment by poor guy said it sucks on October 15, 2005

Hmm... the UK wont know how to run the world, thats strange as we used to own america you dumb fuck! inface we ran most of the world at one point, and all those places we ran we still have a powerfull infuence over them and they look up to us.

america on the others hands... you trash everything trying to be 'heros' your just like the fucking PUPPETS you see in Team America - World police, trying to act like a hero but blowing up everything around you... i mean come on!! the second coment on this page is about bombing someone for speaking!!! you guys need to get your heads out your ass's. The Fucking British army would TOTALY DESTROY the americans if it came to it, im sure the WHOLE WORLD would love us for doing so :-D then we can get on with peace and everyone can live happyly without terrorism, there wont be terrorism as theres no americans to fuck things up and piss people off
   comment by someone from GREAT BRITAIN on October 17, 2005

amricans are stupid... they belive in God and Shit like that!
   comment by Retared on October 17, 2005

u guy suck u will all burn in HELL
   comment by not going to tell u on October 19, 2005

America is not full of stupid people, the same way any other country is not full of stupid people. America does not suck any more or less than anywhere else in the World. Albeit, America is a country which one must sit and wonder just what the %$%§ is really going on. Americans are taught from an early age about geography, as are children from anywhere else in the World. This all of course with one minor difference, Americans are taught whether it be consciously or not, that "The World" is NY to CA, New York to Los Angeles or what have you. If you turn on the news channel(s) in America, you see senseless, mindless crap; "John so and so's dog died today" or something pointless like that. While the rest of the World is teaching their children to explore the World and respect the other countries and its inhabitants, American children are busy learning about "their World" ...the 50 some odd states and respective capitals. You tell me the problem in that. :-0

I currently live in Vienna...for all you Americans that is in you are probably still scratching your head, thats nestled in Europe betwen many other countries. And there aren't any kangaroos! Serioulsy, have gotten that a lot...from none other than my American friends and colleagues. I am American by birth and lived in CT pretty much my whole life. My father lives in Italy, but mother American born and raised. So I DO know full well both sides of the coin so to speak.

I wouldnt trade my experiences in America, but I think after living for some time in Europe, you start to realize that people make a better life for themselves here. Families survive here, more leisurely time, more vacation time, better food, ver all well being etc.. The society in EU is setup in such a way for people to make a nice living for themselves, be able to enjoy life without fear of this or that, and of course provide for their families. Where as in America there is this "American Dream" everyone always talks about. Well, sorry to disappoint you but I dont see that happening to anyone. Instead, unfortunately, I see a corrupt gov't, ridiculous laws, and absurd mentality heavily at work. Unfortunately, the people are somewhat 'blind' to all this though. You say no they're not? OK, then how does someone like GDubbs get elected 2 times?? The man cannot even complete sentences, yet he is in charge of such a large country...i mean come on wake up. The govt and society crap on the 'little guy' in America. Did you see New Orleans pics anyone? How sad yes, but whats even sadder is the fact that that was happening in such a "SuperPower" as America self proclaims. It looked more like a scene out of a 3rd world country. But wait I know I know...there the "little guys" remember? The poor, the Blacks, Spanish, they don't count. That is unfortunately the mentality, that the little guys dont count.

If you really look at the laws too, they are setup in such a way to always have a 'loophole' or in some way or another have a 'back door' if you have wealth. The country is setup to produce money..and of course this "American Dream", but all I see it producing is chaos, disorder within its ranks, and confusion for the rest of the World, a World which will eventually have to step in to sort it all out.

Have you ever been to another country in the EU?Ever notice how "things" just seem to flow, and work? People carrying on etc. In America, all i can remember is a constant battle to pay, pay, pay, spend, spend, spend...go, go , go. always stressed out for one thing or another, watch TV they always have some news show shouting about some new frightful epidemic, or medicine, or food etc..

But again the people allow it to happen to themselves, they buy into it. Thats America's biggest downfall. The people are really a great people though, but I ask what really is an American? Usually someone who comes from a less fortunate country, or if not, comes froma place where they cant find work for some reason or another, so they say "f, it, i can go to USA, they stupid morons they let anyone work"...true or not true? TRUE in my humble opinion. The man on top wants to pay as little as possible to whoever is willing to work, and just who u think will be that person?? tough one bout the guy flying into anyone of the US airports or running across one of its borders... crossing his fingers right now, hoping he gets something anything going so he can survive. Where does that leave the rest? High n dry, and repeat this cycle many times and what you get is America..ladies and gentleman. Every man/woman for themself, may the best man win.

the mentality is such that , I am bigger so i am better. Only the strong (very strong) survive in America. Poor or middle class have no life, its all birthdays and bbq's..thats not life. Thats not culture. In EU if you have a friend, you HAVE A FRIEND.

Open mindedness is key to survival, not strength, or size, or wealth.
   comment by chris on October 20, 2005

i could keep going but whats the freakin point?!
some ahole will just say stfu...just cuz u cant change them doesnt mean u must join them
   comment by chris on October 20, 2005

Chris, As someone from the country that does have kangaroos, I wouldn't mind a dollar for every time I have been told, usually with a tone of mild surprise, that I speak English quite well. Of course the large proportion of Austrians that speak fluent English might also be a little bemused at such a compliment.
   comment by David on October 21, 2005

hahaha LOL. Very cool :) Yes, I am amazed everyday at just how many Austrians speak English. Some of them speak better than people I know from the US :0

BTW, Australia is the greatest place I have ever been too. Beautiful country, and great people.
   comment by chris on October 21, 2005

Chris, I am glad you liked it here.
   comment by David on October 25, 2005

   comment by Eurabia sucks on November 2, 2005

Hey you fucking cowardly Eurabians, appeasing terrorists while they attack your cities....why don't you hand out more passports and welfare to the millons of PIGS who arrive in your little Eurabia by camel everyday? White Europeasants have an almost non-existent birth rate, while the bearded bitches you welcome with open arms are fucking like pigs and spitting out future terrorists everyday! It's time to put your little dicks in women and not in your soccer sissy's faggotty ass! LOL, Soon London will be re-named West Mecca...fuck you Eurabia we hate you too and the animals you give safe harbor to!
   comment by Eurabia Eats America\'s shit on November 2, 2005

Eurabia, You should have stopped at "test". That was the smartest thing you said.
   comment by David on November 8, 2005

heres to u David...AMEN
   comment by Chris on November 8, 2005

Hey and while im here...if i may shift the mood from USA hating to a little discussion on France.

Who besides me thinks the French are a bunch of little fuckin cry babies...backhanding BI-Itches?! There that sounds very unintelligent but seems as though it goes with a lot of the other posts up here on this site. Any takers?
   comment by Chris on November 8, 2005

Yes Chris, that was quite possibly the dumbest post of them all. I really, REALLY hope you and all of your overly zealous country cousin humping bretheren (aka most of America) just fucking rot in hell for eternity. It's people like you who make me want to vomit, and the reason I'm leaving this piece of shit country. As far as France goes, you shouldn't be talking about them. Ever heard of Charlemagne and Joan de Arc? Some of the best military strategists ever. Not to mention our president, my dad was laid off from his job because the administration gave his company a subsidy to offshore his job. Fuck you and you republican corporate tools! I can't wait to move to Hong Kong, the new New York.
   comment by Phil on November 11, 2005

Being burned at the stake does not immediately strike me as the culmination of great military strategy.
   comment by David on November 11, 2005

URGENT URGENT URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My heart goes to the people who have been ripped off by Bank Of America and their Employees

I can not explain in right words what Bank of America has done to me
They have ruined my life; this Bank is full of CIRMINALS. Employees are looting, and those! BIG SHOTS are just watching and doing nothing.
We the people who put our trust in them to protect our valuables.
“WHAT A SHAME” Please raise your voice and join me. I will be holding Press Conference within two weeks. Send me your Email for the date and time.

Please go to my website for details regarding Bank of America!!!!!!!!!

Thank You
   comment by Laila Sultan on November 16, 2005

Things wrong with the U.S.A.

1. Government - George Bush. (idiot) (DO NOT DEFEND THIS. YOU VOTED FOR HIM... TWICE.)
2. Health Care - Did you know that if you were to travel the short distance to Canada, you would be able to recieve all of these treatments free?
3. Ignorance - To people who say that America is mulit-cultured. I live within 30 minutes of the U.S. border, and I have to say... Whenever I cross the border to the U.S. I feel like I have just dropped into the sewers of our Canadian cities. I have been all over the U.S. You have no respect for your land, for everything around you reeks of distaste and disgust towards your own country. Being in your country sends chills down my back. I walk into stores and hear huge military cargo planes flying over head, shaking the ground, disrupting life around it, but nobody around flinches, this disgusting practice of "DEFENDING" your country has been burned into your skulls. You do not see, that this is not normal. A FREE LAND DOES NOT CONSIST OF MILITARYS MARCHING DOWN THE STREETS AND CARGO PLANES FLYING OVERHEAD 24/7. I have been to Communist states, and what I saw there, I have to say, was better then what I saw in the U.S. That is very sad. very sad.
4. Reliance - If one country were to fall (ohhh, lets say China) your whole country would be reduced to poverty. (This being said, if the U.S. were to fall, Canada would be screwed too, but none the less, we admit that we rely on others, you do not.)
5. Idiocy - enough said.
6. Hate - You hate every other country in the world, so guess what? Every other country in the world hates you.
7. CNN - I watch this channel and all I see is murder, and trouble. "Today in Chicago a man killed 15 others in a shopping mall, and then turned the gun on himself... he was an AFRICAN AMERICAN." that brings me to my next point.
9. oh jeez I can just keep going... "Strength" - I have known many Americans in my time, and i have to say, they are the weakest fucks I have ever met in my life, not only pysically, but mentally, and personally. If a woman shoots down and american man, he becomes depressed. This.. is.. sad.. your culture is based upon sex, this isnt a bad thing AT ALL, but god, if some girl shoots you down, who gives a fuck? Go to your friend, say "yeah she was a bitch!" give him a high-five and move on, don't go on about "whats wrong with me? ooohhh booo hoo. *cries* fucking douchebags.
10. Okay, I'll just leave it here... i could go on all night, but i won't... America, I wouldn't have anything against you, if you were such a group of pussies and douchebags.

-One day you will call upon the world to save your poor little country, and that will be my day of reconsiliation and joy.
   comment by Ben on December 19, 2005

URGENT URGENT URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My heart goes to the people who have been ripped off by Bank Of America and their Employees

I can not explain in right words what Bank of America has done to me
They have ruined my life; this Bank is full of CIRMINALS. Employees are looting, and those! BIG SHOTS are just watching and doing nothing.
We the people who put our trust in them to protect our valuables.
“WHAT A SHAME” Please raise your voice and join me. I will be holding Press Conference within two weeks. Send me your Email for the date and time.

Please go to my website for details regarding Bank of America!!!!!!!!!

Thank You
   comment by Laila Sultan on December 20, 2005

Ben, yes, I agree with you. Living in Canada is better than the USA.
   comment by I'm a Canadian on January 2, 2006

America fucking sucks big time! I', leaving this stupid country just like i came here a little while ago!
I havent seen anyone more Stupid than the american poeple! Fucking Idiots.
   comment by DW on January 5, 2006

I would be interested to hear how America is any more racist than any country in Europe. Please explain to a stupid, ignorant, fat American. Actual examples rather than cuss words would help.

Having never been to another country besides Canada I can't say with certainty whether they are any better or worse than mine. What I try not to do is attack them from ignorance as so many on this thread seem to enjoy doing (here's a hint guys not everything you see on television and movies represents America).

I also find it amusing how so many here presume to know more about military history than the actual historians...

   comment by Kieran on January 12, 2006

Yes, that’s the online name. Ok, well, issue of racial profiling, such as pulling over people of a visible minority "just to check" if they were the one who comitted the crime. Look, I came down with friend to New York (Yes down, so that means from Canada) and, we did so in style. Mainly because he was very smart in business, and could guess whom to invest in with the greatest precision. Anyways, he is African American (A few gasps escape some Americans; tell me if they do not escape you). So, there we are, going down the highway in his BMW, and we hear a siren. We pull over, and ask what happened. My friend, Devon, was worried at this, note because his car was new, and is the speedometer does not work... anyways, the cop said he was just checking us, because of our license plate. He drove off, and we continued, somewhat angry. Because we had no license plate. In Canada, or at least NS, when you first buy a car, you get a permit that goes onto one of the windows, with an adhesive. Once you get your license, you put that on. So, he had seen no license plate, and he stopped us. Guess why. By the way, presume? And how amusing? Do you find war amusing? watching your friends, some made in the last hour, some years ago, die from bullet wounds? Whats wrong with you? If its unacurate it isn't by much. So there you go.
   comment by Nachoman on January 18, 2006

(Sorry for my english ) America doesn't know what it's doing , it will be in so much trouble if they just don't stop attacking Iraq and Iran ( it wil come in a few months).
I'm russian and everybody says " Russia sucks " and " They can't do shit " but wait a little and Russia ( and all the countries who'll coalite with us or joins us ) will be be the World Leader while America will Burn down under the Bomb of Iran and all the other countries who where 'crushed' under America's foot . So America 's time will be over in a few years , it i'll die young , cuze of it's foli foolish behavior.
   comment by Stalin on April 26, 2006

Russia is an awesome country compared to America. As are China, Malaysia, New Zealand, England, France, Singapore and Belgium. I'm sure many others are too but I'll wait 'til I've been there before I judge them better than the US.
   comment by Aussie on May 13, 2006

I'm afraid I have to agree with most people about America: they suck, bigtime! They don't respect any other country's, don't stick to the VN and carry guns... they think homosexuality is a disease or something, they think Dutch people are stupid people who wear clogs all day (oh, please!), but in real life we are smart sophisticated people who learn 5 languages (most of the world)... Our average IQ is 20 points above America's average IQ, which I could say is ALARMING, Bush is a stupid whit who says "Freedom" about 60 times per speech (I don't think he knows what the word means)... yes, America sucks!
   comment by DUTCHGIRL on May 15, 2006

Hey Dutchgirl, homosexuality is a disease so go stick your finger ib a dike!
   comment by Big Dick American on June 10, 2006

Hey Stalin, you're a fucking idiot! Russia ain't shit! You guys are done, a bunch of fools. The gov't is broke, the military is now useless and the country run by x-kgb with prostitution profits! do yourself a favor and go find a nice long legged St Petersburgh whore to fuck... America sucks but Russia is fucked...hahaha
   comment by Big Dick American on June 10, 2006

Man , U fucking idiot , are you jealous ?? I bet so !!!
I mean look at Russia it's got like MILIARDS and miliards dollars/euro's but it's not using them yet. Just look at the military; they just got some of the best defence systems in the world!! I mean even AMERICA steals there projects. Look at American military , WTF they just suck , I mean they can't live a day without a jamburger and they can't EVEN imaging thet life without beds , fast-food , gay porn and toilets. WHY TA FUCK did America messed with Iraq ?, Are the Stupid => the answer is YES, Bush most idiot president of the 20th century , al hey care about is WHORES , WHISKEY and MONEY (oil). In few years Asia wil rise and America won't be the Bully Boy anymore. ( I'm not russian or asian nat. , I'm DUTCH !!! DAMN YOU !!)
   comment by Anti-American on June 16, 2006

*a life
   comment by Anti-American on June 16, 2006

BUSH: "I talked about my desire to promote institutional change in parts of the world like Iraq where there's a free press and free religion, and I told him that a lot of people in our country would hope that Russia would do the same thing,"

PUTIN: "We certainly would not want to have the same kind of democracy as they have in Iraq, I can tell you quite honestly."
   comment by Aussie on July 16, 2006

   comment by Guy on July 22, 2006


U are a motherfucking bastards, beasts and nothing more than that, fuckers, do U even know what english is, U part of a semen of pig, ur american accents are on our indian dicks, kiss our indian asses.

the american english is the most pathetic thing, one can ever have on earth, grammatically bullshit, U american mother fuckers dont even know what grammer means, U've motherfucked and created ur own english, who the fuck gave U the licence to comment on engligh, was it created from americas mommas pussy.

motherfucking swines.
   comment by America's Mother Fucker. on July 29, 2006

Heh, You're all pretty funny I must say. For one thing, the world economy would COLLAPSE if amreica were to fall. In world war 2, Britain was on it's KNEES BEGGING america for supplies, which we sent for almost NO cost before we were bombed. During the "battle' Of britain the RAF was fucked in the butt by the luftwaffe and it was about to fall to germany, but hitler decided to turn his wrath on russia instead. America is more vital in this world than any of your shit hole european countries and you need to realize this quick, because if we were EVER to pull back into isolationism, the world as you know it would shit its pants and die...
   comment by American on September 18, 2006

LOL the ignorant logic the "superior" races provided here is beyond histerical.

America is a free country, it's as corrupt as any. It has laws to protect kids, and anything too obscene. Please forgive our 'crimes' or underaged sex, and drugs. We dont have 14 year old legalized prostitutes like in europe, or legal weed either for that matter. We cant drink until we're 21, god damn we're such idiots!

We never needed europe, infact we seperated ourselfs from the british (duh). And even HELPED europe during world war 2. Lol we made money off world war 2? Ever heard of the Marshall plan? Thats right, for those of you who dont know, we did sell weapons, and products so europe can rebuild, but we also gave them 13BILLION dollars, for free. They did buy stuff from us... with money we gave you. Infact doesnt the world get on America's nuts whenever we stick our noses into another countries affairs?

We wanted to stay out, until those crazy asians suicided themselfs all over Pearl Harbor. Clearly no country would take an attack like that and not fight back. In over all, we lost 300thousand soldiers, and 13 billion dollars, saving europe's weak ass even after russia "zerg rushed" them for you guys.

America is made up by alot of people, and im not sure about you europeans, but we have something here we like to call "pride", Pride in our home land, pride even in our past. We didnt get rich clean, would -wouldnt- have sold weapons during world war 2? Most of us have pride in just being -free- here. But if you still say you dont like America, simply LEAVE. Im pretty sure we dont need any trash that wont even support the most free country in the world?

Europe needs to stop trying to think they're the oldest, thus making them the most important, America became as rich as europe in 1/10th of the time it took you guys, and we MAINTAINED that wealth even after world war 2.
   comment by Akroma on September 22, 2006

Further proof of how Americans love to use the buzz word "free" without knowing what it means:

"We dont have 14 year old legalized prostitutes like in europe, or legal weed either for that matter. We cant drink until we're 21"

"America ... the most free country in the world"

Not just that either, there are myriad ways in which America is not "the most free country in the world", just Americans are brought up to believe that their country is such and thus they don't even question it when the evidence is everywhere.

PS Please get rid of Guantanamo Bay detainment camp, it's a disgrace to your country and to humanity.
   comment by Guy on September 30, 2006

Well, This is America's President, America's own, George w Bush, And I too say that Americas is full of motherfucker, We americans are son of piggs and we suck like no other, I accept osama bin ladein as my daddy. He fucks my mom daily. Osama, Ya Rule, Please put ur dick in MY mOUTH.
   comment by George W Bush on November 14, 2006

I really dont believe "the most free country in the world" thing applies to corrupting and fucking underaged girls.

If thats what you euros like, then keep that trash out of USA.

I can promise you the majority of the people are ok, if not GLAD about that rule

We chose who we want to set behavioural standards for a majority of us to listen. If we didnt have that, well we'd beat up women daily (iraq) prostitute our own daughters (south america) Have sex with every minor (europe) Do life ruining drugs (europe) Kill or beat up anyone who comes to USA wearing their countries flag (europe) Beat up other religions (europe + iraq)

God damn, you are right, america sucks! I know how you tried to prove me a hypocrite by that post, but it's strictly retarded, words can be mixed into whatever meaning gives you an advantage, and i'd prefer it if you actually debated instead of weaving words that way <3
   comment by Akroma81 on November 26, 2006

If you think that AMERICA SUCKS (which is clearly does is some things) then check out this game where you can bust up america like it deserves. Oh yeah.
   comment by dustin (#1) on February 13, 2007

America clearly has issues: for its very beginning was one of illegalities, for were George Washington founded prior to the declarations of truth and independence etc., they would have been classed as villains. The very fact that they have a large army/nuclear weapons etc. intimidates all of the world. The ancient TRIDENT weapons of the UK are clear representations of this. Therefore the less developed parts of the world elect leaders who become known as terrorists die to their attempted oppression of the US. p.s. I am not supporting 9/11 etc. This consequently means that the US, through being powerful, are creating terrorists by intimidating lesser countries to change governments e.g. democracy.

Thank you for reading, any feedback (especially Americans) would be helpful

   comment by edward on May 20, 2007

how long has this feed been dead? is it simply everyone is bored? i cannot believe the gap between some entries!
   comment by edward on May 20, 2007

America has great people but the most evil congress in the world. America contains child molesting co-orporations more than any country in the world. America denies freedom of speech if it contains truth, America just wants to rule the fucking world because it fears real civilisation built from ancient wisdom, unlike America it has no meaning to life. America kidnapped Africans to be slaves in developing capitilism, denied human rights for African-Americans by murdering them, are behind the conflict of civil wars because they create the problem( killing sunni people so they can go to war with shi'iat viceversa) Israel wants land in lebanon because land means money, America and Israel work together to murder innocent people and disguise themselves as arabs terrorists. Iraq never had nuclear weapons- America needed oil for their failing economy to produce more energy, make more weapons and try and control the world through fear and nation security. American people should be feared by their government not people fearing their government. A Bullshit congress with no soul except that of the devil. Nonetheless, Good always defeats Evil. So fuck America's government and fuck the devils advocate-politicians and co-orporations
   comment by nancy on June 24, 2007

everybody on both sides are so worried about the most pointless of things . i live in america and im not a supporter of waisting human potential . and thats what is going on here . everybody is worried about who's country has the biggest dick . and it is what is stopping us as people, from actually doing something more important than killing and oppressing , squandering resources , and being over all waists of air . if u all ,on these postings would quit talking about mass killings and people fucking elephants becouse of the country that they are in . and go to school ,instead of there fucking jihad meetings . maby the next generation of worthless fucks from what ever 3rd world country u managed to get internet in , wouldnt be so fucked up next generation. america may be putting there nose in some things it shouldnt be.but i thank we make up for it when we stop wackos. from filling pits with people. who gives a shit if you dont speek the same laungage as me. these people could be the ones that cured aids or didnt do anything but want to live,and create. we used our place as strongest to do good. and im in souport of anybody tring to do something other than hurt. ,.,all roads lead to roam .,., thank about it
   comment by eepapporkahah on June 29, 2007

I'm sure America gives his all female family members for a glass of oil.You can buy their ass via glass of gasoline.You
can ask this to them too.
   comment by fuck american rednecks on July 6, 2007

practically all you guys are acting arrogant. I from USA but i am not 100 percent thank god...50% russian..
Anyways, USA is a pretty bad place...many of you dont like the USA and want to leave it..unfortunately the grass ISNT greener on the other side. always will be other problems in other countries, Since my mum is russian i grew up with her dissing the USA GOVERNMENT. I got tired of it, but she was right some times. But she made way to many GENERALIZATIONS.

USA has good people, but when some tourists go to another country they act arrogant, thats why alot of foreign people dont like us, and they generalize all of us.

President Bush is the worst president that was ever elected, no wonder foreign people generalize americans as stupid, because foreign people are right, Bush is a stupid person, and only the stupid people would vote for him. But, not all americans voted for him!

Bush selled his soul to the devil, Bush will drown in flames, Bush will BURN.
There is probably little time for him and this crap administration to run, it is slowly burning in hell's FLAMES.

OBAMA FOR PRESIDENT 2008! Dont vote for Hilary Clinton, she is hypocrite
   comment by kary on August 8, 2007

america you need to get a free hamburger ha
   comment by Yeah on March 29, 2010

Hey Kary, bet you wished you never voted for Obummer, excuse me, Omao....opps, Obama now!! I would like to check out some other countries but am unable to get a passport...yea right free country my ass. I'm a Vietnam Vet and they won,t even let me leave the country or give me a passport unless I have an M-16 in my hand and promise to kill Muslims. I live here in the US and the government is very, very, corrupt. The citizens (and illegals), are truly asleep at the switch. We are I believe quickly going down hill. What most foreign people do not understand is we no longer have control of our country and I fear the only thing that will change it is a second revolution (By the way, the French helped us with the last one). Most of us do not want war and are so very, very, tired of it. It's the powers that be that want to fight, and yes, I believe for oil. I did spend some time in Europe but quite honestly was glad to get home despite all the fucked up people and shitty, anarchist government. What can I's home. We have tried to change things with our votes but it makes no difference, Washington isn't listening. I really feel the government is afraid of it's people because lately they have been training large groups of soldiers in urban warfare and there have been rumors of FEMA camps for revolting citizens. I'm tired, so very tired. We work our whole life away here and now their talking about raising the retirement age. New Orleans was a third world country and I got to say the blacks are more racist than most of us whites and tried to threaten and kill any whites unfortunate enough to get stranded there but the PC liberal media would never show such a thing. We are going to PC ourselves to death here. The Tsunami that hit where was it?, Malaysia. Those people took such good care of one another with no rapes, murders or looting. We are truly uncivilized here in a disaster and I will keep my shotgun handy if anything similar happens here. America has it's good points and bad point' lately mostly bad. I have always wanted to live or visit another country, preferably New Zealand which I understand is rated number 1 in the world now for freedom (We are now at number 9 and quickly loosing more rights by the day), or Australia. This will never happen as I am quite poor, going to college and just trying to survive. Many of us here have lost our jobs due to outsourcing and the greedy corporations forcing onl farts like me (54) to have to go back to college and then I fear I will not get a job. Oh well, to everyone in all countries around the world....can't we just all get along, there is so much more to life then disagreements and war and war in the name of religion and yes for oil. If it were up to me I would take the Presidents, Kings, Queens, Premiers of every warring country, lock them in a room, and let them duke it out with the winner taking the spoils. See ya later.....Peace.
   comment by OldFart from USA on September 18, 2010

America is the fucking country in the world, which has already become tired of all!Russia is the best country in the world! And America will sink in the muck! Russia will sink America bombs and missiles! Hahahahahahahah!!
   comment by Russian on April 25, 2012

America fucker country in the world, which has already become tired of all! Russia is the best country in the world! And America will drown in shit! Russia will flood America with bombs and missiles! Hahahahahahahah!
   comment by Russian on April 25, 2012

I love Russia!
   comment by Russian on April 25, 2012


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