The Razor No! -Zone"Why are we giving away vibrating razors Jake!" asks a recent spam mail from 'the Razor Zone' in my email box. I don't know, but I think Razor Zone needs to ask themselves that question. I don't know about you but I don't even have to think about it, All I have to do is hear or see the words 'vibrating' and 'razor' close together in a sentence and I know it's not a good idea. I think I just unwittingly received my yearly mental check up from the mental health department. I would say it is definitely equivical to the reflex thing the doctor uses on your knee.An Artists rendering of this situation: Person: (Goes to get money from the ATM for a Vibrating Razor.) OH Money! Person:(Pays for Vibrating Razor at a store) Oh Money. Person:(Uses vibrating Razor to shave legs right at the major joint.) OAAAAAAHHH Ma Knee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Written by trckands
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