Russia is a not a happy funtime country

Did you know that Russia has spent a decade of violent warfare to try and keep a separatist province inside the country? The military has been brutal in putting down the 'rebellion', which has become a non-ending guerilla war for independence.

Here are some quotes from Russia Admits It Lied On Crisis. It gives a peak at the state of Russian media and politics.

The Russian government admitted Sunday that it lied to its people about the scale of the hostage crisis that ended with more than 300 children, parents and teachers dead in southern Russia, making an extraordinary admission through state television after days of intense criticism from citizens.
The broadcast included no apology and referred only to the most blatant misstatement by officials, the claim that only 354 hostages were inside the school. It did not acknowledge that the hostage-takers had demanded an end to the war in Chechnya or that the government continues to give conflicting information about whether any of the guerrillas remain at large, who they were and how many were killed.
Such statements could never be aired unless the Kremlin directly ordered them, according to political analysts here. Criticism of the president is never broadcast on state television, the continuing war in Chechnya is almost never mentioned, and even mild questioning of government policy is not allowed without approval from the Kremlin.

Posted by dustin on September 6, 2004 with category tags of

Here's an even better country:
   comment by vinny9 (#33) on September 6, 2004

Why it's not just an issue of 'letting the Chechens go':
   comment by Sean on September 6, 2004

Russia is totally a happy funtime country! To wit:

Their parallel world inside the Earth's crust

Thier consumption of wodka

Their eastern Siberia hippo attacks

And of course, Rasputin, the most fun-loving Russian of them all

   comment by chrisdye on September 6, 2004

Wow, that Swaziland guy totally needs to watch Coming to America. Eddie Murphey could teach a brother something.
   comment by alice on September 6, 2004

Interesting article. The chaos there is unbelievable - and the population keeps getting SMALLER! Considering that they still have huge numbers of nuclear weapons, that is a frightening thought. Nobody's minding the nuclear store.
   comment by peterwellington (#137) on September 6, 2004

Ba-da ba bA BAA, I'm luhhvin' it!
   comment by vinny9 (#33) on September 7, 2004


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