Blasted resume So it seems to me that posting a resume that includes some quality buzzwords onto the net is a good way of getting recruited. I checked my logs and saw a hit from a search for "resume or cv and j2me or j2me developer or mobile game", which would explain this email I just got:
Hi Dustin,
I wanted to take the time to reach out to you after having had the opportunity of coming across your resume online. I am an account manager with [company name removed] which is the leading recruiting agency for the video game industry. I have several clients in the wireless games space that are looking for experienced software engineers for full-time employment, specifically J2ME & BREW Engineers. Currently I am trying fill positions for these clients in the S.F. Bay Area, New York, Montreal and London. Based on your background, I believe that they would be very interested in speaking with you in more detail as would I.
3 comments Dustin
Congrats on the opporunity you have been faced with. Hope evereything goes well.
jonnie | |
Well I sent an email back saying "No thanks. Don't call me, I'll call you" =)
Still, it is nice to be offered opportunities. | |
"no thanks don't call me I'll call you" a pretty shitty response to a professional approach, Still you get your kicks. I should imagine you are still talking about it...Wouldn't think he will be in contact in the future smart ass | |