Face Facts Just read a very interesting article in Nature Neuroscience, summarized here.
Basically, the researchers took a man who was cortically blind (ie. blind because of brain damage, rather than because of eye damage) and showed him pictures of faces displaying emotions (angry, happy, sad, fearful). In 'looking' at these pictures, the man was able to guess the emotion on the face far more often than would be expected by chance, despite not even being able to tell if the face was male or female.
Surprisingly, the man also spotted the gorilla.
2 comments Man, between blind people who can still see emotions, and paralysed people controlling computers with their minds... *insert off-colour punchline utilising the word cripples here*
When I opened that page the advertisement was for a larger erection. You should keep those desires private, Andrew. | |
Maybe I just thought you needed a bigger erection. I know YOUR MOM DOES!
Um, I'm not entirely sure what I just said. | |
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