My Reading List I use a server based RSS aggregator to read most of the websites that I follow. It was already online, so I decided to link it up and make my Reading List publicly available (link also available in the sidebar). It's a pretty assorted collection containing content about technology, games, online business, art, mcgill improv people, mac os, java, Vancouver, and live searches for content of interest to me.
If you want to see the internet through my eyes (and/or you're bored) take a peek. It's a 'river of news' style aggregator (like blogfather Dave Winer loves), with the newest stuff coming in at the top and pushing everything down. It gets updated every hour (on the :40's). I don't really read everything that comes through. There's a lot of skimming involved to find the entries that I care about enough to invest some brainpower towards.
It's using a hacked up copy of an older version of the feed on feeds package, which isn't perfect, but it works well enough for me.
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