1155 Haro Street, here I comeUPDATE: I have now lived at 1155 Haro for 4 years and counting! It's a lovely building in a great location.
If you're moving into 1155 Haro, send me an email. I love knowing neighbors. There is a friendly varied community of people living here.
[September 2006] Today is moving day:

I really enjoyed living near Commercial Drive. I would have been happy to stay in this area, however I felt moving somewhere else in Van would help my education in the ins and outs of the city. So for the next year I'm living on the downtown peninsula.
My new address is: 94-1155 Haro St, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6E 1E4
6 comments I've been thinking a lot about moving to Vancouver since I was there last month. I'd really like to live downtown not too far from Dunsmuir & Beatty but everything I've seen is pretty expensive. There's no way I could afford to buy a condo like the one I have now. | |
Dustin: free advice from a (more-or-less) native: no local-raised person calls the city "Van." "North Van" and "West Van" are acceptable, but for whatever reason, "Van" is wrong. It's like calling San Francisco "Frisco". The natives don't do it.
You may continue, | |
Thanks for the tip Ryan, and I think I've heard somebody else say that too. I'm pretty lazy with big words though, so no promises I will play by the rules ;-).
Mike: The real estate prices in Vancouver are totally out of whack right now. It's bubble central, with speculators everywhere. Wait a few years for another X giant condo buildings to go up and the prices should come crashing down to where they belong. | |
Be sure to visit Vera's Burgers, on Davie near Burrard, if you haven't been. There's another one on Denman. | |
Mmmmmmm..... Vera's Burger Shack. I found the one on Cornwall in Kits shortly after coming to Van, and have been a convert since. | |
haha you are my neighbour! I live at #93 Haro. But I'm moving by the end of this month, so you'll get a new neighbour :P | |
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