BarCamp thoughts and photos 
I attended another Vancouver edition of a BarCamp Unconference this past weekend. I missed the late-night and early morning parts, but everything I caught was a blast. Good sessions and good people.
In his wrap-up, Boris muses about the timing of things. I think the way to do it is to start in the morning, go through sessions during the day as happened, pause again for food/drinks/SuperHappy time around dinner, then move into less structured overnight hacking time. People might not end up sleeping over, but some would stay up late tinkering for sure.
I published my set of 70 BarCamp photos. I took it as an opportunity to try my hand at taking close-up shots of individual people. There were lots of interesting targets, and I got a number of shots that I'm really happy with. Good practice for my future paparazzi gigs...
2 comments Except...I think everyone would SuperHappy a lot and then go home: it is effectively a one day event.
Tweaking your thought a little...maybe start late morning or even afternoon, do a long~ish half day, then reconvene in the morning and go until just after lunch. Hmmm...yes, me likey. | |
Yeah, that's probably a good tweak. Have something happening the next morning to keep people through the night, or draw them back. | |
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