photos from the fringe 
I've posted a bunch of my Vancouver fringe festival photos.
2 comments Shout out to Jem Rolls and Die Roten Punkte! Those photos are so Vancouver... why, I don't know. | |
On Second Thought: really funny & touching traditional 1-man show format.
Die Roten Punkte: energetic and fun fun fun
Maxim and Cosmo: very funny look at relationships. Makes old cliches new again.
American Squatter: interesting & funny 1-man presentation. I think you would really dig this, Dustin.
Bye bye bombay: parts were fantastic and touching, but doesn't all quite come together
If Tap Shoes Could Talk: a play featuring tap dancing; lighthearted
Deep Fried Perogies: endearing 1-woman show, but 30 minutes too long
Dickens of the Mounted: very well executed, but was of only a passing interest to me.
Celui Qui: slow and pretentious. Others in audience loved it.
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