Time Zone Map

Wikipedia has a really nice map of the time zone divisions around the world. Clicking the image will take you to the full 4779x1979 map. A number of interesting political-geographic choices have been made regarding time zones. China is huge, but keeps everything in the same time zone. Europe is pretty wide, but also keeps mostly in 1 time zone. The UK is close enough geographically to be in time with Europe, but is 1 hour off instead. India and some other countries are 30 minutes off the normal hours. It's an entertaining hodgepodge.

Posted by dustin on October 2, 2007 with category tags of

I was surprised at how many places on the map had half-hour time zones. The UK being an hour off is more or less France's fault, they stubbornly wanting to make time at the Paris meridian different from that at the Greenwich meridian.

And did you see the tiny bit of Oz that is on 3/4 time?
   comment by Ryan Cousineau on October 3, 2007

Spain, while south of the UK, is aligned with the rest of Western Europe. I noticed the late sunrises and sunsets and meant to check the time zones when I got back. Serendipitously, this post came while I was still in Spain. 2 hearts beat as one.

It fits the Spanish lifestyle, though.
   comment by BJ on October 9, 2007

England is not "an hour off". The world sets its time by the Greenwich meridian. UCT is just another name for GMT. Because it was a British carpenter who sorted out how to measure longitude, and Greenwich still has the clocks - and the pocket watch - he developed to do it
   comment by Stephen Rees on October 17, 2007

Ah, well the UK is an hour off from Europe. Maybe I should have said Europe is an hour off the UK instead? Anyway, I was just pointing out that the geography could have enabled them to be in the same time zone.
   comment by dustin (#1) on October 17, 2007

I think we can all agree that the UK is 5 hours (and Europe 6 hours) off from the actual, real time. Does anyone ever say "the ball touched down on Times Square at the stroke of 5AM, GMT on January 1, 2007" or "The football game starts at 2 a.m. GMT, 10 Central and Mountain"? To ask the question is to answer it.
   comment by chrisdye on October 19, 2007

When I'm advertising Luxtoberfest events I always announce the time in GMT, Eastern, and Pacific. That was the impetus for finding this map in fact. Time zones are tricky in the virtual world.
   comment by dustin (#1) on October 19, 2007


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