I have a lot of "broadband" querries, hidden in media from NIMOY and others,. Cameron, Speilberg, Roger Waters:RADIO KAOS,. I'm actually pretty good at poetry even :),. your probably looking for the old SIGINT data from FLAMINGO,. I was RADIO CONTROLLED MEGA PIRATE. Scientology or "code 64" or whatever, will no doubt die soon for murdering children with radio terrorism, or satellite sound. "Hello I'm Billy I hear radio waves in my head" hits home for the todlers these days,.. The master code of all secert codes is hidden on the GI Joe , Real American Hero floppy disk, I belive it describes the "downfall" of my Commodore, and their fascist fleet of Enloa gay losers, in your NEIGHBOURHOOD,. that code is FISH SAURON BA SS TI TC TM TD,. Thanks(tm) Zak,. Signed FATHER,. George Lucas,. egger :) (see you in the NEXUS,. ESI!!)
It's been interesting,. e-mailing every wing of the DHS, and SS, and FBI over 1000 times, without using any automation,. by the way, you may also want to know about "SUBVOCAL SPEECH RECOGNITION",. aka "mind reading",.. NASA is "somewhat open",.