Enough, enough, enough....Talk show hosts: They are degrating this presidential election by degratin O'bama. He's a Harvard graduate. Rush has called "O'bama every degrating word in the English Language: fool, geek, jerk, studid, ignorant, and so on." What does that say about Harvard? Is that what Harvard putting out there. Their agenda is to completely destroy O'bama. What they are doing is for? This is far from informing the public or giving the news. They are lynching O'bama without a noose. Greater than you, Rush have destroyed themselves in the process of trying to destroy others." Just to make fair. ''Now this is my opinions as the Great Lou Dobbs would say.''
Who is Dustin "Quasar" Sacks? I am a multi-media artist and producer. I work with video, gaming, photography, music, festival culture and personal development.
View my personal website skyfox.me for more details.
As all I see, hear, and feel is so tragic, I have become quite numb to it all; I shall die, grotesquely overweight, perversely content, having lived a life of flavor. - Anon.a.mouth[quote database]