PoisonedI just tried out a new Mac OS X filesharing app Poisoned for the first time. It's actually just a front-end for the giFT daemon, which is a open-source platform independant filesharing back-end that can handle multiple protocols (i.e. gnutella, openFT, ...).
The giFT daemon has been rock solid for me so far, but Poisoned likes to crash. It is still only at version 0.4 though. And if you set it to not terminate the giFT daemon on exit then the downloads keep acoming. The modem lights flashing says that it is so.
I downloaded the source code and tried to build it. I got around the first three errors but was stymed by the fourth. Which is probably good anyway, cause I don't really have much time for new projects right aboot now.
Anywho, check it out if you're on OSX.
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