Online Publishing Playgrounds in 2008

I've taken to sharing links and quick posts on my twitter account instead of here. Twitter is a real-time micro-blog network. It lets you write short posts and also watch a feed of messages from people you follow.

People can follow your posts without you following them back, making for an interesting usage slope: how much publishing vs reading. Wildly different uses result.

This blog remains the place for longer writing. A blog is a simple way of creating permanent public webpages. An important tool in the cyberage.

Why do I publish media online?
To share information.
To entertain.
To advertise my business.
To advertise causes I believe in.
To write the history of my life.
To help write the history of humanity.

Watch the video The Machine is Us for a powerful visualization.

What about Facebook?
I am still a fan of Facebook. I find it useful for events, photos, and entertainment. Facebook remains a walled garden, so it doesn't compete with blogs or twitter for real web publishing. It excels as a more private communications infrastructure.

One of the speakers at Interesting Vancouver scoffed at Facebook as a community tool. Well, my pictures from the last Vancouver Zombie Flashmob were mostly collectively tagged when I added them to the event page on Facebook. That is community building.

Posted by dustin on November 2, 2008 with category tags of

1 comment
Why I Love Twitter is an interesting article from Tim O'Reilly.
   comment by dustin (#1) on November 29, 2008


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