So, 3058m? Play Canabalt
Simple yet slick little game.
28 comments 2234m -- this game is hard | |
Nobody beat that, or else I have to keep playing. | |
That was me. 4710m. Don't beat that. | |
2538, and I can't stop!!!!!!!! | |
Um, I'm sorry BJ...4722m...
I just got 6870, so no need for anyone else to ever play this game. I have conquered it. | |
Does the game stutter for you guys every 15 seconds or so because of buffering? It's really annoying and responsible for at least 20% of my deaths.
I'd say 50% are because of failing to jump into buildings 20% because of those weird screw things that appear out of nowhere. 10% unforced error
I've been in the 4000s several times, but your 6870 is indeed impressive! | |
The game only stutters for me on restart while I'm still inside the first building.
My death breakdown: 80% failing to jump into buildings 15% a jump to avoid an oncoming object only to land in an abyss 5% lack of concentration
Are you playing with the sound off, Bryan? The explosive screws make an incoming buzzing sound before landing.
But I can only get to 3km with any consistency and I've never hit 4km. | |
5535.. getting closer.
I play with the sound off mostly. | |
I bet nobody can beat my record for lowest distance. 101m! | |
OK, BJ. You have opened up a competition that you can never close... | |
Well, goodladd, it seems Gbrowdy has answered to the challenge. BJ has performed marvelously to date and his determination and OCD has brought him this far in the competition. How do you think Gbrowdy will respond? | |
Now we have lost him to the game | |
Has anyone told Miri about Net Nanny? | |
My record has stood for one month.
I declare this competition closed and crown myself champion. | |
Sorry, Bryan, but I just got to the end.
Turns out he left the oven on. | |
I got caught up with the colorful rainbow unicorn version... | |
A run for the ages: 13176m | |
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