Drink up, foo!

Ah, dreams of those long lost days of yore, when a righteous Mr T roamed the land spreading his justice.

[the setting is a upscale parlour. some old people are sitting around drinking tea]

Oh Mabel, these biscuits are marvelous.

Why thank you Agnes. The trick is to put a drop of kerosene in the batter.

Kerosene?! ... I'll have to try that.

You've really made the place look stunning Mabel. That portrait of Rodney is stunning.

[they all admire the portrait. It is full-sized (ie 6 foot high)]

[suddenly something bursts through the picture...]
[everybody is shocked, an old lady faints]

[When the dust clears we see that it was Mr T. He is wearing lots of gold chains, with a golden kettle on one of them. He also has gold earrings in the shape of tea cups]

Mr T:
[demands] What kind of tea you drinkin?

Ah ... It's Ruby Foo.

Mr T:
Ruby Foo??? I pity the foo! You guys are drinkin suck-a-junk! You should be drinkin Mr T brand tea.

[Mr T holds up a giant gold teabag that says 'Mr Tea' on it]

chorus of old ladies: Oh my! Marvelous! Who is this ruffian? Smashing!

Top drawer!

Mr T:
[nodding at mabel] You Dammmn right!

Mr T:
Mr T got your choice of Earl Grey, Orange Pico and Breakfast Jibba-jabba!

[puts her arm around Mr T] Oh Mr T, you're marvelous.

Mr T:
Now this is what I call a T party.

[fade out]

Posted by McImprov on January 14, 2003 with category tags of

I liked it when Richard Gere played Mr. T in that movie with Helen Hunt.
   comment by anonymous on January 17, 2003


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