For your enjoyment

Posted by Chronomorph on July 19, 2005 with category tags of

Sweet, its King Tiger (?) from Pro Wrestling. I winner is you is quite the childhood memory. I like the random swamp beast that bites people's head. Its so out of place.

PS I am in Israel and having a great time. In my little precious computer time I am actually checking sillytech!
   comment by gbrowdy on July 19, 2005

I'm watching the hulkster. I think if Hulk showed up to my old work and started body slamming people in the office, I think they'd be grateful, that they've been allowed to be slammed by the hulk. The hulk could get people to pay him to launch them out the second story window. I also believe that if a local jail could by Satan get incredibly haunted, that people should go by and smote the Shiite out of it with up to eighty hits by 8 ,Nine, once 2 someone tests someone's also by W/Satan test the tall sex limit, turning the possible loser of the risk's soul into road to travel in the after the end life. But I can't figure out if we would need to turn the sun off according to the revelation of 'Man's relation ship to the sun'. I became aware of it like weeks ago, followed quickly by the sun flatening in the sky for a minute with the coyote still in the field. Nice then it could be a nado tour. If you know what I'm saysin'.

If you don't like it maybe you could be the one to pay me to be the one that tore up your A-
   comment by trckands on July 23, 2005

Hey iceberg check this out.
   comment by trckands on July 23, 2005


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