The Bitter End is at Mainline for another two nights of its last two live improv shows. Sept. 25th and 26th at 9pm for $8. We have a great Mirror cover story and the first internet webisode.
Only four more shows left of the Bitter End, an improvised sitcom starring Dan Beirne, Brent Skagford, Etan Muscat, Vanessa Matsui, Kirsten Rasmussen and Marc Rowland. Its at 8pm everyday until sunday at Le Gymnase (4177 St-Denis, corner Rachel) as part of Zoofest.
Dan Beirne (the one you know and love) put together a trailer for the improvised sitcom that we've been performing at Theatre Ste-Catherine on thursdays. You can check all the episodes on The Bitter End website.
Last month, Brent Skagford and I taught an intermediate class at the OFF space on St-Laurent and put on a showcase where our workshoppers dazzled the audience with their incredible improv skills. For late summer/early fall, I’m organizing a BEGINNERS class, so if you’re interested in getting on board the improv train, now would be a good time. You can check my website for more information.
Hey guys, I may be in London, but I still know that you should check out Space Jail at Theatre Ste-Catherine. That's what I'd be doing, if I was around. Jeez, you guys.
I was looking up Salamanders and I discovered a blatant bit of defacement. Contrary to popular belief, salamanders are not mammals!!! But, when I checked out the edit page I couldn't figure out how the change was done. I'm no hacker, so can one of you computer-types solve this riddle for me?
It would make more sense to me that women are the predators and men are the prey, since we are the ones who are eating them alive. ~Rachel Enck[quote database]