Vancouver Pillow Fight Club  Pillow fight in front of the art gallery!! There must have been over 100 people there, it was insane. Feathers were everywhere (nasal passages included). It is very hard to manuever when on the inside of the pillow pit. Seems like the Vancouver flashmob scene is alive and well.
And why not take a step down memory lane to the past Montreal chalk mob.
7 comments This event took place on my first day back to visit Vancouver after being away for close to 2 years. This was an amazing way to be welcomed back. The energy of the crowd was intoxicating. I couldn't wait for another feather pillow to explode and be lifted into the air. I garantee that no matter where you were there was a tiny feather attached to your person. | |
Hey - That's me... right smack in the front and centre of the photo. I'm the guy in the checked jacket with the greaser haido!
This was perhaps the greatest stress reliever I've ever experienced. Nothin' like showin' the world how a bunch of strangers can come together, blow off steam in a playfully agressive and non-lethal fashion, huh?
I've reposted the pic as I'm in it... hope ya dn't mind!
Best, T.Paul FlashMob Vancouver | |
I heard about the next day it sounded great will it happen again? any idea? if so please e-mail.
Thank you inadvance Pat.8>} | |
Please put me on the mailing list, I want to know when the next pillow fight goes down. | |
**Breaking News** Darth Lissen presents: Lightsaber Flashmob Vancouver
Spontaneous lightsaber battle
Date: Sunday July 13th Time: 8pm sharp!! Till approx 8:10pm Location: Vancouver Art Gallery field (The Olympic Clock side) 750 Hornby Street, Vancouver BC
Sound like fun? We thought so.
All you need to join us is a lightsaber. It could be a fancy FX saber, a Toys R Us $20 special or simply a painted cardboard tube, you decide! Come dressed as your favorite Star Wars character? Of course! But it's not essential. You don't even need to be a Star Wars fan…it’s all about getting out into the public eye, waving a sword around, having fun, and having a laugh.
Make it fun, keep it safe, and be careful of the little kids in the crowd, this is all-ages fun. Come on by and prove once and for all who is the more powerful, the Jedi…or the Sith!
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