Vorg flashmob blogVancouver Santas |  Santa came early this year in Vancouver. And he came in great numbers. See more bizarre holiday fun in my Vancouver Santas photoset.
I'm not supposed to tell you that Santa has a Santacon website.
My advice to Santas for next year: - If you show up at the first meeting point, do it 45 minutes later then advertised. - Show up at the dinner-time meeting point if you're a night-time Santa. - Pace yourself. In between giving out gifts, Santa mostly barcrawls. - Plan to party with Santa all day and/or all night. It's a lot of fun. - Bring some of your favorite Christmas spirits with you. - Don't be Santa on an empty stomach. - Bring your friends. The more the merrier. | |
Vancouver Zombies | 
Almost 1000 zombies rose from their graves to walk around Vancouver in search of tasty braaaaaaiiiins on Saturday. The most attractive targets were sightseeing buses, city buses, people who were smiling/laughing, and people in cars without a sense of humor (tee hee).
We did a circuit from the art gallery, past the fancy shops on Robson, over on Denman, through the heart of gaytown along Davie, past the club strip on Granville, through Sears, and back to the art gallery. It was wild!
I've published my Vancouver zombie walk photos. Some of my favorites are motorcycle zombies, zombie in a car (with pet dog), lurching through Sears, and the group shot included above. As usual, there's lots more interesting ones on flickr. | |
Flashmob + Consumer Power = Tuangou! | 500 people buying electronics flash mob a retailer to demand a group discount. | |
Bubble Love In Vancouver |  As a follow up to the pillow fight, today Vancouver's flashmobbers got together for some Bubble Love. It was raining this morning, and the art gallery steps were pretty deserted just a minute before 3. Things weren't looking that good. But then somebody started blowing their bubbles, and people kept coming and coming. Eventually bubbles filled the sky and it was glorious.
One of my favorite parts was seeing a passing suit stop and approach the bubbles with a big grin on his face. Hurray for random acts of whimsical beauty.
Here are all my bubblemob photos. | |
Vancouver Pillow Fight Club |  Pillow fight in front of the art gallery!! There must have been over 100 people there, it was insane. Feathers were everywhere (nasal passages included). It is very hard to manuever when on the inside of the pillow pit. Seems like the Vancouver flashmob scene is alive and well.
And why not take a step down memory lane to the past Montreal chalk mob. | |
Montreal zombie attack | I heard there was a zombie attack at the Tam-Tams this weekend in Montreal. Fortunately I was out of town. I found some zombie attack pictures of it though. | |
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