My new MacBook Pro My new MacBook Pro arrived early this morning, and so far it's awesome. Apple's transfer assistant kicks ass, easily copying (almost) everything over from my old PowerBook to the new one with no effort required.
The speed increase is noticeable in a bunch of different applications. Compiling the Lux sources takes under half the time on the new book versus the old one. Since the MacBook has an Intel chip in it, I can also run Windows on it (purely for testing purposes). I bought Parallels Desktop, so I don't even have to reboot; Windows can just be run inside a window of Mac OS X.
I've been lusting after a MacBook Pro since they were first released. I told myself that I would hold out for the first revision, to avoid any early model problems. There turned out to be a variety of issues with the first generation models, so it was a good move. As soon as Apple announced the new models last week I jumped on it like a fat kid on a smarty. So far this one is rock solid (knock wood). I'm even working with it on my lap, and it seems cooler in temperature then my Powerbook was. Time will tell the full story of course. For now: Kick ass!
4 comments After some more lap usage I have found that the heat level is at least as hot as my powerbook was. It's not terrible though. Hopefully it won't get worse. The heat level was something I hoped they could improve on from what I heard about the first-gen models. | |
Man, I knew that a fat kid would jump on a Smartie, but never thought he'd be hungry enough to jump on a smarty.
OMG, here he comes!!!
ARG, he jumped on my pants!!! | |
I just got my new Macbook Pro as well. Enjoy! | |
Can I have your old powerbook? come on! | |