Wikipedia Graffiti

I was looking up Salamanders and I discovered a blatant bit of defacement. Contrary to popular belief, salamanders are not mammals!!! But, when I checked out the edit page I couldn't figure out how the change was done. I'm no hacker, so can one of you computer-types solve this riddle for me?

Posted by Chronomorph on December 29, 2006 with category tags of

Oh! Its gone already. Heh, heh. I guess I over-reacted there.
   comment by Chronomorph (#11) on December 29, 2006

I know it's been fixed, but for future reference: All you do is find the word you want to replace ("mammal") and replace it with the correct one. Double brackets around a word means it will be a link (Ex. [[mammal]] leads to the Wikipedia article on mammals).
   comment by aimomo on October 10, 2008


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