The Complete New Testament First there was the latin edition, then the King James version, and now the Bible has come out all cosmopolitan style. It's the bible that all the cool girls are reading. If it can work for fashion then why not god right?
Us atheists have really got to get organized. All the other dudes give out pamphlets and have books (sometimes in flashy magazine form. Even the local graphitti wall is usually covered with religious related stuffs (not to mention bathrooms stalls). Can you image a bunch of aitheists going around scribbling "There is no god!" everywhere.
This new edition isn't totally synched up with popular culture however. Quoth:In one hypothetical question and answer, a girl asks, "How do you tell a friend that's your crush that you're into him without ruining your friendship?" Revolve counsels her: "You don't. Sorry. … God made guys to be the leaders. That means that they lead in relationships." Via metafilter
1 comment Why couldn't I have gotten a subscription to this one?! Those girls look so cool and happy (in a spiritual kind of way).
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