Art for NerdsHere's what I got my brother, Derek, for Christmas:First, I found a picture I had of him and used a photo editing tool (in my case Photoshop 6.0) to make it black and white. Then, I made it into a 32 x 32 pixel jpg file. Next, I took a bristol board and drew a 32x32 grid on it with each unit 1/2"x1/2". I used Photoshop to measure the luminosity of each pixel in the pic (1024 pixels). The luminosity is recorded in the corresponding square on the bristol board ranging from 100% (black) to 0% (white). Next, I went out and bought a set of 25 oil pastels. I made a little grid, 5x5, with each colour in the box represented. I scanned it in, made the image black and white, and recorded the luminosity for each colour. I matched, as best I could, each colour to a range of luminosities. As an example, navy blue was 93-96. Wherever my bristol board was labelled 93, 94, 95, or 96, I filled in the square with navy blue. Eventually, after many hours, the whole grid was filled in. Here's a close-up of a small section: I think it turned out pretty nice and my bro loved it so I'm glad it didn't turn out horrible! Many thanks to Tasha and Peter for their help. Here's another look at it side-by-side with the source picture and the pixellated version:
Written by vinny9
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