The New Deal

The old SillyTech was missing something, so I've rejiggered it. Previously, all you could do was add skits, with some comments being appended. This wasn't the best for nourishing good discussions and advancing collaboration.

So now it's possible to just post your thoughts without attaching a skit, like I am doing right here. As well, the comment system has been redone. Comments can now be threaded, and it should be easier to add more features in the future. Hopefully this will all help SillyTech grow.There's probably a bug or three around somewhere, so forgive me when you find them. Tell me what you think below.

Posted by dustin on November 30, -0001 with category tags of

1 comment
4/5. This is an excellent post. Very informative
   comment by Chronomorph (#11) on October 11, 2002


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