Relaunching as Vorg Vorg is the new name for SillyTech. That's the software that my blog runs on, along with a bunch of other cool people.
The Tag Cloud shows what Vorg blogs about. Authors - tags are a powerful way of us becoming internet authorities on topics we care about. Highlights include the map blog, music blog, photo blog, video blog, art blog, Montreal blog, and Vancouver blog.
RSS feeds are being pumped out for individual tags, individual authors and the full Vorg.
The Funny Quote Database has an improved view!
Vorg is continuing its slow and steady growth. All feedback is welcome. Some more improvements are planned soon. Also, we're looking for a few good bloggers to join Vorg.
Why the name change? Running 2 entirely different websites both starting with Silly in their names wasn't working for me. I hope you like as a domain, I think it's pretty awesome. I'm gradually putting URL redirects in place with the goal of minimizing loss of google mojo. Everything should be switched over in the next few days.
16 comments Wait. Is it cool if I still post here? | |
yo dat s no xbok 360 I fuk U botch in ears
Dora explorer! | |
Imma still goin strong 127 comments long damn that's wrong | |
Are the mini-city/ people finally going to leave me alone? | |
All are welcome to post! Except for travis (and other morons). I've now taken to deleting idiotic comments.
If you want to turn off comments on a thread (or notification of them) let me know.
The rap battle, amazon sucks, and biodata threads are testaments to the hilarious power of Vorg! | |
I just fixed a bug with comment counts. Rap battle is in the lead with 1030 comments!!! Amazon sucks has a measly 827. | |

Also, boo on when you so easily could have taken (or even We'll teach those jerks Without Annette a thing or two about URL humour.
And does this mean we have to start taking an interest in birds, now?
Oh well. I think it's a fine name, really. Besides, resistance is futile, right?
Zing! | |
Also, Dustin, whatever weird algorithm you have to format comments keeps breaking my img tag -- it's inserting a space between the 'vorg' and the '.gif' of the filename, and thus rendering invisible my trenchant attempt at Photoshop satire. Censorship! Fascism! | |
The .ca adds class.
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I miss the name Sillytech but I trust your business savvy. I was going to say "acumen" but then I was like "is that the word I want?". Maybe I'll leave it up to you. I trust your business ___.
I have no idea what Andrew's cartoon means. | |
acumen, savvy, mad skillz; it's all good! | |
And before you make fun of me for writing "Orthinological" rather than "Ornithological", it was just due to me being a sloppy typer, not a bird philistine. | |
I've got to admit, I much prefer the name Sillytech. (I was just thinking that last night, while listening to Hall&Oates cassettes on my ghetto blaster.) | |
Vorg — Tag Cloud
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