Vorg Chicago blogRoad trip photos | The road trip down to Champaign-Urbana I went on last week was a ton of fun! We stopped in Ann Arbor, Champaign-Urbana, Chicago and Toronto along the way. I met up with a few hardcore Luxers in Chicago and they treated me to a wonderful night. In Toronto I got to see my family and a Dan Beirne comedy extravaganza!! Check out these fabulous road trip photos for a piece of the fun.
I've been back for about a week, and have been undergoing a move inside my apartment. My old bedroom is now the office, and the room previously known as Nikki's room is now the bedroom. Both of these rooms seem very promising in their new arrangements. Plus, now I'm sharing the Summerhill Palace with my awesometastic girlfriend. Huzzah!! | |
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