Vorg dad blogGo Daddy Go | Riding e-bikes with a fellow dad, our kids on the back wanted us to go FASTER! It was a friendly race. They started chanting "Go Daddy Go, Go Daddy Go, ..." to egg us on, with the endless repetition spirit of youth. The bike adventure days continued to happen (to the north shore, to kits beach, to downtown! e-bikes are amazing), and the song chant continued to return to delight us all. So we shaped it into a proper kids song, with some vocal support from enchantress Nat Wiarda, and it's finally available on all the music platforms today. Please share with your dad, family and friends if you like it 🙏
Go Daddy Go!
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I Love Me | Last year I took a great workshop on self-love. With all the influences and distractions of modern life, it can be difficult to focus on ourselves. That said, we always have the power to return to our centers, take a breath, and give ourselves the love we need.
I was very touched by the workshop, and have made good use of the practice. Last year I made "I ❤️ Me" stickers and gave them out at a few festivals.
This year I wrote a kids song with the same message, and it's now out on Spotify (and the other music platforms very shortly). I hope you like it. If so, please heart it, and share with a kid you love :)
Listen to I Love ME on spotify. | |
It's been an interesting few years | 3 years ago I took on a new identity, as a father! Along with a global pandemic, it's been an interesting run to say the least.
In the original Improv spirit of this website, I started making silly educational videos for kids
I've also started writing a weekly activity newsletter awesome dad and kid activities in it.
It's been a looooong time since there were any new posts on this website. I'm kicking the tires here I guess to see if it still works (haha, there were a bunch of bugs I had to fix to get this post out). | |
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