Lux DLX is a fast-paced world domination game, with over 100 hand-crafted maps, challenging computer AIs, and lots of options.
Android Lux comes with a set of great maps for free. The Classic World map plus Europe, USA, the UK, and an extra bonus map are all included! Get over one hundred more maps using the in-app purchase unlock. We hope you like it!
I previously wrote about Baarle-Hertog/Baarle-Nassau, a tiny town in Holland with a few dozen parcels of land belonging to Belgium. International borders run haphazardly through the town, dividing streets and buildings, like so:
Well, it seems that Google maps has Streetviewed all of Holland and none of Belgium, resulting in Streetview stopping and starting at near-random intervals through Baarle-Nassau. My favourite part is that some of the Belgian parts have little parts inside them that belong to Holland. These tiny strips of Dutch land, some no bigger than a front yard, are streetviewed, while the Belgian parts are all cut off.
The year is 2,348 A.E. (A.E. — After Earth) OR 12,349 C.E. and Earth has been rendered uninhabitable—forcing humanity into the Galaxy. The forces of New Earth fight for order, while the many crime lords hope to destroy it. It is a turbulent place, filled with thieves, mercs, warlords and those ... [read more...]
Countries are connected if adjacent or linked by a dotted line. The "N.W. African Coast" and "E. Brazil" are connected; as well as the "W. Australian Claim" and "New Zealand".
Map based on Dymaxion map projection.
(Compass design has ... [read more...]
The front-runner for the nomination of the President of the United States misinterpreted the media's definition of a "battleground" state. Taking the term literally, the candidate brought his own private army to New Hampshire assuming that it must be conquered by force in order to win the election... [read more...]
A non-free program is a predatory social system that keeps people in a state of domination and division, and uses the spoils to dominate more.
- RMS[quote database]