I recently ordered a MacBook (the White 2.0). I was going to wait until Leopard came out but the new features don't look all that compelling (other than maybe Spaces). I thought there might also be a hardware update in the next few months but I bought the MacBook refurbished (~$250 less) and any new Macbook wouldn't hit the refurb store for a long time.
This is my 3rd Apple product. iPod nano -> Airport Express -> MacBook. Well played, Apple. Boot Camp was the clincher...
Anyways, I've got a few questions:
1) Browser? Safari seems more than adequate but what about Firefox or Camino? I like the Firefox extensions in Windows. Does that give it a leg up on a Mac as well?
2) Torrent clients? For, um, sharing... improv tips...
3) How much space on the HD does OS X take up? Any useless apps that are typically uninstalled to save space?
I'm sure there will be more to come. Any advice or tips to a Mac n00b are welcome. If I remember, I'll post my impressions.
I need a new email program for Windows with both web and hard-drive accessibility (POP). Preferably it should be low in cost and glitches, and high in safety and awesomeness. Good enough? Any Thunderbird or Opera fans out there?