Firefox 3 is out in Beta and I decided to give it a run on my Macbook. Camino goes into CPU overdrive at random moments. Safari becomes unresponsive once per day.
I've only had it for a short while but already it's my favourite. Firefox 2 was not much better than the other two but this is a clear step in the right direction. Hopefully no deal-killer shows up (it's still in Beta though so I'll cut it some slack).
The interface is a lot nicer, the URL completion is smarter, and the layout is clean with the important stuff one touch away. Colour me impressed.
I tried to respond to Andrew's post below several times, to offer an explanation before GBrowdy could show off. Alas! Sillytech thought I was spam! Even though I was logged in.
So I will offer you more auditory illusions thanks to the awesome Al Bregman AND another way cool video demonstrating the properties of sound using salt.
I will also remind Andrew- and any other readers who may or may not be named Gil- that he called me the better linguist. That's right... I'm the pettier better linguist!