Vorg classes blogNewsflash: I'm A Stud | Montreal Improv got a little write-up in the Mirror. Huzzah!
In other news, a new set of improv classes for beginners start at the end of January. Check out the site for all the details. | |
Improv site | I'm starting up improv classes of my own and made a site for them. I figured I'd ask you guys to do a quick check for me before advertising it around.
If you guys notice any layout glitches or typos or wording or anything that could be improved, please let me know. | |
Improv Classes | Last month, Brent Skagford and I taught an intermediate class at the OFF space on St-Laurent and put on a showcase where our workshoppers dazzled the audience with their incredible improv skills. For late summer/early fall, I’m organizing a BEGINNERS class, so if you’re interested in getting on board the improv train, now would be a good time. You can check my website for more information. | |
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