"The main purpose is to try to learn things, to get experience, to write papers, to do experiments. So in that case if you can do it better because you've got some drug on board, that would on the face of things seem like a plus."
Like Herbert, many scientists and engineers also report heightened states of creativity while using LSD.
"We have been deeply touched by our experiences with psychedelics and it is hard that there is not a single legal study with LSD given to humans anywhere in the world," said Doblin. "We need to bring what is underground and illegal back into a legal context."
New Scientist says that Marijuana might cause new cell growth in the brain. Too bad it's arbitrarily prohibited. It's high time that Canada unlocks the MJ, I hope Dion agrees. It's also high time in my apartment.
Ever wanted to understand how drugs interacted with the brain, but didn't have an adorable animated rodent to explain it to you? Pick up the stoned little mousie and put him in the scanner to see how the drugs are affecting his brain. I'll give you a hint: it's all about the dopamine!
On May 6th I'll be taking part in the Vancouver section of the Global Marijuana March to show my support for reforming Canada's antiquated drug laws. Under the previous government Canada was poised to bring our drug laws closer in line with the reality of our society. Unfortunately the Liberals delayed and delayed until they were booted out.
I'm not very optimistic that the Conservatives will bring about any positive changes to Canada's drug laws. This gives even more reason to go march and show your support. Canada could be a bellwether in the global move to rationalize marijuana laws, but we need to take some real action. Sending our peaceful protesters to the US to face lifetime imprisonment is not the route that I want to see this country take.
Here are the details I found for the major Canadian cities. Check here for info on other cities worldwide. Vancouver: meet at the Art Gallery at 2 PM on May 6th. Montreal: meet at Berri Square at 1 PM on May 6th. Toronto: meet at Queen's Park North from 11 am - 8 pm on May 6th.
Also, I took this opportunity to test out Youtube and upload the video I made from Montreal's 2003 Marijuana March. (Anybody know if I can change the frame it displays in the preview?)
These 9 drawings were done by an artist under the influence of LSD -- part of a test conducted by the US government during it's dalliance with psychotomimetic drugs in the late 1950's. The artist was given a dose of LSD 25 and free access to an activity box full of crayons and pencils. His subject is the medico that jabbed him.
To some lay persons, "infinite monkeys" and "infinitely many monkeys" may be synonymous; to mathematicians, the former is incorrect because each monkey individually is finite.
- Derrick Coetzee, mathematician[quote database]