Vorg hitler blogDeath Camp for Cutie | Hipster Hitler | |
I Don't Even Know Where To Start | Man names son Adolf Hitler
He has taken the swastikas down from his house and now acknowledges the Holocaust. But... but... this quote... It's mind-blowing:
Campbell remains surprised public reaction has been mostly vitriol. And now, he said, he feels threatened and wants out of the spotlight.
"I just want all this to be gone," he said Tuesday, emotional after a contentious interview on Fox Radio with host Alan Colmes. "I didn't really think, I guess, that the world is this cruel." | |
Holla Caust | It's the Hitler Rap!
It starts off seeming like it's just tasteless, but the second verse had me collapsed in a fit of giggles.
[Edit: Direct link isn't working-- you have to click through the video site...] | |
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