Vorg mcgill blogNostaligic? | Was looking up something else and found this: http://www.mcgill.ca/reporter/34/02/campus/ | |
Vaganza 8 | Calling all McAlumni!
Vaganza 8 is scheduled for February 16-17, Saturday to Sunday, noon to noon. (The noon to noon part is to be confirmed)
Who wants to come to Montreal? | |
Improv Summit 2007 | IMPROV SUMMIT 2007 is upon us. McGill, U of T, U of Ottawa, Carleton, U de Montréal, Sherbrooke and UQAM battle for university improv comedy supremacy this Saturday, March 24, at Shatner University Centre, 3480 McTavish, Montreal.
1:15-3:00 FIRST ROUND: McGill-Ottawa- U de M 4:00-6:00 SECOND ROUND: UQAM-Carleton-Sherbrooke-U of T 8:00-9:00 Quebec-Ontario All-Star Game 9:15-10:45 Finals
See it all for $3. More info at www.improvsummit.com
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Shatner | According to this post, McImprov had a hand in naming the Shatner Building:
To our immense surprise, the votes were overwhelming, and the name was changed. It sort of started with some people involved in the improv comedy troupe. Was there really a vote? I know the name isn't official... | |
McGill Improv photos | 
Bryan asked me to bring my camera to the McGill Improv workshop this week to capture some of the new members. Here's the result of our fantabulous photo shoot. I hope I didn't get any names wrong.
Saima snuck away before I could steal her soul, and it was american thanksgiving, so there were some other absentees. I hope the turkey was worth it! | |
The Proof is in the Proof is in the Proof! | Tonight I had the opportunity to see a production of the play Proof, written by David Auburn and put on at the TNC Theatre at McGill. It was very enjoyable. The actors were beautifully cast, and they all connected with their roles in an entertaining and captivating manner, with some tension thrown in for good measure. Proof grabbed my attention in the very first scene and was able to hold on to the very end.
A lot of student theater is mediocre at best. Proof stands out above the crowd. Go see it. (It was sold out when I attended, so I advise you to reserve your tickets.) It still plays on October 23 and 27-30.
My friend Adrienne Grafton was in the play, which is what brought me to see it. Kudos to her for her wonderful performance. Also kudos to the director Leorna Morris, who was able to put together an excellent overall performance (and was probably responsible for the choosing a good play to perform in the first place). The lead actress Jessica Besser-Rosenberg also deserves a heap of props. As the centerpiece role she was a key component of Proof's success, playing a depressive and yet likable persona. The male actors Gabe Camozzi and Joel Fishbane both provided a vigor that kept the play interesting to the end. I felt the need to mention them all, since every one of them was deserving of praise. Good show! | |
A lesbian orgy | I friend of mine recently wrote an article for the Mcgill Daily about people's perspective regarding queer folk. That's all well and good, but check out the picture that accompanies it! | |
soooooo close | I'm done my computer networks exam. It went remarkably well. I guess I was well prepared.
All that's left is silly two hundred level elective poli sci course tomorrow. I'm not worried.
I ended up buying a whole wackload of crap today from people who are moving away from montreal. I got a microwave, a toaster oven, two antique lamps, a bunch of books, a super soaker (who's up for a water fight?), a Jim Morrison wall hanging, and then I bought a few CDs off of Sean when I ran into him at The Word. Did I need any of this stuff? No. But i got it all on the cheap. | |
one week left | Today I started studying for my exams. I have a week to go and a shitload of reading to do.
On monday I have CS 435: Computer Networks. This has been an interesting course, but we've covered a lot of material. It's an open-book exam, which means we are expected to know everything in the book. Judging by the midterm there will be almost no time to look anything up. Difficulty: hard.
On tuesday is POLI 243: International Politics of Economic Relations. This course had two midterms so I am only behind by 1/3 of the readings. Still, the articles are nooo fun. The exam is only worth 35% though. Difficulty: not very, but damn boring.
On an unrelated note, here's a nice article about writing sketch comedy that sells. | |
22 hours of coding | It was no vaganza, but I had fun with my 22 hours spent in the CS labs. By the time our presentation rolled around (8am monday) we had a playable game. Although it wasn't up to the rough and tumble that real computer applications get put through. The professor managed to crash Flakken while playing single player, and when using AIs, and when playing over the network. At least we had some consistency.
Still, I think that our final result was pretty cool. I'll post a executable version in a little while so peoples can try it out. Now I think that I'm going to go to bed. | |
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