I can't believe this is for real He's Back...VIDEO Kodachrome Colour pictures from around the world in the early 1900s Like Half-Assed Origami This is nuts. Pictures made only by folding paper. Nostalgia for Nosamours Ah, remember the good old days? When Celine Dion was happy to get the anthem singing gig at an Expos game in an unfinished Olympic Stadium? Why you shouldn't use cut&paste when writing a speech Why are there so many videos about rainbows? Captain's Log (Almost) Ah, toilet humour. Fun With Linguistics! So, you know how Jeff Goldblum is all stuttery and adorable when he talks? Apparently, if you record him and play it back at half the original speed, he just sounds wasted: Vote! VS Good Things Come to Those Who Wait Taking Rube Goldberg to the next level. From the man who brought you the Sony Bravia Balls ad :