Vorg sucks blogYou Down With TTC? No, Not Me. | TTC has to slash 100$ million from its budget Massive service cuts coming. That really blows.
In contrast, Montreal's STM lost 4$ million in 2005, 20$ million in 2006. But they're supposed to get some of that 1c/L gas tax that the gas companies were asked politely not to pass on to consumers (uh, right). | |
25.74 < 20 in the Sillysoft store | Here's a nasty screenshot of CafePress rejecting my coupon. My order total is $25.74, but the coupon is only good for $20. Is that a user-friendly promotion or what?
This was taken in the Sillysoft Store, while sending out Lux gear as prizes. The independent TorStar Store also has some funky Lux goods (including the Luxtoberfest hoodie that I am wearing right now). | |
Dear God | Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser is often derided as being unsecure. Well it is. Terribly so. There are so many holes in IE that you could fit one of those giant Dune worms inside of it. Sometimes there are patches to close these holes, but it's hard to keep track of them all. So why not just do what Microsoft advises:
The most effective step that you can take to help protect yourself from malicious hyperlinks is not to click them. Rather, type the URL of your intended destination in the address bar yourself. By manually typing the URL in the address bar, you can verify the information that Internet Explorer uses to access the destination Web site. To do so, type the URL in the Address bar, and then press ENTER. That's right, DON'T CLICK LINKS. Hahahahahahahaha. Uh, isn't that the whole point of a web browser?
Why not check out the Mozilla Firebird browser instead. | |
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