Readdle is a website that will store uploaded text files in a variety of formats and re-display them to you in the browser.
Why would you want to do this? Well, I recently got my grubby little mitts on an iPod Touch (I have to admit, it's been life altering) which comes with a web browser. So:
1) Make account on Readdle. 2) Grab any books from Project Gutenburg. 3) Upload them to your readdle account. 4) Login to the website via the Touch. 5) Choose a book. 6) Start Music. 7) Sit on bus and read. (Once the page is rendered, you no longer need to maintain the wi-fi connection.) 8) Achieve nerdvana.
People who write quotes do it to feel smart. People who read quotes do it to get smarter. People who burn quotes do it to get attention. But those who eat them along with the fortune cookie they came from have found solidarity.
~bf[quote database]