The new Nintendo (the Wii) will allow people to surf the Internet on the TV. I thought this was kind of a useless feature. But this interview between the CEO of Nintendo and his R&D team presented an interesting philosophy behind the decision...
Bearing all this in mind, the potential I see in the Internet Channel lies in the fact that the internet, which has until now been viewed alone, can now be viewed by everyone. With a computer, even if you have people peering over your shoulder to see the screen, the limit is pretty much two, with four or more people looking at the same screen being totally out of the question. With the Wii, which is connected to the living room TV, families will be able to enjoy the internet together. I don't know what lies ahead, but I think this has the potential to change the way we live.
To some lay persons, "infinite monkeys" and "infinitely many monkeys" may be synonymous; to mathematicians, the former is incorrect because each monkey individually is finite.
- Derrick Coetzee, mathematician[quote database]