Post Archives

There have been a total of 3494 posts here.
Years: 2016 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002

January 2024:
Pancakes are suitable for any meal

August 2023:
Go Daddy Go

March 2023:
I Love Me

April 2022:
It's been an interesting few years
Attitude Of Gratitude - my first EP

December 2014:
Lux DLX is now out for Android devices

November 2014:
Blogging in a new era ok

May 2014:
Plan, Stan

February 2014:
Coupe Stanley

November 2013:
CIBC fraud department sleuths and their amazing investigative abilities
I anybody else having trouble loading Geocities?

October 2013:
Never Anger a Judge in Quebec

May 2013:
Eurovision 2013

March 2013:
Bermuda Corporate and Trust Law Ltd.

December 2012:
Meowzers Action Cats pounces on the app store

September 2012:
Quebec Election Prediction project

August 2012:
Life in Bermuda

July 2012:
Super Québec Vote Plus

June 2012:
Twisted Stairways
Singapore Skyline
Gili Trawangan Sunset

May 2012:
Hamdi Hafez al-Nubi has risen from the dead
The Old Port isn't just aged sherry in Portugal
Eurovision 2012
John Cleese talks about Creativity
Comments Update

April 2012:
Yvon in Montreal May 16

October 2011:
Top That

August 2011:
Voice Power
Story of a Young Shepherd

July 2011:
Pommes aux Pommes
Fun with Fire
Who Wants to Buy a Scooter?
Lux Delux features game trailer

June 2011:
Best video on Youtube

May 2011:
Fun with a Fisheye Lens

April 2011:
Election Prediction
Fun Sailing Simulator Game
I'm U.K, you're U.K.
Fight For Your Right...
Nature, Back Off
An Antidote to Apathy
Stone Cold Indie Gaming
I can't believe this is for real
In Case You Missed It...

March 2011:
Underwater Adventures
Disarmed by a Piano

February 2011:
The Gaurdien Project
Notoriety for That Thing We Play
I'll Have the Dorso-Lateral Pre-Frontal Cortex to Go, Please
The Force is Strong With This One
Peaceful Nature Video

January 2011:
I Smell Lawsuit
Because I Haven't Posted A YouTube Video In A Really Long Time
Thrills, Chills: Skillz
I've Been Having a Lovely Star Wars
I Was Just Strange In General
Do the People of Central and Eastern Europe really want democracy?
More pointless time-wasting crap

December 2010:
I Heart Don Hertzfeldt
Best Songs of 2010
Castle Vox - Axis vs Allies Game Trailer
Mr. Men Drawn as Super Heroes
Intention 12 New Year's Festival
And I used to think Mouse Trap was cool...

November 2010:
Vancouver Port Dragon
Lines Changing on a Map
World leaders in silly shirts
Chastity Violated

October 2010:
One Day
No Boring Ass Scenarios
My new computer game Castle Vox
A Wordy Adventure
Frog levitator wins Nobel Prize
MPROV: The 5th Montreal Improv Festival

September 2010:
Thunder Busters
The Most Expensive Indian Movie To Date
Vorg, for shit you don't want on your fb profile where your little cousins might see it
Tropical paradise. Yep.
Death Camp for Cutie

August 2010:
I Hit It With My Axe
The Real Karate Kid
No wonder Indonesia wanted it so much
Reddit comment of the day
The Ghosts of World War II
Upper (Kanye) West Side

July 2010:
Astrophysics Sex Appeal
How To Make McDonald's Fries
Best Magazine Articles Ever
Sweet dreams
Walk a mile
This is right up there with the Lego Difference Engine
Get Out Of There!
For Chris
Definitely NOT a Racist
The 17 Minute Epic: ICP Gathering of the Juggalos
Redacted, Redacted, ooh I wanna take you to Bermuda, Redacted, Come on pretty momma...
Vitamin C!
Uh Oh, Only 15 Million Years Left!
Mad Skillz part 2
Mad Skillz
I Feel So Jaded
Cardboard War

June 2010:
100 Great Movie Insults
Great Baseball Video
Battle of Wits: Rich White Dudes
Conan: The Musical
Go Spos!
Nil-Nil Draw + Sound of Angry Bees = World's Greatest Spectacle
Thank you, Adobe Photoshop
I Want To Believe
When Did This Happen?!
High Score
Song of the Bumblebee
Pin-Up Calendar from Medical Display Company Eizo
It's like rai-y-ain on your wedding day
Contra + Tetris
Lego Sniper Rifle
Guess Who's Back, Back Again
Trust the Force, Snoop
Thundercats (Two of Nine lives)

May 2010:
Comrade of the Rings
Josh, Quit Making Fun Of This Guy
I Wish This Were Longer
Space Shuttle Assembly and Liftoff
Warming trend
Portal is a Free Download via Steam
The Small Thing Is Quick
Familiar Photos
Mr. T has good advice for today or any day
Northern Voice 2010 takeaways
Paul Rudd Uses A Computer
UK election prediction
Crazy Randomness
Enough is enough!
The Chinese Army Knife

April 2010:
The Fruit of Pointless Nostalgia
700 Hours of Staring
All The Girls At Vassar
We Have Work to Do, People!
More of my Favourite Eurovision Videos from 2009-2010
Happy Last Birthday!
Road Map
Up, Over, Around and Through
Death Metal ABBA (fixed)
There's An App For That
I Love Pottery
What is the internet made of?
I See What You Did There
Bringing the Funk Back to Sillytech
I'm Lovin' It, so you should Just Do It
Fucking Magnets! How do they work?
Cool little game
Hell. Yes.
Wii Will Always Love You
Some people were not cut out for background work...
iDon't Think So
My Favorite Mac OS X Games

March 2010:
Giant Isopod - almost 1m long
Why Not?
When I Saw This I Dye-d
Logan, no!
If Vinny Has Already Posted This, I Resign
Osmos - Relaxation Game
Seems Inevitable, In Retrospect
Gaming can make a better world
This Guy Loves His Team
This Is The Kind Of Stuff You Need To Share With Me
Natural Fashion
This Is What Happens When You Have People To Spare
Hockey Titles
YouTube comment of the day

February 2010:
*People Missing Toes Still Pay Full Price
Who wants nightmares?
Not your grandma's snow globes
Taste, Sadly, Matters
ISO Ruby Quartz Visors
Tottenham Fans Sing for a Valentine's Day Puma Ad
Space Avalanche
Frankly, My Dear
Olympic... um... Games
I bet Spike Lee LOVES this ad
Laughing Gear
How Can We Use This YouTube Thing?
'featuring a hype-man/DJ with Progeria'
Pretty Slick
24 Hours of Worldwide Airplane Flights
Back to the Gutter
Pink Lemonade
This Is A Real Hubble Image, Not An Artist Rendition
Pop Quiz: Real or Fake
Couldn't Just Ask,

January 2010:
Chickens break up a rabbit fight
I'm the Lazy Boss on a Boat in a Box
Great, Now I Have Nintendo Thumb
Worst hotel in Montreal
The News As It Always Is
Petra's Call flash webcomic
So, 3058m?
I Will Use This Knowledge For Evil
I've Got The Same Combination On My Luggage
Haha Ha haaaa! Wipeout!
100 Cheesiest Movie Lines
Jean-Claude Bonno = Whoa
I Don't Dare Start One
Nobody Tell
Mother Flippin Hot Tub That's a Monkey Lovin Time Machine
How The West Was Won
Europe According to Hungarians
Orgy Permit
See You In Vancouver!
Don't Mess With The Bull
There's unbelievably terrible, and then there's...
Radio Free Québec drama
A skyscraper with no Seoul
Popomatic cupcake
I'll See Josh, and Raise Him...

December 2009:
So That's what Rammstein has been up to lately...
Supposed Belarus localised Friends opening
The Computer's For Racists
I Have No Standards
Is This One Okay, Vinny?
The Oldest Trophy in the World
Freeze that
The Follow-Up
Which is expanding faster: the universe or the National Hockey League?
MOM! Jeffy told me that God is Dead!
1 Uuuuuuuup
Scottie Pippen's Drumwork Is Underrated
Grab mp3 from YouTube
Cream Cheese N Math

November 2009:
I Like This
Heh-heh… heh-heh
This Blew My Mind
I Want You To Try Ass Effects
Meanwhile, across the pond...
Nature, Still Giving Me The Creeps
Great Place To Put An Airport
For Gil
Stormtrooper Win
Your Cervix Could Use Some Work, Too
Sooooo Looking Forward To This
Gorgeous 1927 colour silent film of London
If you love the Berlin Wall so much, why don't you marry it?
David Hasselhoff Reunites Germany
Little Bundle of Joy
Nice Work, Physicists
How to remove a cork without a corkscrew
Impressive Polygons
My Halloween Costume 2009
Election Congratulations

October 2009:
My Dance Vegetable Audition Tape
My Scary Hallowe'en Costume
Poutine, not on the list
Think Jerry would react this way?
Statistics on Everything in the World
I am...
Afghanistan Presidential Election Poll
A for Effort (where A is for atypical)
Paper Dance
Paper Dance
Every Kramer Entrance in Order
Walsh-a-Likes, #71733
Pardon my French
The Distant Future - The Year 2000
Get It? She Eats Food!
Let Me Tell You: I'm A Diabetic
This baby does everything
Don't go breaking [into] my heart car
Good Mornin'
Baron landscape
Oh, Man
I can't believe people fall for this!
I Concur
Not Freaky At All
Star Wars: Uncut

September 2009:
This is ingenious!
Battle of Wits: Marc D. Rowland
The Bitter End
That's Why You're Wiser Than Me
Which would you choose?
Thoughts of a Dead Salmon
Hey, That's Pretty Funny
Falcon = Packet Loss
Thus Parped Zarathustra
Just a Few Bars of Beethoven's Fifth
Nerd Venn Diagram
For The Smart-Ass In You
Not Talkin' 'Bout Blackjack
1966 Will Be Over In 2-4 Years

August 2009:
Wow. Just... wow.
It All Makes Sense Now
Go Winterboks!
Next: Flipping the Bird
If This Was A Movie, I'd Laugh Derisively At The Writers
Great Explanation of Differential Gear
apples to apples results are in
Question For You
A time odyssey

July 2009:
Apples to Apples: Dispensable
Steampunk Willie
Funky Sculptures
I Find This Statistically Unlikely
Green Is For Vegetables
You Go, Slavia! or, the case of the Serbian Hasselhoff
This guy knows what I'm talking about...
This looks pretty sweeeeeet
The Bitter End
When A Giraffe Headbutts, You Listen
Go F*ck Yourself
Apples 2 Apples: Pointless
Who is that at 4 minutes and 30 seconds?!!!
Apples 2 Apples: COMPLICATED
Montreal Improv Gives It All Away
Oh so simple...
Straight From Latveria!
Cancontest: The true north strong off-key
It's always the little things that come back to haunt you
Mega Mondegreen
But Where Can I Get A Poutine?
Ok, I'm Officially Old
This Makes Our Own Use Of TokBox Look Rather Feeble

June 2009:
Gotta Watch Out For Those Hot Moms
Silhouette Masterpiece Theatre
A Bloody Great Party - Israel Style!
Predator Telescope
How To Make Apartheid Look Good
Pirate Party - popular
Bryan = Hefner?
Slow news day?
Oh Dear
That's How You Promote
I wish I had that for motivation at work...
Apple WWDCgasm
Sumi for copyright infringement
Ballots Not Bullets
80's Ragtime
This one's for me
FDP Endorsement
Step on my Trip
Probably Still Had Rats

May 2009:
We Are Badass
New Yorker cover art done on iPhone
Yet another breakdancing skill I wish I had...
I'm Every Woman
Things To Do Instead Of Writing a Novel
The Inside Trek
Like Half-Assed Origami
Saurian Brandy
Pop-up Book
Star Punch
Sometimes the Simplest Things Are the Best
I'm Sure It's Intentional
A perfect Youtube video by my criteria
Bryan on High Alert

April 2009:
Before Grounding Was Invented
We are the Diamonds, we come from Glasgow
Nyle's Cover of Lil Wayne's 'Let The Beat Build'
Swiss Dis
Fun game
Sometimes People Are Smart
Elephant? What elephant?
Out of Site
Is That His Lunch?
Low-Hanging Fruit
Battle of maps
I Choo-Choo-Choose You
I May Not Know Much About Art, But...
Kimberly is Already Dead
Those Are Large Numbers
Lantern Park Design Entry
Everyone Poops Trailer
SXSW is a Strange Place

March 2009:
"The Biggest Hit Of All The Speakers At The Event"
Humans.... In.... Spaaaaace
Musn't... Pun...
Words Fail Me
I need cooler pyjamas
This, However, Is Awesome
Seriously, People.
These People Are A Drain On Society
Radio Free Québec first quarter report
The New Economy
If you had a legion of fans, what would they be called?
This post is not available in your region
Missles + Flowers = Profit!
Bloggy Battle of Wits
This is what I do when I'm sick
Ice Dancing Needs More Of This (NSFW?)
I'm A Twit
I Torrent 'House'
Techno Music + Google Maps + Calculator = ???
If You Want To Avoid Ever Using Your Brain At All...
Obsidian Portal
Who Doesn't Enjoy A Nice Infographic?
It's So Simple!
Bulgarian women's hockey isn't all it's cracked up to be

February 2009:
It's About Time
How To Win At Guess Who
Return Of The Son Of Battle Of Wits' Revenge
I Shoot Them (into my mouth)
There's Plenty of Space Up in Space!
Who can figure out such devices???
We are ready
Question for the Vorgians
Whither Cast Our Eyes?
Montreal in Two Minutes
It's Official: Mankind Is Greatest Species Ever
Give a penny, take a penny
Can't Stop This E-Motion
Break It Down
Just a Husk
That Guy In The Overalls... Um...
Christian Bale Rant Remix
Website Bidness
Kids + Painkillers = Awesome
Cooler or Colour?
And you thought the Phoenix Cayotes had a low budget...

January 2009:
Band Montage!
Microsoft Revolutionizes Music
More vacation movies
Next time someone drives on your lawn, just be glad...
Vancouver Critical Mass Bike Ride
ISS Tour
Star Wars: As Told By Someone Who Never Saw The Movies
185 atheists walk into a church...
Classics of British Comedy
Newsflash: I'm A Stud
I Don't Even Know Where To Start
How To Give A Proofreader A Heart Attack
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
A guy with cat and glasses
Can you name all of Cancon's stars of the 80's?
Great Power
Since I'm the last person in the world...
Happy Birthday, 'Friend'!
You Got To Have Your Tool
Treadmill BIKE!
Music for the kids
Banned Names
This One's Making the Rounds

December 2008:
For all you Linguistics majors out there...
Marc Finds Himself
Boating in Canada
Condition 1 Weather in Antarctica
The Mother Lode
I'll Try to Re-Sell the Loan
Best Served Hot
Great, now there are whole other species that dance better than I do.
Click, Click, Click... Click
Best Songs of 2008
Taking 'Break a Leg' Up a Notch
Growth Explained
Winter is 14% over
I realize nobody cares, but...
Life Imitates Internet
Basic Instructions
My Dear American Neighbours,
Australians see happy face in night sky
Nurse, My Bar Graph Is Lame

November 2008:
The New Zealand Ice Blacks perform the Haka
Cheap Shot
Election Information
My Brain Just Doesn't Work Like This
Our confused thoughts are with her
How about... flip a coin?
LED: A People's History
Creative Destruction
Minority Report OS fo' realz
Awesome Balls
100 movies spoiled in 5 minutes
Radio Free Québec
Some parting thoughts
The Click Song
Nostalgia for Nosamours
Old School
Williams A Capella
So malicious
I Kinda Like The Internet
I Wish This Was True
Time To Call It, Bryan
Online Publishing Playgrounds in 2008
Iron Man Halloween Costume 2008

October 2008:
The Creepiest Thing I've Seen this Halloween
I Always Preferred Sonic
I Made a Grid with a Lathe
Interesting Vancouver 2008 Recap
In poor taste
Brain-Eating Fungus
Wish I was American...
2008 Lux Awards
Mars Science Lab uses a Sky Crane
World Domination Video
A way to waste an hour, five seconds at a time.
Never take the 162
F That
Yawn... election predictions... snore...
And I thought my RRSP was worthless...
Why you shouldn't use cut&paste when writing a speech
Harper's Accomplishments
She sings like an Angelil
Guaranteed Victory
2,348 A.E. - Lux Map of the Week
Jingle all the way
Blutha From Anotha Motha?
I assume that you have all already seen this:
Personal Bank
Transit Safety = Building Activity
Punchy Title
Nevada - Alien Assault - Lux Map of the Week

September 2008:
When You Breathe What?
Which One is Slumming it?
Why are there so many videos about rainbows?
Improv site
Dymaxion - Lux Map of the Week
Pedal to the MTL
The Bitter End
You Win Some, You Lose Some and Sometimes You Do Both
Who misses the Sillytech Rap Battle thread?
How Well Do You See Colors?
New Hampshire - The Last First Primary - Lux Map of the Week
No Grids Allowed
Top Score
Do flowers produce sap?
Time For a New Clock
Vincent Vega + a keyboard called Truth = Terrifying
I can make a paper airplane...
You've Got To Be Kidding
Put Down the Duckie
Awayyyy We Go!
North Carolina - Tuscarora War - Lux Map of the Week
Some (more) Assembly Required
So hungry I could eat my eyeballs
That's How I Solve Most of My Problems
Last Set of Specs

August 2008:
Hoppen ohne kopfen
Overheard in Beijing
For Bryan
50 Cent (diluted earnings per share)
Alexandre Despatie dives better than Jaromir Jagr
Smells Like Melted Plastic
Movie Poster Quiz
Teleport - Lux Map of the Week
'An Affectionate Gesture'
Hand Island - Lux Map of the Week
Obama will never give you up
Il etait un fuwa
You Take A Block From the Bottom
Old Skool Punks
South Carolina - Revolution - Lux Map of the Week
Improv Classes

July 2008:
This Is So Wrong
Nothing on the Schedule Today
Zipcar, the Car Co-op and New Drivers
Washington, Washington - He's coming, he's coming
Prussia - Lux Map of the Week
Sine O' the Times
The Distant Future, the Year 2000
The first epistle of Chrisdye from the Philippines
Books and Art
Why Can't Global Politics Still Be Like This?
The Messenger God
Maryland - Lux Map of the Week
Check Out His Package
Things white people like...
Shurely Shome Mishtake
My new favourite Russian boy band
Counting to 4
South Africa War - Lux Map of the Week
Yo Quiero Taco Campana?
More Tom Cruise Than I Can Handle
Censorship Improves Art
I Love Britain
Faith is Bliss
Devil's Brigade - Lux Map of the Week
Soccer would be better...
Cultural Differences Can't Be Far Behind
Well, This Is Auckward
4 Minutes
So thats what happened to him....
Size 0/2

June 2008:
Photoshop Contest!
Connecticut under Siege - Lux Map of the Week
Heightened Sense of Rage
Utah Wars - Lux Map of the Week
My God, It's Full of Stars
My tribute to the Canadiens
No Swedish Hockey Players
Storytelling with Ira Glass
Luxtopia - Lux Map of the Week
Be There And Be Square
The Bigger Slice
McCain hearts Cindy
I'm Speechless
Dratted politicians
Does this make me look gay?
You Know, I Would Have Called You
Hanoi Crazy Night Traffic
McCain on the liquidity crisis
Platforms to Stand On
Castle Lux MP - Lux Map of the Week
CBC: Competitor Buyout Completed
Random Links for June 9
Monkey Business
What Writers Have Nightmares About
People Are Mean
X-Ray Shots of Your Naughty Side
Bunny Love
Random Links for June 5
Empire State - Lux Map of the Week
Told Ya So!
Parahippocampal gyrus? They don't even pay us!
Random Links for June 3
Captain's Log (Almost)
Vermont - Independence - Lux Map of the Week

May 2008:
Terrorists attempt shooting down plane
iranians have a sense of humour?!
Browser? Damn Near Killed 'Er
Flogging A Dead Horse
Clean Sweep For Time Cube
And don't forget all the ozone they emit
A year too late...
That's One Helluva Drop-Down Menu
The Dark Ages - Lux Map of the Week
Marketing 101
Fast to Adjust Faster
Begin lame line. Put on sunglasses. End lame line. Collect Emmy.
Daddy, Why Do Scruffy's Eyes Look So Empty?
Bob Godzilla Servant
Now That's Super
Random Links for May 21
thats 1 up my coffee table
Random Links for May 17
Your Head Will Explode When You Watch These Heads Explode
Yo, check it out
Random Links for May 13
Africa 1660 - Lux Map of the Week
Canadian Improv
Floating Head
Rock It, Yeah! Satellite Of Love
Headline of the Day
Defragmented Drive
Random Links for May 7
Stargate - Lux Map of the Week
Vidfest and the Pop Vox Awards
When the bow breaks...
Tell Me About It
My Brain Wants Me To Buy This
Random Links for May 1

April 2008:
DC Politics - Lux Map of the Week
Move over Dilbert
Random Links for April 27
Really? I Mean, Really?
Vorg Request
West Virginia - Civil War - Lux Map of the Week
Random Links for April 22
Samuel Beckett's 'Charlie Rose'
Random Links for April 18
Random Links for April 17
Don't tase me-tro
Can We Throw In Gurgitation?
Star Wars according to a 3 year old
In your face, Mongolia!
Rapa Nui - Lux Map of the Week
Random Links for April 13
Create your own Custom Anime Avatar
Back to Our Roots
Six degrees of starvin' nations
Reefer Madness
Star Wars in 5 seconds
Walken Upright
Inkscape on Mac
Wisconsin - Cheese Heads - Lux Map of the Week
Fun With Linguistics!
Koodo Mobile = Telus with less Sucks?
Elephant paints an elephant
Octagons - Lux Map of the Week
Wanna be a Space Cadet?
Random Links for April 1

March 2008:
Vive La France!
You're Next, Nickel.
I'll Be Back For Breakfast
CBC- Chrisdye before cable
Mafia - Chicago Prohibition - Lux Map of the Week
Someone Will Torrent This
Random Links for March 27
There but for the grace of god ...
We're Ready For You Now, Mr Ford
It Makes Me Think I'm Not Real
The Sum of Your Parts
Meep Meep MEEP!
Wyoming - Cattle Wars - Lux Map of the Week
Now thats what I call a SMOOTH Criminal
Do White People Love Maps?
I Beat Up Your Eyes
Random Links for March 16
Whistler Wednesday
C'est la vie
Food Fight
Oh Life
Best Pre-Dial Long Distance
Punic Peace?
Brain Enhancement
Random Links for March 9
Just Browsing
Relaunching as Vorg
Random Links for March 4
Ants on Beatty
Random Links for March 3
We Wanna Go To The Party!
Show Me The Money

February 2008:
Random Links for February 29
Social Networking and Business
Northern Voice 2008 recap
Nerdgasm x Potbillion
Hinkety Pinkety
Random Links for February 21
Star Trek does White Rabbit
Zeno's Paradox
Soleil Moon Frye = Lunar Eclipse
*Cookie Monster Eating Noises*
Battle of the century
Battery Low: Grazing Required
Did You Care?
Love for Public Spaces
Vancouver bloggers on parade
Roll the clip!
I Agree With The CBC
No We Can't
Obama on religion and politics
Bloedel Floral Conservatory
Yes We Can
Random Links for February 5
Thousands of Trees Saved
They're Ghana Get You
Well, So's Your Coffee!
Cypress Mountain

January 2008:
Just a typical day...
DIY Collapsible Lightweight Tripod
Making Baby Smile
Super Duper
Vaganza 8
Vancouver's love bug art car
Velcro Man - Why Hast Thou Forsaken Us?
Abandon The Run
Random Links for January 20
Politics and Mights
Dirty Jobs
Because... They're Famous
Angry Nintendo Nerd
Bof fri fleu
Michigan Hotdogs
peace, love and bicycles
Flickr Sucks
Head Tracking for Wii
Daycare, Groceries, Prostitutes, Post Office, More Prostitutes, Health Clinic
Random Links for January 10
One quadrillion here, one quadrillion there, pretty soon it adds up
Blogs are so 1918
New Hampshire
Swede-ish films
Horsing Around
Indian Sweet Child of Mine
Mac Install CDs
Tetris: in 3D
Random Links for January 3
Iowa Caucuses
Theme Song for 2008
Go Medieval On Your Chess

December 2007:
2007 Year in Review
Battered Mix
Wow The Simpsons spoof EVERYTHING!
My Way or...
Finding Nimoy
It's great to be a Hungarian border guard
One Less Thing to Carry
The Best Music of 2007
Spoon - The Underdog
Random Links for December 20
Ol' pi'tures
Wiimote Used to Create Multitouch Surface
Random Links for December 19
Note to Self: My Brother Works at the CBC
Laughter Yoga
Vancouver Santas
Camera Stays HERE.
Shaped Bokeh Tutorial
sour balls
Map Porn
Strathcona, Vancouver Mural
Jerry? Is That You?
Zoolander + UPS = ?
My MiniCity
Best Suggestions from Vancouver Transit Camp
Vancouver Bus Times via Text Messages
We Are A Family
Random Links for December 10
Bring Your Own Mini-Bus Transit
Clean the damn kitchen!
Random Links for December 5
Vancouver Transit Camp
Random Links for December 4
Cat-ch Me If You Can

November 2007:
So you wanna delele your facebook account?
Dustin's Money Wants to be Freed of Its Wallety Prison
Random Links for November 30
Don't get a paper cut
5 Minutes of Awesome
That's Fine BIOS
Things Are Not Always As They A Pear
Random Links for November 27
Powerthirst II: Son Of Powerthirst
Misleading advertising
Fonz + Mork = ?
At Least It Hasn't Gone To His Head...
Was ist hot? Was ist cool?
Glaube, Hasselhoffnung, Liebe
What happened to your face?
Random Links for November 15
People Powered News
Sillysoft Games Exposed
You Gotta Fight, For Your Right, To Political Party
Good Things Come to Those Who Wait
rare bill watterson art
For Vinny's Secret Santa
Seinfeld Loses It
Random Links for November 7
Left vs. Right
Mainly How Gay It Is
Cars vs Bus vs Bikes
Random Links for November 2

October 2007:
Fun or Logical Analysis?
I'm on College Humour!
Crazy - Star Wars Edition
Human Error
I Enjoyed Watching This
Burnham! Burnham All!
Sir Dance-a-lot
Halloween PSA
Hey, That's Not Funny
Man I'm Thirsty....
Pole Tergeist
Why Does Sillytech Hate?
Disney music video mashup
Animated Robin Hood
Melt Bryan's Head
My Freakin' Pride!
My Freakin' Ears!
Brought back from Portugal
Two (semi old?) world colliding
You sharkan't trust hackers
Time Zone Map
Luxtoberfest 2007

September 2007:
Blogger Play
Random Links for September 28
Flickr feature requests
The $ound of Music
Boys! We are the Mafia!
Now That's What I Call Internet
Worst team wins!
She folded her arms beneath her breasts
2007 Vancouver fringe festival picks
DragonForce Fans, Say Aye!
Granville Island wants your feedback
Hacky Snap
Light 'Em If You Got 'Em
photos from the fringe
Day 2 fringe festival report
Good Source of Riboflavin
Fringe Festival and Infringement
Discussion: Mathematics
1100 *huff* *puff* 0010
Betty's coming back

August 2007:
We'll Be Seeing One Soon Enough
Google Alert feature request
Vancouver Zombies
The Fancy Pants Adventures
Policemen inciting riots?
BarCamp thoughts and photos
If you knew what the other side was like, you wouldn't be so keen to go there
Amusing Animation: Tony vs Paul
Shambhala 2007
Get Your Critique On
History quickly crashing through your veins
Seat Guru
So YOU think you can dance?
Keith Johnstone full interview
Don't Judge Me; That's My Job
In Your Face, Facebook
Noir et Blanc
Goodladd's Guide To Nineties British Television, Pt. 5,881
Math Is Hard
187 Conrads walk into a bar. The bartender says...
Random Links for August 2
Fun with Words
I'd Be Lion if I Said I Wasn't Excited

July 2007:
Fire at night
You live in an amazing world
Ikea: on path to own world.
99 Problems
I Moo-ve To Adjourn
Random Links for July 25
Average daily TV hours per country
It's Official: Improv is Stupid
Google Maps misses the park
Drupal forums showdown: phpBB, vBulletin, UIE
Going Green
Cheap Or Inexpensive?
You Down With TTC? No, Not Me.
It Keeps Coming Up Heads
The Muslims Are Breeding
July is officially Backwards Month
Wow, Paris is expensive
Not the band called Tesla
Mother Of All Dear John Letters
The future is our responsibility
And you thought catwoman was terrible...
You Sank My Feminist!
Mountain Dew Shakes
Random Links for July 5
Can You Tell I Took A Sick Day Today?
If Chuck Norris Were President
Critical Mass Video

June 2007:
Random Links for June 29
Two Fer
Random Links for June 28
Porn Rocks
Hedonics, aka Happiness Economics
Needs more Unicron
3-2-1 Contract
Car Free Commercial Drive Festival Photos
Independent thinkers
Transformers Movie Posters
The Technical Way To Lose Some Weight
Must... resist...
Like, Whatever
Playing games with Apple
Peeps in Harbour Green park
Tip of the tongue, tip of his hat
LOL, Cat.
Random Links for June 12
How Many?
Random Links for June 10
Best Fad Joke Ever
Random Links for June 9
Improv in Movies
When Will They Bring Da Funk?
Random Links for June 5
Emergency Beirne Unit
Vancity mural
Cynical Dreamer
Multiplayer Notepad
Dogs at the Beach

May 2007:
Talking, flying food
Random Links for May 27
Sillytech redesign
Hinkity Pinkity
Dear Universe, II
Don't pay the ferryman, don't even fix his arm.
Random Links for May 21
Trip Photos
Doh. I Wish I Knew This Earlier
Yo, It's the Rap of Nanjing
my real name is pipelayer
Sure You Will...
I Don't Do Linkpacks
Not For The House of Saud
Random Links for May 16
Bob Barker Is A Funny Bastard
Ok, I'll Call Them 'Wheels'
Random Links for May 15
Super Happy Vancouver Lux Map
Digg expands their gaming sections
A Flickr of Life Left
Random Links for May 12
Coal Harbour and the Runner
Equestrian Pedestrian
Make universal binaries into platform specific binaries
No, I'm Sarah O'Connor.
Random Links for May 7
Random Links for May 6
Bathtime in Clerkenwell
Jarvis Cocker Throws Like A Girl
Random Links for May 5
Free tix
Random Links for May 3
Walkers are the Oxygen of the City
Geraldo Finally Serves A Purpose

April 2007:
This is unacceptable
Random Links for April 30
Battle of Wits: Dysfunktional
Mac Update
I'm lovin' it
How to disable QuickTime movies opening webpages
Crossword Crossing Worlds
What's it like in Nairobi, Kenya?
Little Drummer Boy
Grizzly battle of wits
Who Is The Girliest Sillytecher Of Them All?
Let's Hear It
Kids these days...
Vancouver Game Summit
It's So Easy Being Green
2 finger scrolling
Map of single men versus single women
Easter Bunny Video
Advice for making it as a musician
Baby Got Book
Dustin Photos
West Coast pictures
Return of the Mac
A human giant is coming at you
Sad Kermit
Battle of Wits
Seder Quips
They're taking the hobbits to Eisengard
You Are A Rock Star
MacBook First Impressions
Who is the most inspiring Canadian politician of all time?
The Case for Separated Bike Lanes
Iraq descends into lameness

March 2007:
Vancouver and Okanagan pictures
I Teefed It
The Answer Is 'It Bends'
West Coast USA Trip
Okanagan BC Trip
Mac Daddy
Simplify my electronic life
Biggest IKEA Tool Ever
Bei cha ching
Check Out These Balls
Classy newspaper
Improv Summit 2007
Holla Caust
Thank God You're Here
More YouTube to waste your time
Sustainable living expo in Vancouver
Missing Class
Ye Olde Letter of ye Alphabet
Psychedelic pattern generator
Indie games roundup does Ancient Empires Lux
Food For Thought
365 Days
Hollywood's first strike against Iran meets heavy resistance
The Public Library and Filesharing
Captions, Etc.
Charlie the Unicorn goes to Candy Mountain
font face="blown away"
The Gourmet Project
Baby bathtime blogging
2 Risk Boards in One
JPG Magazine
Vaganza 7
Beautiful Music
Fun Little Game

February 2007:
In Lux, there be Dragons!
My health has returned
Andrew Hijacking Adrienne's Sillytech Account
Stick a Yellow Ribbon on your SUV
That's A Lot Alexii
Awesome software only on the Mac

March 2007:
Gambling with our Future

February 2007:
Transit Camp update from Moose Camp
Vancouver bloggers chow down
Blogging in person
Java Game Programmers Wanted
Good Lad Gone Wrong
Pull Another All-Nighter
Sulu, the gay activist
FireFox auto-complete tip
2001 Was So 1968
Time Out -- Say What?
Eggs sell Lent
Gates vs Jobs nerd cartoon
I give in to Facebook
Shogun: The Conquest of Japan
That Was Me?
One of these things is not like the other... one of these things just doesn't belong
Attack the USA
But the future is now?
Formula For YouTube Success

March 2007:
The Cat's Out of the Bag

February 2007:
We are the machine
The Gravity Of The Situation
The Dark Ages Maps
How to kiss someone passionately.
This Made Me VERY Happy
My Hands Are Bananas
Shine On
Aqua Teen Bomb Scare

January 2007:
Winter is 59.8% over
Burning is against municipal regulations
Toronto Improv Competition Follow Up
The Rise of Islam
C'est Bon Des Pop-Tarts
A comic for the likes of us
Vancouver Storytelling Festival
Vancouver homelessness video
The Last King
Space Jail
Broken Trees in Stanley Park
Where does Canada's electricity come from
Yub Nub
Klingons in the White House, Nerds in the Congress
Healthcare battle: Canada vs USA
Game Design
Cá Bhfuil Na Gaeilg eoirí?
Bringing Paxilback
Strategy Informer likes Ancient Empires Lux
GDP Density Map
Adventure Time
Battle (not of wits)
Mac OS X Downloads adds Staff Picks, better RSS and AJAX
Apple iPhone in Canada
Apple finally announces the iPhone
No word on the effects of sugar
Solutions for Vancouver's homelessness problem
Children Of Men
2006 Book Review
World's Best Burglar
TVQ website!
How to get discounts on the internet
Miniature Art in the Vancouver Petri Dish
Empty not goal
Vancouver continuing education
The Case For Higher Speed Limits on Highway 401
Search a livejournal community
Happy day to you
2006 Year in Review

December 2006:
Top indie games of 2006 and Vancouver represents
Marijuana makes you smarter
I am The Flash
Zune Buggy
Holiday photos
Nice Final Fantasy Video
Wikipedia Graffiti
Chrtistmas Cruising
I'll See You In Hell, Pachelbel
Fun with Gifts
But I Did Get Crabs From Britney's Pictures
Nature Scares The Hell Out Of Me
Feelin' Hot Hot Hot
Every Single Holiday
Man is dolphin's best friend?
The Best Music of 2006
Stay in school kids!
A question.
Ancient Lux is out
The First Blip Blop Noel
Battle of Wits: Asian Edition, Volume 2
1200 people playing Capture The Flag in Toronto
Scary Mary
Nightmare Santa
Wheat production vs. climate change
Vancouver's biggest problems
Japanese Wii Safety Warnings
Faithless - Bombs
Cats run this damned country

November 2006:
Ancient Lux teaser screenshots
But Is Gender A Factor, Too?
Second Time 'Round
How to make a modern .ICO Windows application icon file
I like Go Karts!
The Twelve Dyes of Chris (Mr.)
East Side Cultural Crawl 2006 report
The Hipster Olympics
J'métro poigné le bat
Largest Circulation Newspapers
Please Remove Your Eyebrow Ring
Hot Grog: fast news
Get season 7 on DVD today!
A Real Crowd Pleaser!
Next up: Xbox 361
Hard or soft, you decide...
Happy Birthday Dustin!
Photos in the sidebar
ReviewMe - a blog review marketplace
Bust a Caption
She's Got The Shakes
Hey Gil
Vote for your favourite blag*
Too much information..
The real definition of GVRD
25.74 < 20 in the Sillysoft store
We don't need no thought control
Most Excellent!
Run Wrake Rabbit, Run
Double Wires flash game
Let there be dancing!
The Devil's Brigade
Traffic lights considered harmful
Apologies to the Queen
Wet Pink Folds
To cheer up K-Fed fans
It makes me smile
Why Does Canada Hate?
Vancouver's Most Dangerous Intersections
Grand Theft Mario
Isn't That, Like, Surfing Or Something?
Top 20 Myspace Profiles
Solid Gold Six Year Olds
Yuk yuk yuk
The Fattest Way To Fly
My wireless network appears to have been compromised
Iggy for Canada?
My new MacBook Pro
Sesame Street Rules
Paint Ball - The Game
Vancouver online restaurant guide
Battle of Wits: Asian Edition

October 2006:
It's comin' up, it's comin' up, it's there
Nice place to visit...
Data mining NetFlix ratings
Where's The DMCA When You Need It?
Parti Hat
Rollin', Rollin', Rollin
Some People Never Get Over Their Exes
What kind of public healthcare should smokers get?
Memory Lux - RISK Variant
I Heart House of Flying Daggers
Neale is back online
Water will rock you
Way beyond thunderdome
Hate mail
Important issues
Why Me? Sigh.
Mejicano Style
More of the 'tube
Fight Club - testimonial
Luxtoberfest updates
CBC vs $
Lord of The Rings Parody
Been a least a day since someone has linked to YouTube
Cute Experiment
2007 BC Budget Consultation
C'mon Down!
Doo park
brb.. my mom's yelling
Soda Montreal
The Evolution of Vancouver
Interesting and interactive
At 50% in your fridge...
132 Squidoo!
Free Hugs Campaign
Like Halloween Much?
Praise like you should
Luxtoberfest III begins!

September 2006:
Now that's what I call a hot ass
Join my hockey pool
YouTube > BoobTube?
Squidoo might be for yoo
Map of human migration by mitochondrial haplogroup
Rant and Rave Post
Montreal stole Vancouver's hearts?
More than street hockey
Sure I grew up here, and no I don't know this city!
Sweet deal for a ticket to scratch town
If the Pope is wrong, I don't want to be right
Lux Delux goes Lux Deluxe
Parenting Sure Is Easy!
Rant Vancouver
Oh? So you beat up a woman?
Warning Ottawa: Watch out for crying blondes
Just Checking
La Maquina de Bailar
Robson Street Stabbing?
What exactly is Canada doing in Afghanistan?
Sir Pixel-lot
One Stop Surfing
Cinema du Parc has closed =(
YouTube of the Day: Noah takes a photo of himself everyday for 6 years.
Digital photography linkpack
Word of the Day
What about the moose?
Gundam Wall Art
Develop your brain
Damn, that's hot.
Another public service announcement
More headlines like this please...
Return to the age of Battery
High density living

August 2006:
1155 Haro Street, here I come
Canterbury Markup Language
Musical Dichotomy (through animated cats)
Everything is quantifiable
BarCamp Vancouver post-unconference report
Look, ma!
One Too Many
Okay, more YouTube treasure
Hooray for YouTube overload!
Acoustic Hey Ya
The Rise of Slime
Quebec public service announcements
Map of the Week bling-bling
Korean over spilled milk
Deadlines suck
An exploration of human emotion
Passing the torch
Just in case you need this information...
Quick movie reviews
Debt out of here!
Coming soon...
Bird's Eye View

July 2006:
Oops! Bank robbery at the gimp pride parade
HOWTO make your own devil sticks
Vancouver illuminares lantern festival
Do The Robot
Sillysoft Education Plan
World Happiness
Dear God
For the love of Peat
I DO Feel Lucky!
Educate Your Creativity
Go All Blacks!
HOWTO make your own board game
Breakdown of internet populations by country
Cha Cha Cha!
Genghis Can
Headline of the Day
Who needs a PhD?
Power users, unite!
Dey Is Mah Gum Bones
Who passed to who?
Get Your Shit Together - Scene 1
Dion likes the ladies
Midi? Yes, I am.
Last One, I Promise
Collateral Damage to the English Language
...And Stephen Colbert Is A Giant NYERD!
Breaking YouTube's Bandwidth, One Link At A Time...
Ok that is it!
Nikki and Robb's Wedding Pictures
Science Background Helpful
More From The Objective and Accurate Pages of Wikipedia
High dynamic range photography
Dark Room
El Cheapo
Buy, for the public good...
McGill Improv Versus The Man
Hypnotise Sex
Flashmob + Consumer Power = Tuangou!
Casuality Seattle Post-Conference Report
Gee Hostie!

June 2006:
Free Downtown Buses in Seattle
Oom Pah Pah
Of Montreal
Casuality Seattle
In The Viewfinder
Dustin quoted in USA TODAY
Multiple category tags per post
Another 24 Hours
Summer Solstice
No there can't be enough about you EDIT
World Urban Forum 3 - Montreal Thoughts
I Bet Lynne Truss Does!
Do You Want Doubles?
Apple Design Awards
Montreal Fringe Festival
Magnificent Montage of Maps and More!
It Sounds Like Homework
The Only Button Reads "Capituler"
Not On Letterman?
Give Them Rest
Don't say "cheapskate", be diplomatic
Vancouver Improv Festival
Ever wonder, ''Who's Stalin?''
I don't support the company, but the ad is great!
Some ad executive is getting promoted...
GameTunnel Monthly Round-Up

May 2006:
STM and vending machines merge at last...
I like his Robot moves...
World Cup
Lux Memorial Day Charity Fundraiser
Sass suffit
Biodata, please
go flickr yourself
Marc's robot would just punch randomly
Mini-Movie Fest
Slice of Boredom
Freud Would Be So Proud
You can hear a pitch drop
From The Makers of Titanic 2...
Modded Thrift Store Art
Sillysoft interview with Shane Neville
The right solution
Want to develop for the nintendo Wii?
I wish I could quit you
911 Fact or Fiction?
Enjoy Life
Ha ha haaaa... SkypeOut!
Ask a Ninja
Magazines to the Wahzoo!
Tourist guide
2D + 3D = 5D!
Beer + General Knowledge = Fun!
Google trends
My Friend Flickr
My Reading List
Summer Trips
Can't find it!
Free Vestibule
The Funny Stuff
Canadian e-census review
A spring, a spring, a wonderous thing
Legalize Marijuana Already Canada
The future is NOW!
Leaving the Nest
Improv Everywhere
They've Got Quite A Repore

April 2006:
Google has a sense of humour
Bubble Love In Vancouver
Harper goes soft
Corruption v Theater
While Browsing McGill Classifieds....
One Book, One Internet
What a slut
'nobyl gas!
Take That, Chomsky!
Post ManHunt
Happy Orthodox Easter
Sorry, Budman
3 days in Whistler, BC
Recipe For Success
Feynman interview
A friendly Manhunt Reminder
Let them eat bullets
But 13-Year-Old Boys Don't Need To Shave!
PS2 price drop
Tag You're IT
He is so going to get covered in blood.
...and here I am today.
2 Legit 2 Quit
Schadenfreude Up The Wazoo
This is why you didn't get an Easter basket this morning.
Pic of the Day (Okayyy!)
I hate this shit job
Debt out of here!
Google ad inifinitum
American History Lux is finally out!
Manhunt Montreal
What's That Schnell?
Walking Tall
Thank you, Zaxxon
Nyerd + nyerd =?
Albino Croc
Stay Tuned!
Craigslist = Fair Game
DIY Distribution
My new high tech spam filter
Why is this phrased as a poem?
Bad News
Metric rocks the ballroom
Plastic Surgery
This one gets a WTF?
Editing. Submitting. A Jedi craves not these things...
Critical Mass - Bikes on Parade

March 2006:
On Y Va Vers Le Mont
flickr explore
I've Been Eyeing This Video
Hungry for Gold
Montreal 2005 photos
Browdy For Public Office!
Interwar barbecue
Dustin on GETV
Vancouver Pillow Fight Club
Painting Party!
Headline of the Day
Ok, you win
Skin Deep
Vancouver Manhunt
80 million Germans can't be wrong
That's sharp
Java 4k Games Contest Winners
Phil's first post, so let's have a party!
Generation X - The Opera
Hot or Wrong?
What was that taste test outcome again?
Brain fixer-upper
I Wish I Knew How... Oh, Forget It
swiped from lj montreal
I Think I'll Stick With Atkins...
I think McGill Improv has redefined Vaganza
Shadow Stencil of the Colossus?
Everybody Loves A Hidden Camera!
Spore - aka Sim Universe
Return of the BJ Jokes
Vancouver Photos
Live re-enactment of the Simpsons intro
Natalie Portman is so fucking hot
Shooting Fish In A Barrel
World's Greatest Dad
6th annual VAGANZA 24-hour improv hootenanny!
Plunder that booty
White People Exhibiting Black People

February 2006:
I (heart) ladies
Inside Einstein
Put my biodata on!
Do You Remember The Time When We Fell In Love?
For any Adriennes that lurk
For any game developers that lurk
What in the world?
3D Pong
Advice for Independent Games Festival Finalists
I can't place it
Attn: Chronomorph and Vinny
Don't Make Him Angry...
So THAT'S what happened to him...
Oh, with the funny
Turn the lights down low, baby
Question Answerer 2
Shoot First, Suppress Questions Later
Vinny should've seen this
Gandhi kinda frightens me
Moose Camp 2006 post-game report
Montreal gets an Apple Store in Laval
These cartoons are a riot.
There is improv in your future
vinny's head explodes
Thank you, nature, for my nightmares
Moose Camp
Say "cheese"
Surprise, Surprise
Who vs What?
Dr. Penfield has a winged shell
Another Success...with Pictures!
Another success!
A game theoretic approach to the toilet seat problem
I Know What I'm Watching Tonight!
Moving over to Commercial Drive
I hope Gil doesn't take this too hard
I can think of a few names for you...
Read it to me
Hunger pangs stickin' like duct tape
Damn, And The Oscar Noms Were Just Announced...
To Summit Up

January 2006:
Summit Wicked This Way Comes
But it can compete with this one?
You Know What I Want...
Stop whatever you're doing and look at this
It's true.
Canada Election 2006 - Minor Party Results
True deau dat
Cactus Makes Perfect
Election 2004
My Move To Vancouver - 2 Week Update
Read all over
Happy 300th Birthday!
And The Trogdor Comes In NIGHT!!!!!!!
Umbrellas were invented very early on...
The New Yorker Grasps For Street Cred
Desperately Seeking...
The Washington Post Battle of Wits
Holophonic Demo
Battle of Wits 2006
Chuck Norris Responds
For the amateur photographer
Do you know your pee-ology?
Office Space Wars
short term plans
This is no game
You... Want him... Don't you?
Best Year in Music? (Of the last 40 years)
Two Shows for Two Brothers and Seven Brides
2005 Sillysoft Games Year in Review
Harry Potter F*cks Horses

December 2005:
Here's one dreidel not made out of clay
Hinky Pinky
Christmas Hinky Pinky II
Christmas Hinky Pinky
Pope Freakenburger says Merry Christmas!
Nice Try, Science
The Great Wallet
SNL Digital Short
41 Centimeters of Winter Fun
I'd rather be dead than Green
Rap Battle: The Return
The only philosophers worth knowing
Harvard Class Day speeches
Pot kills the pain
Yes, this is the most important issue
Super friends
Vegas Rules!
Saying goodbye to Montreal
This is teh suck
Nibbles in 3D!!
A Ladd and C Top
At least there will be fewer droughts in ten million years
Post post post!
Pot Luck PIcs
Deep Fried Carrot Top
Sun-dried Peter Jackson
Linguistics Whiz
Traveaux de feu
Blogue québécois de l'Ontario
Gil And Dan's Bastard Child
Look out!
Strategic voting
Two things
Alan is Cumming
One Meter Beer Update
Sounds gooood...

November 2005:
w/o A
This sounds familar....
Russian kids are crazy!
Montreal HD TV Schedules
I wanna be a coyboy, you can be my cowgirl
Prize-winning headline
McGill Improv photos
Battle of the Wits, Gil Style
Smooching kills
Wax Off
Say Agar!
Move along...
sketch comedy
Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
T-shirts can be so cruel
Neat trick!
Need a pick-me-up?
12th Night
Sean conquers the UK
Orange revolution continues in Azerbaijan
I Heart Stop Motion
Free Canadiens Tickets
So bad I can't wook
So Cute it Hurts
Aka: Lazy
Debunking the tongue
Insert Pie pun here
Boston Terror
F'in Narcs...
This is not why I went to college
Montreal International Game Summit 2005 Impressions
More Improv Madness
The Shocker
I Want It That Way
I Don't Get It

October 2005:
Don't Leave Home Without It
They Learnt How At Uni-versity
This One's For Ken...
Dr. Penfield's toast
Chatspeak + telegraph =??
Journalism = Pun
This isn't a joke
Smaller cars save on gas
Kudos On the Clealiness
What's the most non-controversial topic?
DVD-HD vs BluRay
Tech Writer
Upcoming play
Battle of Wits #9...#9....#9....
The Patriarchy is Nuts!
Warning: War May Be Hazardous to Your Health
IndieGamesCon 2005 write-up
Pic of the Day
Widget 'ake a look at that
Luxtoberfest 2005 Update
Reunite Rider
Interesting article on Google
Show Tonight!
What does he do when a funeral passes?
Passes the Fits in your mouth test
Pic of the Day: Saturn's moon, Hyperion
That's a lot of nudity
Second annual Luxtoberfest contest and celebration

September 2005:
Shark versus Octopus
But will they do a cover of Layla?
Going Up?
What Time Is It?
Paradise Bay
Red China Blues and Opposing Revisionist History
A livejournal meme escapes!
Today Be Talk Like a Pirate Day, Matey.
I'd heard the rumours but didn't want to jinx it...
Holy Mother of Pearl
What did I just say about ethnic slurs?
The Impotence of Physicists
Is this possible?
Talk the Talk
Pirate Parlance Preparation
Your, uh... CV is... quite intimidating...
I sent out 2378 emails today
Do I Get a Flashlight?
iTunes 5
Persistent searches for Gmail
Not feeling social? Laugh out loud instead
The unappreciated
Shows this week!
More like C.B. Don't See
Slugfest, Round 3
Shareware linkage

August 2005:
Colonel Tom, What's Wrong?
My cyborg identity
Road trip photos
Return Party
Camping (Take II)
For the technological audience
Dancing Cock Brothers
Death Melon!
lend a helping hand?
Make your own comic
Or Well!
Yay! I can give blood again!
Cool and useful
Games Night
Help, please.
Ghetto Improv
Montreal to Champaign-Urbana
American History Lux
Not a Businesswoman
One website: all the fun
Blogue: let your body move to the music hey hey hey
Fun With HTTP Headers
The Inevitable
Software updates: the key to longevity
Third post is a charm
Truck nuts
Nice Lux Review
A new arrow in the federalist quiver?
Lux advertising
Hinky Pinky
"Cigarette?" "Yes, I know."
Apple introduces a multi-button mouse: The Mighty Mouse!
Canadian Living
Information superhighway!

July 2005:
You knew it was coming...
Wrong finger, Ben...
Personal branding
Colour perception
You don't know Africa
Men In Coats
Bryan Look Alike
Radio-Controlled Star Wars fighters
My Daytime Viewing
WWII as RTS chat log
Do you know the US?
The Stewart Dynasty.
Do you know Europe?
Save your arrow!
Hockey rule changes
Test which D and D character you would be!
Username of the Day
Amy Hasten Off (and the power of titles)
The infomercial was compelling...
I Am Lost
Another Montreal Tradition continues
Library? How about a Truthbrary?!
Concert tickets?
For your enjoyment
What-the, what-the?
Montreal has an oasis?
Battle of Wits #8
MANA - beyond belief
2005 Toronto Improv Festival
Where in the World Are the Copyright Police?
No running required, but maybe a roadtrip
Planarity Game
Apple is stopping cocoa-java enhancements
How to become more powerful in the blogosphere
One sentence stories
Is this possible?
I claim this land
The Presbyterian Church
Music for Beavers
Montreal zombie attack
Lux sales broken up by country
A Total Babe
No old wife here
Survey says

June 2005:
Want to make a mockumentary? Write a script...
Free Culture
Sillytech: Your Source For Sean Pictures
Where in the world should I live?
Yo Canada
Sad vs. Happy
Oh pooh.
Sunglasses at Night
Just Remotes
PS2 Remote?
Bad Fiction, Worse Non-Fiction
Why you should write software for mac.
Cyberpunk review: Project Maldon and Virtual Light
The Children Are Our Future
More CBC Love
filter this!
While You Weren't Watching (Again) . . .
Lebanese elections held in Iran.
Still Not For Me
Retourné du Japon
hee hee
Check out our stuff
Amazon still sucks
Roll over Beethoven!

July 2005:

June 2005:
Dustin's elite photography skillz
Feel the Burn
Fare Me Well
Supersize Me!
One small step for a woman, one giant leap for womenkind
Apple is moving to Intel chips
Ken Stretch's 2005 Valedictory address to McGill Arts
One Nation Under God
100.7 FM Montreal
Winamp Streaming Radio
Bak Ansa has the answer!

May 2005:
Kewl Konfessions
Flash memory is going insane
Jolly Good Fun
Web Apps
It doesn't make any sense
Hey Sillytechians!
Star Wars
public notice:
Not for fat kids...
Talk about the weather
2 almost forgotten books
Cell phones are annoying...
Murderers! Vandals!
Oddly 94
Caption this photo!
For great justice!
Now THAT'S Lego building
Apple laptop battery recall
Soccer sundays
Wireless problems under Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger - Solved!
Letters from our supporters
Unicode makes my brain hurt
Lego goodness
War Games
How to set up a BitTorrent tracker on Linux
Darth Blair
Post, I had to
Hiring is obsolete
Ben & Jerry's 2005
die email backlog!!
Vega for sale
How to buy a domain name and set up a website on it
A million times wrong
Lux 5
I Win, You Suck
More Street Shenanigans
Already Been Chewed
The wrongest wrong
News, Vomit
Man from the Sea!
Vote for the Shareware Industry Awards people's choice award
International tell-a-friend-about-blogs week!
Lux is turning Japanese
What it looks like to be color blind
Absolutely nothing!
Mac OS X 10.4 java bugs
Something to Zinc About
This will make me lose my appetite for a week.
Mac OS X 10.4 uses colors when anti-aliasing text

April 2005:
This One's For Alice...
Yoda is a Badass Trucker
htmlHacks() - Fun with Safari HTML rendering
The Orange Side
I should have been checking this out more often...
Fun with swing and java2d
let's google
Better a cappella then you
Smoking is healthier than working
Do you speak geek?
Pic of the Day
Better Cut Down There, Smoky
In my spare time...
BJ Update
Made for Sillytech
Bundle of joy
Speaking of trips...
Gil's brain
BJ Factory
While You Weren't Watching...
Montreal satellite maps
RSSMailingList: a free combination RSS feed creator and mailing list manager
Clearing the DNS cache on Mac OS X
Battle of Wits Restated
Lux and automated translation tools
Montreal photoblog
A Shout Out to All My Jew Homies
Importing database backups into MySQL
And so it begins...
Universal Grammar of JOY
Create RSS feeds from PHP
yay for animal research
Fewer and fewer normal people left in the world
Women Gamers and Booth babes
Geek pop 'n' lock
Climbing the Lux rankings
It's official, Idaho likes Napoleon Dynamite.
Axe wound + blowjob. All in all, everything is OK.
IP check lookup
Battle for control of Montreal!
Google Sightseeing
Look people,
I Just Can't Get Enough...
Will Leonard Nemoy be in it?
Drugs are expensive
Music Video Games
The joys of a windowed application
A random Sillysoft update
More Human Than Posthuman
...and they're off!
Until the conclave ends
Turn Around, Bright Eyes
That's some fine Japanese Lego
Dante's Inferno Test
April Fools!

March 2005:
Meet Between the Sheets
Post GDC coverage
This... Means... Something...
20 Questions
Luxers gone wild
use fink brand commander for mac os x command-line tools
Graphic performance improvements
Explosions are fun!
Font of you
Oh god...
Public labyrinth in NDG
Dear Universe...

Can someone explain...
Hooray! The dream is still alive!
They're Baiting Us!
Play Time
Saturday night
Solar Death Ray
Just plain unnatural
Bytten Ernie awards recognize Lux for Best AI
Battle of wits: Answer this email
Photos from Scotland
For your wrist...
America grows!
Stoopid old email lists
Scatter Scores
Food Flash
13 Science Problems
Follow-up to New Looney tunes
Marc D Lovely
Save Toby
B/W to colour...
Chris Dye, can you explain this?
Total Eclipse of the Heart Information
Putting my Skills to Work
Toronto Improv Festival
Top 25 TV Themes
Home sweet home
That's How It's Done
Efficient Email
*scary music*
Boots of Escaping
Nine Months Later: A Burden!
Battle of Wits #7
Picture of the Day
Memories of my youth
Stolen from other blogs cause it's fun - please add yours!
Nasty Party Ideas
While You Weren't Watching
Alive in Canada
Berkeley, California
Iain M. Banks - Consider Phlebas
Everybody Have Fun Tonight!
Where are the people?
Office Space, dubbed over the Superfriends?
Want Your Life Expectancy?

February 2005:
Want your Credit Score?
4 more books
BBC London's Live Latest Tube Information
The Future Sucks
Captions, please...
Gimme Back My Shirt!
An inspirational ditty
While you weren't watching...
My mutual funds are happy but I'm not.
Uh oh.
All the cool Scots...
Don't Panic
Words to live by
More Wikipedia musing
Hybrid Club
Awesome Username of the Day
Getting too many calls?
Even White Preachers Got To Shout
CBC = Coolness
I'd like an all-dressed and an ogre-slaying knife +2
Looney Tunes is being updated for The WB
Living in Canada
Hey! Don't Forget!
US Intelligence Gets Meta!
Creepy, indeed!
This was fun.
Yeah, that's about right.
Phat photo receptors!
Nightclub of Zombies
A Mutha of a Reminder
A Gay Ol' Time
The humans are weak.
As Seen on TV
While I'm sick...
Ooh la la!
Winter is pretty
McGill Idol Update
Fo' shizzle!
My Favourite Vaganza Picture
Poor McGill undergrad? Link on...
Pax Galaxia: Interstellar Strategy Game
Listen Up, All You Rugcutters...
More free! cunning stuff
Luxless in Luxemburg
Book #3: An amber-eyed amnesiac

January 2005:
Survey Time
For the more cunning members of Sillytech
Iraqi election poll results
Kids These Days...
Brown v. Board of Education for Wankers
Fox News Accidentally Lets News on Air
Lux on the Independent Gaming Source
Got Your Money Safe
Groundhog Day Pizza Extravaganza?
Better than that Swedish Fish Sushi, even!
Allies and Enemies: Team Focused Strategy Game
Book #2 of 2005
Up, Down, XX
the sort of girl who'd date you has probably been through worse.
Who are you voting for in the Iraqi election?
Folksingers With Attitude
Porn Star or My Little Pony?
Just add water...
Bloc spam
Book #1 of 2005
Google UI
Mmmmm, Bacon!
Would you like a slice of Ipod?
Real or not, 'tis funny
Two baffling websites
Je ne suis pas un Angryphone
Seagull Herpes
Update from Edinburgh
Your Tax-Dollars At Work!
Combine your passions
Retro tech
Ann Coulter and Tucker Carlson are adorable
Last Minute Reminder!!!
Ladies, the Gregster is available...
More Firefox goodies
Sorry, Jimmy, but as Witch Doctor, I now pronounce you man and wife!
Things I learned on wikipedia last night
Post-Structuralist Narratives of Bullcrap
My new year's resolution

December 2004:
This candy is totally hetero
This music video made me a homophobe
100 oldest domain names
Mad with power
An internet worm exploits the phpBB highlight vulnerability
Three Musical Presents
What to do Christmas Eve?
Dear Sillytechers,
What to do Christmas morning?
Controlling where search engines go
The Graphing Calculator Story

October 2006:
Renaming Parc Avenue to be Robert Bourassa Avenue?

December 2004:
Making the changes
Clickable areas
Worst ad ever for a cell phone company...
My gift to y'alls balls
Merry Christmas and thereafter
On a Life Raft with Christopher Walken
A fortunate event
Virtual Estate Agent
Not the law is clear?
Popping the web comic cherry
Science vs. Politics
Oh thank God!
Play anyone?
Face Facts
The IGF finalists are 10% java
Top speed
Super Huzzah!
Where in the World is Chrisdye
Lux is a 2005 Independent Games Festival finalist!!!!
New google thang
Diablo 2 still alive...
Internet payment services and associated ramblings
killer iPod mini ad
What did he see?
Good choice of words...
Freedom Is On The March... In Your Menubar!
Thin Film
Putin is evil
Finding my Call-ing just a few times
What is this and how does it work
WIRED gadgets of 2004
Blasted resume
That guy, Rene
Bush Arrested
Beware of LOLing show!
Industry Punditry
Does anyone else find this image incredibly disturbing?
Chris + Rome = Chrome

November 2004:
Caption time!
I spy
They do?
Frequenting Barcelona? Call AA
An interview with me
Socks Appeal
EA Interview Preparation Info
Good press == good times!
Ch.. ch.. check it out
protection against pirated serial numbers and cracks for Lux
Movie Festival POSTPONED
The Razor No! -Zone
Less words, less accurate
He already gets 11 1/2 months off: what will he get with a union?
Generate a random (alphanumeric) char in java
This is your browser on drugs
No government = good phone service
Wanna ring your Taco Belll
Minibars: The Next Generation
Who wants to go see the cows by my apartment?
Mini Movie Fiesta
Ok, I expect to see one of these at the party...
My birthday
He could break you no problem
Save by the Bel Spoof
Because a man's just gotta hunt...
An Improvisational success!
Holy Awesome, Batman!
I cannot stop watching this thing.
Blasts from the Past
Game show
Dirty Laundry
My favorite check song
The worst thing I've wrote on here.
Masterpiece of Pizza
Like climbing up a mountain while being on fire
I'm doomed
Lux review at
Pretty girls on the NYC subway?!
source code search engine
Boring People Kill
Mmm, meat soda...
really really really
Spectacular images
Suck it up!
This or Halo 2...
Scotland from above
Caption Competition
Radiohead's Creep with Flash accompaniment
We refuse to satiate the Peruvian gods.
The sound of history repeating
Interesting Maps
The saddest sound in the world
Al Gore Rhythms
Ladies and gentlemen, drop your borders
Political Party
EA interview
Halloween Pictures

October 2004:
Daylight savings
Mass media
Deadlines suck
None of these will be my costumes this year
Halloween Party - Saturday October 30th
I've got bad news, and good news: The execution skit
An organizing committee for the 4th best athletes in Bosnia-Herzegovina
That DOES look like Mr. Belvedere!
Total lunar eclipse tonight
Know Your Swedish Elite League II
My resume says I'm cool...
The Proof is in the Proof is in the Proof!
Who is Steve Pavlina
Woodland Con-Creatures
The Greatest Canadian
Mariana, do something!
Woodland Con-Creatures
Star Wars action figure differences
Doctor October
Scrabble is the craziest game
Five Hundred Self Portraits
Sillysoft on the Gamesome Mac
Luxtoberfest: 2 weeks of prizes!
IGC 04 final day (and afterwards) thoughts
Looking on the Bright Side
No money, no honey
Leave it to Bush
Home Sweet Home
All Hail David Rees!
Thanks a lot, google.
A Lovers Discourse
IndieGamesCon 2004 continued...
Knock, knock. Who's there? Maxwell.
What was that!
Real Life Adventures
Cool website/webpage for silly techs
Blogging the Indie Games Con (IGC) 2004 in Eugene, Oregon
The times are a changin'
This is no longer topical
No Death Penalty Conference
I must build a time machine to stop mankind.
I bought a digital camera
Need webspace?
Kibbles n' Bits
Selling On Sucks !
Stick that in your iPod and smoke it!
United Nations

September 2004:
Because Being Lonely is Funny
New 20$ bill on the loose!
Biting quips!
churchill to JFK
More improv
Without Annette
Caption this Photo!
Bmac Montreal is closing
Nos Amours, colis!
Top Universities in the World
Ain't just, Super Mark - it
Cattle Approbation Festival, Letter On - May 18, 1864
Follow your heaaaart!
Screw you FTP!
The vehicle still needs brakes
Know Your Swedish Elite League
Bloglines the server side RSS aggregator
Cancer stinks
Fantastic Four movie
Syrup Swimming
Tuesday Night Rhymes, Part III
Wireless router
The Travel Files
Family Travel Writer
Love the comments...
These are a few of my favourite things...
Lux version 4.2 is ready for downloading
The Passing of Mary Pocock
Famous Quotes from Entrepreneurs
Where art though: Chris Dye
Two good freeware apps for Windows machines
Celebrity lookalikes?
McGill Improv starts anew!
'I see you, McGuinty! Quit passing notes!'
What say I?
Russia inches closer to dictatorship
Chris dye! did you tell us the truth?!!!
My view... uh... of the situation... uh...
Diary writing considered harmful
Some great Firefox entensions
Shower Me
Im back, and you all thought the worst was over...
Photoshop contest
Adventures in hitting on chicks.
if you wanna sell...
Improv Without Borders
Lovechess PC game
Censored 2005: The Top 25 Censored Media Stories of 2003-2004
Recent comments
Blix Prix
Russia is a not a happy funtime country
Electronic music sale
Mac OS X Games
Care to share?
Tears of joy, right?
Mein gott!
Olympic aliens
The conclusion of the EA recruitment effort

August 2004:
New iMac
Thou dost protest too much
Party Star
Alright here's the deal:
Orson Scott Card on liberal media bias
Hey cocoa-java, go $@%* yourself
Amy is in love with Jean-Luc Picard
Time fix
2004 Indie Games Conference
Friday night at bar Biftek
Even more changes
Awesome Flash
Ebay take 2 = my new laptop
Sweet Methuselah, what is this??
The Best Website Ever
The Internet Sucks: Or, What I Learned Coding X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
Sean Michaels: Internet Superstar
My first ebay experience
Mac OS X Hints - Pick of The Week!!
Download Risk Board Game (More Search Engine Optimization)
Changes to sillytech
Friend selling a car
Mo' Cosmo
Hot Tips Of Any Kind
One two many
Protest the Republican Convention in New York
Tennis West of the Mount
Not just for policemen anymore
The Loser's Paradox
Made for Sillytech...
Sit on my knee
An evil laugh
Audible illusion
Talent (And the lack there of)
Computer Work (And the lack there of)
Mealin' and Dealin'
A multiplayer strategy game in the wild
My programmer job interview with Electronic Arts
Uh, that's f'ed up
Are you sure it's not a bear? Or a puma?
Feeling listless?
More on Alberta Slim
I'm bat at titles...
Another SEO Tool
Ye Olde Shoppe of World Domination
Earth From Above
Fun with web stats
Multiplayer Strategy Games
Neale's blog
check it
Hadn't seen this...

July 2004:
And the Pulitzer Goes To...
A highly rough estimate of value
Don's Amazing Puzzle
Red Mars
A possible kink in my plans
Apple wins the PC Magazine reader choice awards
''If you love The Dukes of Hazzard, NASCAR and country music
Tuesday Night Rhymes, Part II
Did he just say "Action Speedo"?
Mother Brain
Lux 4.0
Monkeys can go anywhere
Customers are awesome
Pink Floyd
I see you, you see me?
Life with Bonet
I slept with your wife?
Sony Music's personal touch
1575 Summerhill Ave, Montreal
Deadlines are good
DVD Project
Free Books!!!
My Ghetto-cool Steadycam
Igor Naming Guide
Tuesday Night Rhymes, Part I
Inspired by Hawksly Workman
Some java humor
avery cares
Getting the usable screen area from java
This is an automated message
Overture search suggestions
How do you stack up?
Tiger Hand beats paper
Stranger than fiction...
Google adwords maximum effect
Man of Steeling the Show
Smooth Jazz in Montreal
Canada Day with Hawksley Workman
The US government says: 'Don't use Internet Explorer'

June 2004:
I like the Canadian Supreme Court
Stop cowering under your afghans
What are you listening to?
Cut my finger and call me daddy
Old Skool Sillytech dream is alive
Time to buy some crack!
Follow-up for Hermione
ResourceBundle files with foreign accents
Summer cypriot-style
Make your own map! (or AI, or MapGenerator !)
Skittering across the floor
Free risk game download are dirty spammers
That's a might big stick you've got there!
Bonne Fête Nationale!
Environmental report card for Canadian political parties
Montreal cheap used computers and stuff
Marc, you asked for a website
I'm on Gmail!
Our planet is drunk
My loss of itch to see Milosevic
I was just thinking about how much I missed the Palace
.pl.gz files don't get downloaded
Youth smoking rates
Hey y'all...
Jim Davis likes money
a Lux review from
Parents are evil
Is it a form letter? You tell me
Got Jew?
Planning for the future
Parody of Judge Judy
Killing the environment = bad
Blogging the Montreal fringe festival
Murder, You Wrote
Doggie style
Motörhead, remember me, I'm Motörhead, all right?
Forward delete does not work in emacs?
Down the Holland to the left
Killing Jon Davis would do nothing at this point
pop versus soda
Commercial Parody at it's Best!
Tom Ridge Ro-Beast
Textarea, You Are A Sunken Nothing
Hey hey!
How George Bush really got the bruise on his cheek
Marc all bloody
where you can have your last image in the 'Punch-out' game???
Please read - this issue is important.
Historians vs. George W. Bush

May 2004:
What to do with my old business cards?
The Geek Test
Icy tea: why?
Team Psychic Connection is Online!
David Crosby talks about the music industry
Mac OS X 10.3.4
The "Anti-Windows" Promotion
The Idol of Reality Show Island
adbusting Iraq
Good free explosion animations
Engineering versus distribution
support java on mac os x
Scrambled Hague
Instant Gratification
And puffins also I think maybe they go quite high too
Gmail Swap
Pass the Dutchie on the Left Hand Side
I'm going to get you
It's all true!
Your favourite restaurant is closed
...but it's not mine.
Unicode escpae sequences
seen on montreal lj
A spell checker for Internet Explorer
He's best friends with a monkey.
The Lux cross-platform beta test is starting now
This is messed up
Twins peak
For the birds!
Linear A or Linear B: Which is cooler?
Thank you, Robot Overlords!
Sorry, you -are- the only one with that fetish

April 2004:
Priority status in
Postal Inspectors
Should Montreal demerge?
Canada should become a leader of recycling
Haste makes waste
This is not a suggestion
An independant game company postmortem
aa_clip_edge infinite loop
Shameless Self-Promotion
My new, improved blog.
It's orange... and it's a monkey...but...
Explosion animations
Coming of age.
Sherman's Lagoon RSS feed
Oh My
a new Lux
Caption these photos!
Peaceful Schools International
Montreal will start using linux-based parking meters
Ah pranksters
On the road Activism
early gmail access
Windows Internet Explorer versus Safari
2 out of 2 so far
Kill Bill's Henchmen
Using mod_rewrite on mac os x 10.3 panther from .htaccess
When to sell a stock
Fonts can cause Safari (and Sarafi-reliant systems) to crash
More celebrity health news
Bush as a financial adviser
daily report
Getting toggleContinuousSpellChecking() to remember its state
Excuse to Post
Care to feel smug/revolted?
IzPack: a free java-based installer maker
Happy bunny, all!
King of Burgers?
the poor man's Steadicam®
This is boy funny
Top Ten Reasons to Lower the Voting Age
My first [k]rack
A movie
First blood: a Mac OS X virus appears
Linguistics at Concordia
Eye Candy
Maybe under
Making a HTTP POST request from java
Toronto Better Business Bureau
Lux: the movie
America sucks
reality chat-vision!!!
Finding connections
come and go + 1
MIT Open Course Ware saves Nigeria!
Full time shareware
Sasquatch your Under Carriage
Things I learned from Wikipedia tonight
April Foo's Battle of Wits
In courtroom

March 2004:
A lesson on indexes
Pass the music please
The Chicken that knew the future.
Break this silence with roar of a wounded dinosaur
State of the News Media 2004
The Cheeseborough Family.
The Cheeseborough Family.
At home with Nikki
Return of the homebrew coder
After all, it's probably evolutionary
Google news alerts
Montreal Boy Makes Good
Retail Piracy
User Interface Design
A tiny update
The life of Brian
Their giant accomplishment calls for Giant Shrimp.
My unsolvable cocoa-java bug
Canadian Idle
Lux version 3.92
free software v Microsft
News you need, news you don't
Cranial problems
rappin and rhyming
The blog effect
A simple java program
I need a good name for my game
Vaganza: 24 hours of improv comedy
Some pics I took this winter
Montreal in the summer
The question answerer
Battle of Wits #5
ISO-8601 in PHP
A Place in the Sun
Lego party
Bonobo in Montreal
The Civil Service ain't exactly Oil of Olay, apparently
Virgin Birth Explained
My brain hurts
How to get Movable Type to output RSS with HTML
Internet beats TV. Again?
Babies are gross
Sind Sie Heiss?
Choice Hotels Award of Excellence in Travel Journalism
Brad Sucks: Making Me Nervous
Macintosh software business wiki
Weeping Mary, Happy Chrisdye
Je veux les bonbons!
Name me a Wizard
Left or right
March 2004: A month full of Risk
My brother is gone on exchange to Australia
Important notify about your e-mail account.
Lay Hee Hoo
Acting out
Media Update
How to get 'cvs update' to grab new directories
Get Published
Fun with exams
We have new media
Here fishy fishy fishy...
Mad Math

February 2004:
Lux 3.9 just went out the door
An online forum is a core part of any small software business
The Passion of the Chrisdye
Statistics Canada buying google adwords
A Winner
A lesbian orgy
Comedy Question
Except a complete digestive tract
Important News for Mirzipan and BJ Big Hands
The art of the 'Power Look'
2nd Annual Improv Summit
Hurrah for publicity
The things that bring people here
Our users will know fear and cower before our software!
Middle Name is
Dear Diary
Bonhomme Carnaval endorses Belinda Stronach
Penguin Batting
Donald Rumsfeld, martial artist
Now I propose a battle of wits, ha-ha!
some mac-side updates
Wit Battles (to the death grr)
He said
a link!
oh yeah
Make More Mistakes
More hot titty action
Hong Kong!
Sunken Chins
spell checking packs
My personality?
Video troubles? Get quicktime
Totally Punk!
Two important developments
Burlington, Vermont
I Feel Great
Porno Roomate
This is for me
the MS SQL equivalent to MySQL's 'limit' command
R. Kelly, screaming for a caption.
Damn! Now I feel great.
Cow enters German bank
For you Mac-heads
Better Than Shakespeare
Funny Love
Eyes like a Bird with Good Vision
Tall poll
Garage Band
More fun with breasts
Important Petition
I have no excuse
Sidewalk art
Yo Mama!
More games
Romance Lives
The Gallery of Computation
A game!
a Mark Twain quote
Myself, objectified.
Hooray for boobies!
Slow Progress
Can't get enough of those... linguistics schmucks
The Internet Beats TV Again
It's true
Modest Mouse
hey ya
Cinema Politica

January 2004:
30 Second Meals
Something for all the linguists out there
The New Flu Crew
The New Flu Crew
Dear God
feminism, here I come!
Battle Of Wits
I Need Some Ribs
Paul Martin's paper doll
Confucius say!
Custom Map City
Pope applauds and blesses breakdancers
Yuan Dynasty Poetry
Show Me, Show You
abolish advertising?
the t-shirt in my head
a javascript 'Blog This' bookmark
Bed Sweet Bed
Howard Dean is insane?
a PHP or PERL regular expression to make links out of URLs
Howard Dean smells
I just had a hippopotamus for lunch!
Geriatric wants to enroll in college.
Seriously. WTF?
A world without men
NASA propaganda
my first copyright infringement
Kids in the Hall -Season 1- DVD to be released.
My (Madatory) Webjournal.
Less porn, more art
Leave it to the Beav!
My pink telephone
I rummage underneath the cushions.
Carol Moseley Braun a sci-fi geek?
my calling
god bless 'em
the road ahead
Seth Godin
The iron law of wages
welcome to Canada's crazy province
huzzah for google
dynamic content redirection using 404 pages
I am tepid
Fog on the Barrow-Downs
Journal and void

December 2004:
Executive Dining, A Farce

January 2004:
a Joel on Software dinner
Happy Birthday Elvis
Dance Dance Revolution (not just for 11 year old koreans anymore
Suzy Fudge...
Smartask- proving Montreal is superior
a poem
the effect of LSD on art
The Behemoth
Bush in 30 Seconds
reminder to self
Colour pics of New York City in the '40s
a nice server-side RSS aggregator written in PHP
piracy vs. me
Leonard Cohen
Investigative Technique
an update
2004 promises great things...
The Sillytech keeps on a changin'
Let it snow
Battle of Wits #4
Cosmo: Issue #4...with Special Insert
A moment frozen in time
2003: A Dave odyssey

December 2003:
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My usual fare
More on Conan
Road Trip
Not that I'm a big fan of cigars or anything
My thoughts
Big Fish
Meet Slappy
Saddam Show
My Show's most popular character...
For all you americans out there
Art for Nerds
Our Live Show
VIA rail canada
changes to the commenting system
Dear Diary
Perpetuating the Christmas Lie
A Longie!
a Quickie!
Battle of Wits #3
Dear Diary
Online Risk
land of the free........
TLC New Show
Interesting Poll
Save Dollaraclip!
The Holidays
Canada has new Chief Nerd
Frodo has failed
Oh My!
He's a Lego maniac!
Dear Diary
This is actually cool
*** file inconsistency: read '@', expecting 'C'
Goodbye my skiing cherry
Get out the dynamite!
It's worth it...
Bryan Walsh @ The Yellow Door
I must be dreaming of murder...
Battle of Wits #2
How google works
Lord of the rings is coming soon...
Feedback wanted
Three cheers for hypocrisy
Come taste the sun!
Best picture ever
Benefit Show Wrap-Up
Cosmo Genius
Littlest Hobo MADNESS!!!!!!!!
season for loving
Vins de France
Dear Diary
Word Counter Battle!
Not a good one, no.
Crocodile Hunter
The Internet
Michael Jackson in Big Trouble
What to do with your philosphy degree?
sillytech updates
Deepak Chopra hits cellphones everywhere
How to set up a cvs server on mac os x 10.3 panther

November 2003:
Another Oldy
Better than Nothing
Battle of Wits
a trip to P-Town
The Canadian politics weblog continues
the great apes
another milestone for Lux
USA fires 28,000 teachers, in Iraq
The GAP game
Strike Three!
A lovely autumn afternoon
Public Service Announcement III
An open canadian political blog
More nonsense
One more reason why windows sucks ass
Public Service Announcement II
This month's Sillytech poll...
Public Service Announcement
Monday night
My Blog Cherry is Popped!
Phlash Maub
it's funny
Is that Steve Buscemi, top center?
If the paper-cut were deep enough...
Two Exploding Whales
Monday Night & Tuesday Morning
The Latronda Brown Show
Guy Fawkes
Rock the vote!
Weeknight Update
Spoof of Lawyer Commercials
Trash Picture
Trash talk

October 2003:
skits for a play
Beef Magic
Do you have a sad soul?
go Spock go
I See Opportunity Through the Peephole
Dear Kitty
Cosmo: Issue #2
Not fair...
Oooh, pretty
Can you Get Any Border?
Sing it Jack!
I wish I could say this was a skit I wrote
Rush Limbaugh Song Parody
Two tickets to the Death Sphere, please...
Happy Hues in Laundry Basket
Yet another one
psychiatric ward
Sticks and stones
My itinerary
another sketch
Nobel Nonsense
Dustin's political leanings
The Barber of Civility
I can't sleep
The start of a crusade
Why, brain, why?
Funky Nothing
Lauren's an adult!!
Do you see a pattern?
soon my life will change drastically
My Cosmo has arrived!
Similar to me?!?!
In need of undead-related humour.
An Unusual Event Over South Wales
Down at the Doctor's
Stealth Disco
Crazy Germans...
Idle Hans...
Mail-to-blog problem
A game show, a serial killer, and Thelma

September 2003:
what does boredom produce?
I too would punch Arnold in the mouth.
my new project
War and soccer
The requested TOP 10 (or so) things TANK finds funny.
montreal flashmob video
her! [girl vs pig]
Lost Actors
who plays you?
Sillytech reaches a new level!!!
I see, you see, we all see the ICU
An idea for the spend-a-lot tax cut
It Could Happen!
Dear Diary
Eat upon the insane root
Ciao, for now . . .
montreal mob recap
The Stills and Interpol
different cultures have different values
Uping The Ante
Bush Heil?
fun with chemistry
My review
new server again
new server
Meat For The Masses
Dear Diary
Totally Random Humor
Radio Radio
chalk mobsters
Avast me mateys
mob details
This is truly funny.
panther 7B59
in search of a ranking system
the flashmob squad
Go Belgium Go
Dear Diary
Death For Dinner
The Complete New Testament
A meadow

August 2003:
random pics
Are YOU a Neoconservative?
Dear Diary
Proper literature only, please
Science: Scelators splained
Dear God I Hate Bell Canada
Trembling Mountain
Oh Alan!
Does anybody else get this spam message?
Headlined: President Praises Dams in Northwest
Lux 3.0 - Viva la revolution
Dear Diary
A question
Satan's Laundromat
now HERE's some interesting celebrity gossip
Mr. T.
The real world approaches...
I'm back on the speed lane
Press package
Dear Diary
Hmmm? Hmmm?
Real Ultimate Power
Solar cars
What happened to old-fashioned blowing and wooing?
say "no" to knee jerk environmentalism
Don't give a skit
25 Hour Ultra Convenience
Hola de Paraguay!
Here's A Skit
dustin speaks
The Hell of Verdun
Law and improv do not mix
Ratings and anonymity
Humanity is Grand
More insanity from the depths of my deranged mind.

July 2003:
The Inspector Sketch
Arrested Developmental Patient
The weather today...
New Poll

August 2003:
Ask It

July 2003:
The state of the hardware
The shiznitz
Target: Tam-Tams
A friendly reminder
State of the Onion
Doh! I forgot to concentrate on humor!
Lux hits the bigtime!
Computational drumming
Reviving tourism
Kung-fu is like skiing
Early morning post
This is to the Ladies...
Might as well try...
online lux wednesday
shit fucking bastard fuck
a silly song
El ojo azul de voluntad
Not about ME
The Tupper Girls
late night linkage
independent filmmaking
A history of Lux
What the world thinks of America
saturday morning bullshit
stoopid sleep cycles
I'm back, baby
My holiday comes to an end

June 2003:
bye bye free internet
The guy behind me is chewing SOOO loudly
subject line: Thank you from Google
I am now the proud owner of a webcam
San Fransisco
Diabetes II
Going to california
mother dearest
Time--Now in easy-to-swallow pills!
Printing credits
Stoopid Provigo
pre-WWDC stuffs
A Double Date ... With Death!!!
chairs galore
Satan's done Waitan'
My deepest secret
Montreal Fringe Festival Reviews
why blog?
kitten skeet
The chute to heaven
the Taber continues
Joey Fontaine's Megamall
how old do I look?
I am The Man (Actually One of Many)
Sharing is caring
just some random dude
i think Taber needs a new name
math tutor
back in business
visiting Toronto

May 2003:
A baskit of goodies
Sit-Coms and their Non-Fiction Counterparts
T dot
bye bye for a bit
Office X-Men
Hot or Not
the shell game
the mobile life
free musuem day
computer nerd stuff
total eclipse of the moon
There is no fork
water water everywhere
Girly Phone
Court: half Corny, half Art.
Happy Face
Hot Thursday Action
here fishy fishy fishy...
A Member of the Church
The Job Interview
lovely me
impromptu party
Cidade de Deus
Ghetto Trash
Get Ready for a Potassium-Packed Adventure
Crazy Politicians
Explosions for everybody
The life of a repo man is ALWAYS intense
dark matter
Aloha Insight
woot woot

April 2003:
comedic writers wanted
Dangers of being too relaxed
it's the little things...
can't hardly wait
soooooo close
small diversions
one week left
22 hours of coding
I am a message
mostly flakken
Diver's Dilemma
small changes
cheap clothes
rap battle
It's been a hard drive night
Knight Lite
Looting tips
state of the dustin
1 down, 3 to go
Screw you, anxiety dreams.
seeing green
A Bedtime Treat
not essay related
Tired of the same old bored games?
stooopid essay
setec astronomy
new blood
Jesus Miracle Waters
the dream world
Something fried, something goo
what i learned today
Don't let getting pregnant get in the way of your drug habit.
worst fantasy ever
This will be an odd day.
Speaking of Lucifer
We're the ancient order of robot dolls..
Fresh New Fashion from India
Today: Dustin's Odyssey
October's just around the corner
Moebius Comic Strip
Because home remedies just don't work
Hang on the Box
Faery Tales
SARS fashion file
I'll meter you!
Leonard Nimoy for Prez
A blog, eh?
stoopid drug ads

March 2003:
Life at the Top
{An Androgynous Antelope...} This time WITH names
The Last Saddam Skit?
Weekday Update
Cool Jesus
The Case of the Cheese and the Roach
Guaranteed to offend or your money back
It's Ted the Fly!
Mr. Show gets fired
Watashi no David Stensilson
Telephone Sale
In the Library
Corky the Moonboy
Who wants to be Pope?

February 2003:
More Shorts
Homeless people are indeed bad!
Homeless people aren't so bad

January 2003:
Skit 4 and 5
More Gameshow Skits!
The Israeli Elections
Lousy SuperClubVideotron
Thanksgiving fun
Gary and Imhotep
Who wants to commit suicide?
Who Married Moses Dance Party
Why men really stay out late.
Drink up, foo!

December 2002:
Flower Power
Living in the USA
Dinsey is Revolting.
Definitely not for everyone

November 2002:
Satan in the Big apple
Skit Shooting
Script revision system
Santa on Trial!
World of Pain
Because politics has gotten a little boring
Kings and King Related Material
SillyTech is cool
Gone Fishin
You are watching FOX
The Homo-Erotic Adventures of He-Man

October 2002:
911 Sweepstakes Winner
Feeling skittish?
The Wheelchair Samurai
Trapped on the Escalator
The History of Music in Two Acts
Dracula Hahahahaha

September 2002:
Let's Iraq'n Roll
Tony the Tamil Tiger
Let my people go
Fun with French
Yet Another Skit
Gladitorial Combat

November -0001:
The New Deal

August 2002:
Jesus at an office party
The Son of Sam Sitcom (part one)
Fashion Victims
Ham Heaven
Atomic Jane

July 2002:
Martha Stewart goes to Afghanistan
The Express Car

June 2002:
Barfagetti's: The reuseable meal
Polio for men
Time travelling losers
The Liverspot-High talent show
Man vs. machine
The dead body sketch

May 2002:
A man breast feeding
Old yeller
Satan entering heaven

There were a total of 3494 posts in 2016.
Years: 2016 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002


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